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View Full Version : A Sample of 950 Military Ballots Were Recently Audited In Georgia

05-25-2021, 12:49 PM
A small sample for sure, but still no way. And this is why they are fighting so hard against audits.

I still don't see millions and millions of votes - but seems like everything that is in fact looked at ends up with issues.


A Sample of 950 Military Ballots Were Recently Audited In Georgia and All Went for Joe Biden

In Georgia in a sample of military ballots were reviewed recently and all went for Joe Biden. There is no way these were legit.

Yesterday John Fredricks was interviewed on the War Room with Steve Bannon. There were many nuggets in Fredricks’ interview. Another key item discussed involved military ballots. Fredericks said that of 950 military mail-in ballots sampled in a recent review, 100% went to Biden.

We reported previously how the military ballots in Georgia and Michigan were nearly all mysteriously and impossibly for Joe Biden. (This most likely occurred across the country. This is what the Democrats think of our military.)

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/impossible-sample-950-military-ballots-recently-audited-went-joe-biden/

05-25-2021, 04:13 PM
Definitely a no way. 950-0? Not happening. Not military votes. Even in bro-washed GA.

05-26-2021, 07:14 AM
Yesterday John Fredricks was interviewed on the War Room with Steve Bannon. There were many nuggets in Fredricks’ interview. Another key item discussed involved military ballots. Fredericks said that of 950 military mail-in ballots sampled in a recent review, 100% went to Biden.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/impossible-sample-950-military-ballots-recently-audited-went-joe-biden/

Hmmm, interesting. But I have trouble believing any source where the entirety of it is wrapped up in a youtube video.

05-27-2021, 01:53 PM
Hmmm, interesting. But I have trouble believing any source where the entirety of it is wrapped up in a youtube video.

I would love to know more about these ballots, and perhaps an audit overall in Georgia.

But admittedly I ran on that one much too quickly. Read it entirely and took the link/knowledge at it's word. Didn't even realize it was based on a video and his word only for now. My bad there.

But still way too many issues for my liking and way too much pressure and money and time being spent on stopping any audits and mostly no cooperation.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-27-2021, 02:02 PM
I would love to know more about these ballots, and perhaps an audit overall in Georgia.

But admittedly I ran on that one much too quickly. Read it entirely and took the link/knowledge at it's word. Didn't even realize it was based on a video and his word only for now. My bad there.

But still way too many issues for my liking and way too much pressure and money and time being spent on stopping any audits and mostly no cooperation.

For me it takes only this reality to give more than a hint about the corruption, the stolen election.
That is how hard the dems fight against any new measure that is put forward to safeguard the legitimacy/accuracy of future elections!
Any measure designed to prevent cheating --they-- are 100% against..

If that does not speak volumes about what they are (corrupt/cheaters) and what they are doing then water isn't wet.
They depend on being able to cheat in elections and it is their usual method , which is why honest people despise them.....--Tyr

05-27-2021, 06:57 PM
I would love to know more about these ballots, and perhaps an audit overall in Georgia.

But admittedly I ran on that one much too quickly. Read it entirely and took the link/knowledge at it's word. Didn't even realize it was based on a video and his word only for now. My bad there.

But still way too many issues for my liking and way too much pressure and money and time being spent on stopping any audits and mostly no cooperation.

I looked for something to validate the source and didn't really find anything but some other audit type things going on. I don't really have any doubt in the results last year. It should never have happened though.

... then water isn't wet.

But is it? (https://lmgtfy.app/?q=is+water+wet)

05-28-2021, 11:21 AM
I looked for something to validate the source and didn't really find anything but some other audit type things going on. I don't really have any doubt in the results last year. It should never have happened though.

I have many many doubts in quite a few areas. But I can't confidently say that any of it changed the election, that's what audits and such are for. More importantly at this stage, is looking into many things and making changes going forward.