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View Full Version : Researchers spread liberal mythology

09-22-2007, 01:16 PM

To reassure themselves that liberals are smart, left-wing social scientists periodically conduct research that proves conservatives are Neanderthals. Their latest foray, by New York University researchers squandering $1.2 million in federal grants, concluded the usual stuff — conservatives are simpleminded, less adaptive to change, etc. — plus Ronald Reagan's brain worked like Adolf Hitler's and conservative drivers have difficulty finding their way home when faced with a detour. Their conclusions were based on research subjects' responses to reflexive tests, as if their ability to answer an either-or question correctly in a fraction of a second is predictive of their ability to think analytically.

Liberals, meanwhile, were found to be "relatively disorganized, indecisive and perhaps overly drawn to ambiguity" but "more responsive to informational complexity, ambiguity and novelty." In another context, liberals would condemn stereotypes as racist, sexist or homophobic. But when sweeping generalities reflect poorly on conservatism, well, then they must be true.

But if liberals sort facts better and are good at discarding failed ideas, explain the War on Poverty. Talk about quagmires. This one has lasted more than 40 years and consumed $11 trillion without coming close to its promise to eradicate poverty. Despite irrefutable evidence that their calcified positions are destructive if not deadly, why do liberals also cling to "progressive" policies that chain people to their government, restrict gun ownership, kill unborn children and destroy families?

These and other liberal positions are consistent with the socialist world view, and socialism has failed every time it's been tried: Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, The New Deal, The Great Society, universal health care, etc. Today, the new darling of socialism, Hugo Chavez, is shuttering schools in Venezuela that refuse to use government-approved textbooks.

The dangers of socialism were manifest when economist and political philosopher Friedrich Hayek published "The Road to Serfdom" in 1944. Socialism, he wrote, exchanges individual liberty for state-dictated "fairness," which always conflicts the unalienable rights of free people. Even tentative steps toward central planning, redistribution of wealth and economic control inevitably lead to totalitarianism. "There can be no doubt that the promise of greater freedom has become one of the most effective weapons of socialist propaganda. But it only would heighten the tragedy if it should prove that what was promised to us as the Road to Freedom was in fact the High Road to Servitude."

His words are truer today than ever, yet liberals seem intellectually incapable of seeing the truth. That says a lot more about how their brains function than any contrived laboratory experiment ever will.

09-22-2007, 01:19 PM
the lefts ideas do not work because of the rich

09-22-2007, 01:33 PM
There is no liberal or conservative science there is just science.

I dont feel the studies concluded what this author claims they did and maybe further study would flesh out what is realy behind the correlations these studies find.

When you start on the path of saying science is bad because I dont like the results of it you are on a very scary path. The dark ages tried to stop science because it did not fit the world view of the leaders of the church at the time and the result was not very good for mankind.

Why not instead seek to tell conservative kids to go into science and test what finding you find suspicious? I bet many conservatives do study science and you are labeling them Liberals because you dont like the results of some scientific research.I would reasses my opinions if they constantly clashed with the findings of the world of research instead of just claiming they all must be out to get me..

09-22-2007, 01:39 PM
As a Liberal I believe that I am part of something greater than myself.
Cons appear to believe that there is nothing greater than themselves.

That is why science is so hard for them to grasp. You must be accepting of universal truth that we are but dust in the wind.

09-22-2007, 01:43 PM
As a Liberal I believe that I am part of something greater than myself.Cons appear to believe that there is nothing greater than themselves.

That is why science is so hard for them to grasp. You must be accepting of universal truth that we are but dust in the wind.

that is pretty funny....you believe you are a part of something greater than yourself......yet you have all the answers....

09-22-2007, 01:49 PM
As a Liberal I believe that I am part of something greater than myself.
Cons appear to believe that there is nothing greater than themselves.

That is why science is so hard for them to grasp. You must be accepting of universal truth that we are but dust in the wind.

How is that a universal truth? You have to fight for your right to party cuz we're not gonna take it anymore, so just beat it billie jean.

09-22-2007, 01:50 PM
that is pretty funny....you believe you are a part of something greater than yourself......yet you have all the answers....When you accept then you will have all the answers too!

09-22-2007, 01:52 PM
How is that a universal truth? You have to fight for your right to party cuz we're not gonna take it anymore, so just beat it billie jean.I have partied. I do not take it anymore. That is one reason, of many, that I find republican positions so distasteful.

09-22-2007, 01:52 PM
When you accept then you will have all the answers too!

answers are not necessary.....it is the questions and the journey that are important.....

09-22-2007, 01:53 PM
I have partied. I do not take it anymore. That is one reason, of many, that I find republican positions so distasteful.

prefer doggy style huh?

09-22-2007, 01:57 PM
As a Liberal I believe that I am part of something greater than myself.
Cons appear to believe that there is nothing greater than themselves.

That is why science is so hard for them to grasp. You must be accepting of universal truth that we are but dust in the wind.

I beg to differ with you. I think it is a habit passed to the conservative people of this nation by the slime bags who stole their party from them.

They are not conservitives and are using this once fine party in an attempt to bleed the people dry by using are tax dollars to get even richer and weaken the power of the people so they can control our destinies for their own power and profit.

09-22-2007, 05:46 PM
I beg to differ with you. I think it is a habit passed to the conservative people of this nation by the slime bags who stole their party from them.

They are not conservitives and are using this once fine party in an attempt to bleed the people dry by using are tax dollars to get even richer and weaken the power of the people so they can control our destinies for their own power and profit.Are you suggesting that Barry Goldwater would not know who is a Republican today?

09-22-2007, 06:06 PM
They are not conservatives and are using this once fine party in an attempt to bleed the people dry by using are tax dollars to get even richer and weaken the power of the people so they can control our destinies for their own power and profit.

I might agree with you in some degree that there are some Republicans like you described...And that's why we want to get rid of them...

But...I also believe the old Democrat party has also lost it's way, and you all need to try and take it back from the radicals and socialist, who want total control over our lives....


09-22-2007, 07:24 PM
Are you suggesting that Barry Goldwater would not know who is a Republican today?

Goldwater was pro-choice and wanted to allow gays in the military.

He was really more of a Libertarian.

09-22-2007, 07:27 PM
I might agree with you in some degree that there are some Republicans like you described...And that's why we want to get rid of them...

The only problem with that is that anyone who understands political theory knows that Republicans who are not Conservatives are 95% of the Republican Party.

For example, anyone who supports the War in Iraq. The War in Iraq is a far left war, with roots in the Wilsonian idealism and the Communists who started the Neoconservative movement.