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View Full Version : Our Legacy Corporate Media Is Full of Liars and Propagandists

06-02-2021, 01:45 PM
The MSM gets a grade of an F- for their reporting in the past 5 years or so.

The MSM gets a grade of F- for their honesty in the past 5 years or so.

The MSM gets a grade of A+ for their lying in the past 5 years or so.

And not just lies that are actually just disagreeing. I'm talking PROVEN times they have lied = an endless amount of times. They literally should all be embarrassed.


Our Legacy Corporate Media Is Full of Liars and Propagandists

The collapse of the narrative on the Wuhan virus lab-leak theory ought to be the final straw for these people.

Now that the Narrative Wall has come down in a manner metaphorically quite similar to what happened to the civil infrastructure in Jericho, we can see just how devoid of merit is the American mainstream media.

For an entire year these people, aided by the totalitarians who run the Big Tech social media sites (and one way to let the market punish those guys is to click here and join us at The Speakeasy), have done everything they could to squelch any notion that COVID-19 is the product of irresponsible, if not downright evil, virology research gone wrong in Wuhan, China.

This despite the quite obvious factual basis of the lab-leak theory of how the Wuhan virus got out.

It was known a year ago that three researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology had been hospitalized in the fall of 2019 with symptoms identical to COVID-19. It was also known a year ago that cell-phone traffic had gone dark for 17 days in the vicinity of that facility in October 2019 (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/report-says-cellphone-data-suggests-october-shutdown-wuhan-lab-experts-n1202716) — a tell-tale sign that the place had been evacuated so it could be disinfected. It was well known that safety conditions at the Wuhan lab were poor at best (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/14/state-department-cables-warned-safety-issues-wuhan-lab-studying-bat-coronaviruses/), and it was a time bomb waiting to go off. It was also fairly well known, particularly among the public health bureaucrats working for the U.S. federal government, that research was being done at that facility on bat coronaviruses to produce something exactly like COVID-19. That was known because the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), the agency headed by one Dr. Anthony Fauci, was indirectly funding that research despite it having been banned in 2014. Fauci had created a “national security” workaround from the ban.

All of these things were known. Perhaps not by the public, but by people who were in a position to know.

Months ago, Dr. Robert Redfield, the former head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), publicly endorsed the lab-leak theory. Redfield had enough information to state what was patently obvious; namely, that this virus didn’t come from bat soup cooked up at a Chinese wet market. It had to be engineered to do what it did.

Was Redfield given any credit for having recognized this? No. He was a former head of the CDC, and yet he was treated with yawns.

Why? Because the narrative was already set on the origins of COVID-19. And what was that narrative?

That the lab-leak theory was nuttery. It was a conspiracy theory. It was a racist lie.

And why? Because President Trump, who had access to more information on the subject than most people thanks to his job, correctly identified the lab-leak theory as the most likely explanation for COVID-19’s release into the public.

Now, the legacy corporate media who suppressed that theory for a year have abandoned their efforts and are beginning to catch up to the members of the general public capable of logical analysis.

And their explanation for having suppressed it all this time? (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9635337/Liberal-media-FINALLY-admits-mistake-dismissing-Wuhan-Lab-leak-theory.html)

Liberal media reporters and pundits admitted over the weekend they were wrong to dismiss the Wuhan lab leak theory just because it was espoused by former President Donald Trump.

Mainstream reporters had pushed back at the idea that COVID-19 may have originated in a virology lab in Wuhan, China, and openly ridiculed the idea as Trump spoke openly about it in the early days of the pandemic.

But now, those same reporters have admitted that it is possible that the virus came from a lab leak — as more scientists and political officials openly question the virus’ origins.

‘I think a lot of people have egg on their face,’ ABC News’ Jon Karl told Martha Raddatz Sunday morning.

‘This was an idea that was first put out by Mike Pompeo, secretary of state, [and] President Donald Trump,’ he continued on ABC’s This Week, ‘and some things may be true even if Donald Trump has said them.’

He noted that the idea was widely dismissed at the time, but now ‘serious people are saying it needs a serious inquiry.’

New York Times reporter David Leonhardt also said on CNN that he thinks people ‘leapt to dismiss’ the theory too quickly because it was being espoused by then-President Trump and Republican Senator Tom Cotton, who has also said that the 2020 election was stolen.

