View Full Version : Holy Shit!

05-25-2021, 05:04 PM
I was watching this video now so have no idea how long it is but I think almost 2 hours. I've watched 20 minutes and I'm sick to heart about what this guy has discovered and also heartened that he found it and is exposing these people.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD ran for office, got shafted, tweeted about the election corruption and banned ... twice ... second time after a judge told Twitter they were not allowed. He has discovered that governments around the world have a "Partner Support Portal" (PSP), a "trusted partner portal", with social media that they (government) use to tag someone (influencer) for scrutiny, especially anyone who criticizes government officials. Twitter legal counsel wrote the handbook being used called The Elections Operations Influence Playbook. If that doesn't scare you, you're not worried about the future of the world. It's being used in several countries.

He has a suit against NASED, National Association of State Election Directors, Twitter and others. He's been representing himself against big tech law firms and government law firms but had a judge that was so blown away he's allowing the lawsuit in spite of Section 230 because the collusion with government takes them out of private entity protection.

This is a must watch video because it should be hitting the news soon. Long, but if you believe in First Amendment you have to see this.


05-25-2021, 06:58 PM
Not surprised. Tyr's gonna have a stroke :laugh:

05-25-2021, 07:26 PM
Not surprised. Tyr's gonna have a stroke :laugh:
I came close. The guy has a healthy ego but he's pretty smart and I'm glad he found what he found. Puts the conspiracy theory about the government censoring free speech to bed.

And, he's pissed at both sides ... let and right. Says it's about all Americans no matter which party.

05-25-2021, 09:17 PM
Not surprised. Tyr's gonna have a stroke :laugh:

How many times do we have to be reminded. DON'T TRUST ANY POLITICIANS...Even the one's you'd like to trust...but HOW MUCH DO THEY KNOW, and HOW MUCH WON'T "THEY" ADMIT IT TOO????


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-25-2021, 09:47 PM
Yes, the organized corruption in this country is appalling. The fact that so many government, a private businesses routinely engage in illegal, unconstitutional activities is a grave threat to this nation's existence, to we citizens and to the general welfare of our population.
Additionally, the reality that the globalists control through a "shadow government" much of our federal government is a very , very grave threat that is totally ignored.
Gunny is correct, in that I am pissed but -nothing one citizen can do about it.
And the majority of citizens have had 60+ years of dem/liberal public education system's brainwashing (bullcrap, PCshit)to blind them into being --good little --sheeple , imho..- :saluting2:-Tyr

And by the way- I feel sorry for anybody that is so blinded that they can not see that the election was stolen and the ffing puppet Biden was installed by the globalists.
My prediction is-- we will not be a sovereign nation - 25 years from now/..
At least not one founded as a Constitutionally based , Representative Republic as was the design and creation of this nation by its Founders.

05-26-2021, 06:33 PM
Have to see how this plays out. Something isn't kosher. All world leaders have secure lines to any and every country they want. If this was official US Government, it would be classified and this guy would be shut up before we ever heard of it.

So who are we talking about?

05-28-2021, 02:36 AM
Have to see how this plays out. Something isn't kosher. All world leaders have secure lines to any and every country they want. If this was official US Government, it would be classified and this guy would be shut up before we ever heard of it.

So who are we talking about?

Did you watch the video? I downloaded the playbook and I can find the legal documents that were filed in suit if you're interested.

05-28-2021, 02:03 PM

As reported by the Montana Gazette, the court documents focus on an invention called Twitter Trusted Partnership and Twitter Partner Support (PSP) Portal. This, according to the Gazette, “is the means and mechanism by which federal or state governments can issue a ‘censorship order’ to Twitter, which has agreed to comply with such orders, as the price of avoiding regulatory oversight.”

07-21-2021, 09:08 AM
An update on the Dr Shiva story
