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View Full Version : Joe Biden Mask Tweet Riles Republican Lawmakers

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-14-2021, 09:36 AM

Joe Biden Mask Tweet Riles Republican Lawmakers
James Walker 3 hrs ago

President Joe Biden angered Republican lawmakers on Thursday night after he told Americans they had to receive a COVID-19 vaccine or wear a face mask until they did.

Joe Biden wearing a suit and tie: President Joe Biden takes off his mask as he approaches the podium to speak on job numbers from April, 2021 at the East Room of the White House May 7, 2021 in Washington, DC.© Alex Wong/Getty Images President Joe Biden takes off his mask as he approaches the podium to speak on job numbers from April, 2021 at the East Room of the White House May 7, 2021 in Washington, DC.
GOP lawmakers likened the president to a "tyrant" in social media posts, saying the federal government couldn't force Americans to wear face coverings.

Yesterday the White House lifted the rule that all staff and visitors have to wear masks in the building. Those who have been fully vaccinated against coronavirus no longer have to wear face coverings. Politico reported that congressional staff were also told restrictions on Capitol Hill would be rolled back for those had received their shots.

Current Time 0:32
Duration 0:58
Biden Announces New CDC Mask Guidelines For Outdoors, Those Who Are Fully Vaccinated
Click to expand
"The rule is now simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do," President Biden tweeted on Thursday. "The choice is yours."

Responding to Biden's post, Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) wrote: "Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants."

Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) tweeted that the federal government could not "force you to wear a mask until you're vaccinated" and would have "no way of tracking vaccinations" even if such a mandate were passed. "This doesn't account for natural antibodies," he added.

"'The choice is yours' sounds an awful lot like a threat, Joe," tweeted Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ). "You have no business issuing fear-based ultimatums to the American people. They have the freedom to choose whatever they please—vaccine or not."

Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son of former President Donald Trump, also weighed in on the issue. "Um, team Biden Joe somehow got a hold of his Twitter account and is talking all crazy again," he wrote.

Newsweek has contacted the White House for further comment and a response to the GOP lawmakers.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new face mask guidelines on Thursday. It said people who had received their final COVID-19 vaccine dose would not need to wear a face mask or keep 6 feet apart from others, starting 14 days after their final shot.

The guidelines apply to indoor and outdoor settings, but the CDC also cautioned that face coverings may still be required under federal or state laws.

"You can resume activities without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance," the public health body said.

It added later that fully vaccinated people would still be required to wear a mask in health care settings and on planes, buses, trains and other forms of public transport while traveling into, within or outside the U.S.


President Joe Biden angered Republican lawmakers on Thursday night after he told Americans they had to receive a COVID-19 vaccine or wear a face mask until they did.

No, you ffing tyrannical piece of shit we do not. I damn sure do not..
Your arent the Fuehrer and this is not --Nazi Germany!! At least not yet....
I know you and your damn treasonous party- think you get to rule over us as if we are just slaves but that is not the case, at least not yet.

That POS moron puppet has angered a hell of a lot of citizens other than just Republican politicians with that arrogant, power-mad dictatorial decree.
He is not a king and not even my President. So he can ffkk off..

His gestapo act does not cut it with true Americans --maybe it does with the ffing sheeple, and the scum that voted for the ffing worm..- :saluting2:--Tyr

05-14-2021, 01:44 PM
Now the fun will begin.

The CDC, who also sucks, comes out and now says that once vaccinated you no longer need to wear a mask whether outdoors or indoor. How it should be obviously. But this won't apply in many places and in instances like flying and such, proof will be needed. And at the same time, even regular places can still require one or no business for you.

So now it will only lead to more fighting is my guess. Many places are still going to require one, from stores to workplaces to federal places. And then the ninnies demanding of proof out there when it's not required.

I'll be fully vaccinated in a couple of days and that's the end of masks for me here in NY! Admittedly though I'll give in for flying and such, and will respect places like hospitals or where the elderly or compromised may be.

Joe and company are upset that their fear porn will be overruled to an extent. :rolleyes:

The Pentagon turned around with a memo sent out allowing for folks to no longer wear them if vaccinated.

At the same time, Pelosi won't change House rules and will still require masks.


Nancy Pelosi Will Force Vaccinated Members to Wear Masks on House Floor Despite CDC Guidelines

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will force vaccinated House members to wear masks on the House floor despite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) new guidelines.

“No,” Pelosi replied. “Are they all vaccinated?” she retorted when asked if she would change the rule requiring masks on the floor.


However, 33 House Republicans signed a letter asking Pelosi to normalize voting procedures and return to maskless House requirements Thursday, the Daily Caller reported.

