View Full Version : Democrat Politicians, ‘Woke Media’ Trying to Turn Military into ‘Pansies’

05-22-2021, 11:59 AM
Joe has made our military weaker. Thay very well may not be physically weaker overnight, but a drastic difference has been made nonetheless. Other countries are laughing and see us as weaker. Citizens within the country see our military as weaker. I'm confident that some in the military themselves agree with that sentiment as well.

And not because they are weak - but because they are being lead by weaker people. And like Ted, this isn't a critique of the military folks, but simply about leadership and what they want to do with our men and women.

"It begins in California, with a little girl raised by 2 Moms.... marched for equality.... marry my other Mom...."

What in the F?? What does this have to do with our military and defending our nation from those who may bring us harm?


Ted Cruz: Democrat Politicians, ‘Woke Media’ Trying to Turn Military into ‘Pansies’

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), in a tweet Friday, fired back at Democrats and “woke media” claiming he was attacking the United States military when he criticized the Army’s latest recruitment campaign.

“I’m enjoying lefty blue checkmarks losing their minds over this tweet, dishonestly claiming that I’m ‘attacking the military.’ Uh, no. We have the greatest military on earth, but Dem politicians & woke media are trying to turn them into pansies,” he tweeted.

He added, “The new Dem videos are terrible,” in reference to the recruitment campaign. The campaign consists of five anime videos highlighting soldiers who are either female, minorities, or both, and conspicuously does not include a white male.


The Army recruitment video that has received the most attention features a young white female soldier who talks about growing up with two lesbian mothers and participating in pro-LGBT rallies.

Cruz first weighed in on the video Thursday evening after it was featured in a tweet that compared it to a Russian recruitment video. The Russian recruitment video shows young men conducting tough physical and weapons training.

Cruz tweeted: “Holy crap. Perhaps a woke, emasculated military is not the best idea….”


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/05/21/ted-cruz-democrat-politicians-woke-media-trying-to-turn-military-into-pansies/

05-22-2021, 12:19 PM
Looks like the same folks that run Biden's account run this, or just the same tactics. Don't like comments? Delete and/or turn them off. Delete dislikes and all that crap.


US Army Shuts Down Comments on ‘Woke’ YouTube Videos After Barrage of Mockery

The US Army has turned off the comment sections for their “woke” recruiting videos, including the one featuring a female soldier with two moms.

One of the sappy and pandering recruitment videos in their “The Calling” series features Corporal Emma Malonelord from California. It had 61,000 dislikes and only 3,400 likes as of Saturday morning.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/us-army-shuts-comments-woke-youtube-videos-barrage-mockery/

05-22-2021, 03:03 PM
Some will laugh, some will be angry, but I don't GIVE A CRAP.

This WUSSY stuff in the Military actually began during the CLINTON White House years.

I base that on...being offered $44,000 Dollars from the DOD to end my career like the other WUSSES that took the offer during the Clinton Drawdown of all of the military. They were almost ORDERED to either accept the DOD blackmail offer, or get nothing while being discharged with NO BENEFITS at all.

GUNNY...must remember this stuff too!

Clinton Defense Budget Cuts Into Troops, Ships
MARCH 27, 1993 12 AM PT
WASHINGTON — President Clinton, unveiling his first military spending plan Friday, sent Congress a $263.4-billion defense budget for fiscal 1994 that would reduce troop strength to a level not seen since the Korean War but would keep most major weapons systems intact.
According to documents to be formally released at the Pentagon today, Clinton recommended spending $12 billion less than former President George Bush had proposed for next year, the first installment in a plan to spend $88 billion less for defense over the next four years than the Republican Administration had recommended.

“This is in many ways the first truly post-Cold War budget,” Defense Secretary Les Aspin said in a prepared statement accompanying the budget. “It cuts Cold War forces and begins to buy the new capabilities we need to meet the new dangers we face.”

The budget would reduce troop strength by 108,000 from its current level of 1,775,000 and mark the start of a major reduction for the Navy by retiring 28 active warships, including one aircraft carrier and two reserve vessels.

05-22-2021, 08:27 PM
I do recall the drawdown. He increased our Optempo while sacking us for bodies. We were staying out longer with shorter turnarounds.

They weren't buying me out.

05-22-2021, 08:47 PM
I agree with Cruz. You cannot have an "I/me" military. Doesn't work.

But, bearing in mind the thread we had on DepSecDef ' s bull, they are teaching critical race theory and 1619 to the troops. Your average 18 years old was born after 9/11. Most are dumbasses that don't know any better. Only what they're told.

A properly functioning unit has optimum cohesion . Each member has to trust the others implicitly. Any other way gets you killed.

05-22-2021, 10:20 PM
I've been pondering the math on this. This retired General Deputy SecDef puts a different spin on this. He is basically ordering military personnel to believe what he tells them, despite what the Constitution says. Label and expose those who don't.