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05-25-2021, 11:19 AM
Another email...

Just some random thoughts I wanted to share with all of you while sitting on my porch on a bright sunny morning in May 2021:

1. I find it fascinating…and humorous… that democrats consider themselves pure as the driven snow, and all of the unwashed nonbelievers like Republicans and anyone who disagrees with democrats are…wait for it…racists. That word is used far too often these days to the point where it loses any real meaning. But I do seem to recall quite vividly 1964 when, on the floor of the U.S Senate, Democrats held the longest filibuster in our nation’s history…75 days…all trying to oppose and prevent the passing of one bill…The Civil Rights Act! Their effort failed, and do you know who was at the center of that filibuster? None other than our current President Joseph R. Biden, the self- proclaimed champion of Black Americans. Remember his admonition to a black man during his campaign…”If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black!” Fathom the hypocrisy!

2. I see where Coca-Cola supports Major League Baseball’s decision to move the All-Star Game from Atlanta, Georgia to Denver, Colorado in protest over the so-called tougher stand taken by the Georgia Legislature dealing with elections. Someone might mention that the next time you buy a bottle of coke and take a sip from it, you would do well to remember that the founder of Coca-Cola was Lt. Colonel John Pemberton of the Confederate Army’s 12th Calvary. Maybe it is time for the rest of us to ban this racist drink? I do not drink it at all anymore.

3. I started to think about some historical tragedies and break them down a bit. This is how I organized my thinking:

Who killed Abraham Lincoln a democrat
Who killed JFK a democrat
Who killed Martin Luther King a democrat
Who started the KKK democrats
Who owned slaves democrats
Who supported segregation democrats
Who lynched blacks in the South democrats
Who interred thousands of Japanese
in camps just because they were
Japanese but also American Citizens democrats
Who started the Confederacy democrats

And who today in 2021 are considered Racists Republicans

Funny how that works, don’t you think?

4. So, let me get this straight. Today, in 2021,
● If you are white you are a racist, unless you are a liberal democrat.
● If you are black in America today, you are black unless you support Donald Trump, then you are an “Uncle Tom”.
● If you are part of a mob of people rioting and looting stores and burning down buildings, you are considered a peaceful patriot, and, most importantly, immune from the effects of Covid 19.
● However, if you attend a Trump Rally, you are deemed a white supremacist who wants to spread the disease.
● If you are an immigrant trying to gain entrance to the United States illegally, you will be welcomed with open arms, given food, shelter, a monthly stipend, health care, and free travel to points in the U.S. You will not be subject to Covid testing, and you will be put up in hotels paid for by the U.S. Taxpayer.
● But, if you are an American citizen, even a homeless Veteran, you will receive none of these benefits.

Isn't that about right?

5. I wonder if anyone remembers Joe Biden saying that “Antifa are courageous Americans?”. Yes, he said that folks! I heard him!

Over the past ten years we have seen some tragic deaths in our nation which were quickly labeled the result of “police brutality” even in the face of a mountain of evidence to the contrary. Consider this:

Travon Martin was killed in 2012
Michael Brown was killed in 2014
Eric Garner was killed in 2014
Tamir Rice was killed in 2014
Sandra Bland was killed in 2015
Freddie Gray was killed in 2015

Funny how all of these occurred during the Obama Presidency when Joe Biden was Vice President. In all of these deaths, police were found to be innocent of police brutality. So why are we heaping such praise and millions of dollars on the family of George Floyd, a career criminal, who broke the law time and time again?

7. I think our country will become a better place when we stop trying to pit whites against blacks, Asians against Puerto Ricans, and when everyone realizes that there really are only two kinds of people in the world…good people and bad people. Ethnicity doesn’t matter and never has. People should be judged on the content of their character not on the color of their skin as Martin Luther King so eloquently reminded us.

8. Imagine, if you will, a world in which every tweet must be analyzed and scrubbed for politically insensitive expression or offensive language and fact-checked thoroughly. But to suggest that this be done with voting is, well, racist!

9. The Washington Redskins are no longer called “Redskins” because suddenly after about 80 years the name “Redskins” is offensive. I’m just spiffballing here a bit, but the U.S military has “Tomahawk” Cruise Missiles, “Apache”, “Blackhawk”, “Kiowa” and “Lakota” Helicopters and Seal Team Six used the code name “Geronimo” when they killed Osama Bin Laden, but that same federal government….our government…objects to using the name “Redskins” for a football team. Wonder what will happen to the MLB Cleveland Indians, Atlanta Braves, and a rash of minor league franchises. Have we become that sensitive?

10. If people who worked on the Keystone XL Pipeline can, in the words of that pinnacle of virtue and would-be war hero, John Kerry, find jobs making solar panels, then people who are collecting unemployment can do the same. Right? So why do we need to provide them with supplemental unemployment income for the next four months? Isn’t it in the economy’s best interests to get these people back to work and producing goods and services rather than to continue on with subsidized governmental benefits?

11. With regard to gun control, here are some thoughts from the perspective of a hardened criminal:

“I am a hardened criminal with a rap sheet as long as your arms held outstretched. I do not care about your gun laws because I do not buy guns in a firearm store. Background checks do not phase me in the least. If you focus your attention on law-abiding citizens and make it tougher on them to own weapons for their protection or for hunting, that is music to my ears. Keep taking guns away from good citizens, that is exactly what I want”.

If an upstanding citizen gets into a fender bender accident, do you take his or her car away? Then, why take guns away from hunters and people looking to protect themselves from criminals?