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View Full Version : Confidence in Anthony Fauci Has Decreased 42.2 Percent

05-21-2021, 10:47 AM
For the life of me I can't imagine why?

Wouldn't have nothing to do with a single misleading statement, would it? Or what if he added a few more of those, but you know, he thought it the right thing to do. :rolleyes:

Or if he did even a few more? And what if it turned out that he may have lied once, or 5 or 6 times?

Yeah, still cannot understand why the decrease in confidence? :rolleyes:


Confidence in Anthony Fauci Has Decreased 42.2 Percent Among Americans in Past Year

Confidence in Dr. Anthony Fauci has decreased 42.2 percent among Americans in the past year, according to a Trafalgar Group survey.

Respondents were asked, “Has your confidence in Dr. Fauci gone up or down in the past year?” While 42.2 percent said confidence has gone down, 22.1 percent said it has increased, and 26.1 percent said it is unchanged.


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/05/21/confidence-anthony-fauci-decreased-42-2-percent-americans-past-year/

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-21-2021, 11:11 AM
For the life of me I can't imagine why?

Wouldn't have nothing to do with a single misleading statement, would it? Or what if he added a few more of those, but you know, he thought it the right thing to do. :rolleyes:

Or if he did even a few more? And what if it turned out that he may have lied once, or 5 or 6 times?

Yeah, still cannot understand why the decrease in confidence? :rolleyes:


Confidence in Anthony Fauci Has Decreased 42.2 Percent Among Americans in Past Year

Confidence in Dr. Anthony Fauci has decreased 42.2 percent among Americans in the past year, according to a Trafalgar Group survey.

Respondents were asked, “Has your confidence in Dr. Fauci gone up or down in the past year?” While 42.2 percent said confidence has gone down, 22.1 percent said it has increased, and 26.1 percent said it is unchanged.


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/05/21/confidence-anthony-fauci-decreased-42-2-percent-americans-past-year/

Just goes to show that they are not quite as blind and dumb as I had previously come to believe they are.
Or is that in error and this one thing merely a fluke?
Time will tell, methinks..
As time and reality oft have a way of revealing the deeper (oft so very sad) truth about people, imho.-Tyr

05-21-2021, 11:59 AM
22.1 increased confidence and 26.1 unchanged about a person who has been wrong, or actually just talking out his ass.

Dems :rolleyes: