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05-11-2021, 02:04 AM
I've never heard of this organization before, but I found this article to be interesting. AMAC .. Association of Mature American Citizens.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-11-2021, 03:56 AM
I've never heard of this organization before, but I found this article to be interesting. AMAC .. Association of Mature American Citizens.


Useful idiots + corrupt assholes= the dem party.
Both controlled by an allied junta, the globalists using a leftist/socialist ideology to overthrow the American Constitutional Republic.
Which is fact , not fiction...-Tyr

05-11-2021, 04:26 AM
I've never heard of this organization before, but I found this article to be interesting. AMAC .. Association of Mature American Citizens.


"Useful idiots" is a term first coined by Vladimir Lenin when describing those academics and people marching in the streets in support of a Marxist revolution.

But, as Yuri Bezmenov, a former KGB agent who defected to the West in the 1980s, pointed out, the names of these people were kept on lists. Once the Marxist revolution came about and the Marxists assumed power, the useful idiots were "normalized". "Normalized" is a euphemism for "arrested, put up against a wall, and shot".

There you go, fight for the revolution, your reward will be a reservation in a mass grave somewhere out in the middle of nowhere.

If it weren't for the loss of all of our liberties and way of life, it would be worth it seeing the politicians, Hollywood types, academics, Antifa, and BLM activists who hate this country get what they deserve.

05-11-2021, 04:21 PM
Once they have the SOCIALIST spider web over the entire nation. Using the DUMBED DOWN education system from K to HARVARD INDOCTRINATION but NO Education.
Liberals will have MILLIONS of FELLOW USEFUL IDIOTS LIKE THEM...to avoid competition, and make EVERYBODY Equally USEFULLY....USELESS!