‘I think a lot of people on the political left and people in the media made this mistake and said ‘Wow, if Tom Cotton is saying something it can’t be true,’ Leonhardt said. ‘Or they assumed that. And that’s not right.

‘Tom Cotton does deal in misinformation about things like election fraud, he’s said some things that are just wrong,’ Leonhardt continued.

‘But that doesn’t mean that everything he says is wrong, and it seems like a lot of people, including a lot in the media, leaped to dismiss the lab leak theory because of where it was coming from, and the reality is we don’t yet know how COVID started.’

Rest - https://spectator.org/media-covid-19-lab-leak/

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-02-2021, 04:16 PM
The MSM gets a grade of an F- for their reporting in the past 5 years or so.

The MSM gets a grade of F- for their honesty in the past 5 years or so.

The MSM gets a grade of A+ for their lying in the past 5 years or so.

And not just lies that are actually just disagreeing. I'm talking PROVEN times they have lied = an endless amount of times. They literally should all be embarrassed.


Our Legacy Corporate Media Is Full of Liars and Propagandists

The collapse of the narrative on the Wuhan virus lab-leak theory ought to be the final straw for these people.

Now that the Narrative Wall has come down in a manner metaphorically quite similar to what happened to the civil infrastructure in Jericho, we can see just how devoid of merit is the American mainstream media.

For an entire year these people, aided by the totalitarians who run the Big Tech social media sites (and one way to let the market punish those guys is to click here and join us at The Speakeasy), have done everything they could to squelch any notion that COVID-19 is the product of irresponsible, if not downright evil, virology research gone wrong in Wuhan, China.

This despite the quite obvious factual basis of the lab-leak theory of how the Wuhan virus got out.

It was known a year ago that three researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology had been hospitalized in the fall of 2019 with symptoms identical to COVID-19. It was also known a year ago that cell-phone traffic had gone dark for 17 days in the vicinity of that facility in October 2019 (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/report-says-cellphone-data-suggests-october-shutdown-wuhan-lab-experts-n1202716) — a tell-tale sign that the place had been evacuated so it could be disinfected. It was well known that safety conditions at the Wuhan lab were poor at best (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/14/state-department-cables-warned-safety-issues-wuhan-lab-studying-bat-coronaviruses/), and it was a time bomb waiting to go off. It was also fairly well known, particularly among the public health bureaucrats working for the U.S. federal government, that research was being done at that facility on bat coronaviruses to produce something exactly like COVID-19. That was known because the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), the agency headed by one Dr. Anthony Fauci, was indirectly funding that research despite it having been banned in 2014. Fauci had created a “national security” workaround from the ban.

All of these things were known. Perhaps not by the public, but by people who were in a position to know.

Months ago, Dr. Robert Redfield, the former head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), publicly endorsed the lab-leak theory. Redfield had enough information to state what was patently obvious; namely, that this virus didn’t come from bat soup cooked up at a Chinese wet market. It had to be engineered to do what it did.

Was Redfield given any credit for having recognized this? No. He was a former head of the CDC, and yet he was treated with yawns.

Why? Because the narrative was already set on the origins of COVID-19. And what was that narrative?

That the lab-leak theory was nuttery. It was a conspiracy theory. It was a racist lie.

And why? Because President Trump, who had access to more information on the subject than most people thanks to his job, correctly identified the lab-leak theory as the most likely explanation for COVID-19’s release into the public.

Now, the legacy corporate media who suppressed that theory for a year have abandoned their efforts and are beginning to catch up to the members of the general public capable of logical analysis.

And their explanation for having suppressed it all this time? (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9635337/Liberal-media-FINALLY-admits-mistake-dismissing-Wuhan-Lab-leak-theory.html)

Rest - https://spectator.org/media-covid-19-lab-leak/

Media jumped on the wagon going along with --EXACTLY WHAT THE DAMN DEM PARTY WANTED(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!)
Put the larger part of the blame where it truly belongs.
The --globalists-- own the damn dem party and the Damn Dem party owns the ffing media and that is the major threat to this nation.
That did not go away..
It is here and now more powerful than ever with the corrupt idiot puppet--installed as President....
Sometimes the hardest thing to accept is the truth.
That we have a political party that is indeed a major threat to this nation and its very survival.--Tyr