“Speaker Pelosi, In accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance released on May 13, 2021 we urge you to immediately return to normal voting procedures and end mandatory mask requirements in the House of Representatives,” Rep. Bob Gibbs (R-OH) wrote in the letter.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/05/14/nancy-pelosi-will-force-vaccinated-members-wear-masks-house-floor-despite-cdcs-guidelines/

Pentagon Drops Mask Mandate for Fully Vaccinated Personnel

The Pentagon on Friday morning released a memo from Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks informing Department of Defense (DOD) personnel that masks are no longer required indoors or outdoors on DOD facilities for those who are fully vaccinated, in accordance with new Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines.

“Fully vaccinated DoD personnel (who are at least two weeks beyond their final dose) are no longer required to wear a mask indoors or outdoors at DoD facilities,” the memo from Hicks said.

The memo also said personnel who are not fully vaccinated should continue to follow applicable DOD mask guidance, including continuing to wear masks indoors.

The memo did not clarify how the policy will be enforced or if personnel are required to prove they are fully vaccinated.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/05/14/pentagon-drops-mask-mandate-fully-vaccinated-personnel/

05-14-2021, 04:01 PM
I'm still required to wear at work, they're still handing out masks to customers, some are saying, "No". I'm not wearing anywhere else.

Bottom line, those that choose no vaccine, I've always been fine with that. Most will be just fine. It's not my responsibility at this point to protect others.

Time to move on.

05-14-2021, 07:45 PM
Can't wait to get carded at the Dollar General. That' got to be next.

Biden is an all around idiot and embarrassment

05-15-2021, 12:25 PM
Can't wait to get carded at the Dollar General. That' got to be next.

Biden is an all around idiot and embarrassment

That would give a new meaning to their company name. They could make their logo a cartoon General saying, "Do as you're told!", or they could change their name to General Nuisance.

05-15-2021, 04:49 PM
If our Government of IDIOTS can instruct us to wear a mask..or ELSE. What is to stop them from reaching further...like Good Little Socialist/Communists to DEMAND where we can LIVE, What we can EAT, Where we can GO, What Doctor or Hospital we MUST go to, Where we can WORK, how much we are permitted to EARN, how much we can TAKE HOME (Oh, they already do that with TAXES), what schools we MUST go to (public/govt.), what we will have our children LEARN (they are doing that already too), and WHAT INFORMATION WE MUST LISTEN TO LIKE THE FAKE NEWS that caters to the DEMOCRAT/SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST Politicians we all LOVE TO HATE????????????????????????????????

This is not a joke. But Congress is telling Wimpy Joe what HE is allowed to say, do, and most importantly....SIGN to control ALL OF US. PERIOD!

Know what that's called??? ANYONE......ANYONE.....ANYONE???


1. a system of highly centralized government in which one political party or group takes control and grants neither recognition nor tolerance to other political groups.
2. autocracy in one of its several varieties.
3. the character or traits of an autocratic or authoritarian individual, party, government, or state. — totalitarian, n., adj.
dictatorship (dɪkˈteɪtəˌʃɪp)
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the rank, office, or period of rule of a dictator
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) government by a dictator or dictators
3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a country ruled by a dictator or dictators
4. absolute or supreme power or authority

05-16-2021, 01:36 AM
Went to Kohl's, Walmart, Frys, CVS, Hair Salon .... no masks. Had to wear mask from front door to table in restaurant which is literally 10'. Is that the only place you can get covid?

Lots of people with mask but no one says a word. I do have to admit wondering if any of them watch news.

05-16-2021, 09:40 AM
That would give a new meaning to their company name. They could make their logo a cartoon General saying, "Do as you're told!", or they could change their name to General Nuisance.I am actually laughing at how un-funny that comment is :laugh:

05-16-2021, 09:50 AM
Went to Kohl's, Walmart, Frys, CVS, Hair Salon .... no masks. Had to wear mask from front door to table in restaurant which is legal 10'. His that's the only place you can get covid.

Lots of people so with mask but no one days a word. I do have to admit wondering if any of them watch news.Nothing has changed here. I still need my second shot to get "der papers" in order so I'm not complaining. The stores I go to are still requiring masks.

Thing is, no one around here is bitching about anything that I am aware of. No one ran out celebrating that the magic unicorn has waved its wand and we're all safe today. Just not yesterday :rolleyes: None of us that are regularly outside in the neighborhood wear them. Can't say what the people hiding inside are doing :)

IMO, we need to move on and take that bullet out of the left's guns.