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06-03-2021, 06:27 PM
How sad :(

30 seconds goes by....

I'm happy now! :laugh:

So this poor girl basically dies at the altar. So they put her in the other room - and then he just marries her younger sister! Of course Mom was cool with this and wanted it, the families agreed.

I don't see anywhere though where it says that the younger sister agreed to this? And your wife to be dies, and you don't need to grieve at all and are willing to marry someone completely different minutes later. :rolleyes:

I get it, different cultures an all. But still :cuckoo: IMO.


WEDDING TRAGEDY Bride ‘dies on her wedding day so groom ties the knot with her younger sister as victim lay dead in next room

A BRIDE in India died on her wedding day so her husband-to-be married her younger SISTER instead, reports claim.

The body of the woman, named Surbhi, lay in a room next door as the marriage reportedly took place moments later in Etawah city, Uttar Pradesh.

Surbhi suffered a heart attack at the ceremony after exchanging garlands with husband-to-be Manjesh Kumar as part of Hindu wedding tradition.

A doctor from the local village was called to the scene but was unable to save her.

Surbhi's brother Saurabh said: “It's hard to believe a dead body was in the other room — and a bride was being prepared in the next one.”

Speaking to news agency IANS, he said:”Both the families sat together and someone suggested that my younger sister Nisha should be married to the groom.

“The families discussed the matter and both agreed.”

The last rites of the bride were performed after the marriage.

It is thought the Surbhi's family would likely have been expecting a dowry.

Her mother, Guddi Devi, made an emotional appeal for the wedding to go ahead, it is reported.

Rest - https://www.the-sun.com/news/3004231/bride-drops-dead-heart-attack-wedding-india/

06-03-2021, 06:38 PM
Just shaking my head.

06-03-2021, 07:12 PM
Just shaking my head.

What I did too. I don't care what culture or country, how can you not grieve for the dead properly and with time and care? How do you not take care of that persons remains or at least have them removed from the area prior to any other events? And how in the world do you so quickly forget about one woman and move on to the next? And to do so with her sister? :rolleyes:

And the family and Mom should be embarrassed. To approve and push this so quickly.... and over money somehow?

06-03-2021, 07:24 PM
Because in that culture females are just property ... with less reverance than cattle. The girls parents were selling them ... and the groom didn't care as long as he got what he purchased .. a little girl.


06-03-2021, 09:09 PM
You know what's even crazier? Two dudes marrying each other!


India (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India) does not recognise same-sex marriage (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-sex_marriage) or civil unions (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_union). In fact, it does not possess a unified marriage law. Every Indian citizen has the right to choose which law will apply to them based on their community or religion. Although marriage is legislated at the federal level, the existence of multiple marriage laws complicates the issue. None of these codified marriage acts explicitly defines marriage as between a man and a woman, neither do these acts explicitly prohibit same-sex unions.[1] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recognition_of_same-sex_unions_in_India#cite_note-1) However, the laws have "heteronormative underpinnings" and have been interpreted not to recognise same-sex unions.

You can't argue with the results:

India has the lowest divorce rate in the world: Countries with lowest and highest divorce rates

In India, the divorce rate is less than 1 per cent!


06-04-2021, 08:06 AM
Nisha accepted the offer due to the situation. After this, both were married in a gloomy atmosphere. The incident took place earlier this week.


How sad :(

30 seconds goes by....

I'm happy now! :laugh:

So this poor girl basically dies at the altar. So they put her in the other room - and then he just marries her younger sister! Of course Mom was cool with this and wanted it, the families agreed.

I don't see anywhere though where it says that the younger sister agreed to this? And your wife to be dies, and you don't need to grieve at all and are willing to marry someone completely different minutes later. :rolleyes:

I get it, different cultures an all. But still :cuckoo: IMO.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-04-2021, 08:49 AM
Because in that culture females are just property ... with less reverance than cattle. The girls parents were selling them ... and the groom didn't care as long as he got what he purchased .. a little girl.

In certain (cultures)/(religions), daughters are property-to be sold to the best bidder, imho.
That the other daughter was immediately cast into the recent vacancy shows the truth about such arrangements..
The-- deal--- had to go on....
Of course another huge problem is the immature age of the girls in some of these deals.
Yet in one religion--- age does not matter, girls as young as age 6 \7 are auctioned off to the worthy -"religious" follower/suiter..-Tyr

edit- does anybody care to guess which religion????


Here is a small hint..
One would have to seriously question the stating that both Muhammad and Islam were maligned.
Since it is historic fact, and the ages speak for themselves, age 6 and age 9...
And the modern reality they practice- if the great prophet Muhammad said it or did it --then it is perfectly ok-- it is God ordained...
You know- consummating marriage with a nine year old girl.--Tyr

Writing about Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, the Orientalist scholar W Montgomery Watt wrote: "Of all the world's great men, none has been so much maligned as Muhammad." His quote seems all the more poignant in light of the Islamophobic film Innocence of Muslims, which has sparked riots from Yemen to Libya and which, among other slanders, depicts Muhammad as a paedophile.

This claim is a recurring one among critics of Islam, so its foundation deserves close scrutiny.

Critics allege that Aisha was just six years old when she was betrothed to Muhammad, himself in his 50s, and only nine when the marriage was consummated. They base this on a saying attributed to Aisha herself (Sahih Bukhari volume 5, book 58, number 234), and the debate on this issue is further complicated by the fact that some Muslims believe this to be a historically accurate account. Although most Muslims would not consider marrying off their nine-year-old daughters, those who accept this saying argue that since the Qur'an states that marriage is void unless entered into by consenting adults, Aisha must have entered puberty early.

lol- "" must have entered puberty early"".......


Dare I say that , "the gross, penetrating truth of this rightly shocks truly decent people.."--Tyr

Abbey Marie
06-04-2021, 09:36 AM
I wonder if they would have replaced a dead groom?

06-04-2021, 09:39 AM
I wonder if they would have replaced a dead groom?

That's possible. Many if not most of the people I have worked with in the past decade are from India. The idea is that two families are marrying. If that's the goal and the deceased groom's relative is well educated and has a stable work history, that seems very plausible.

06-04-2021, 12:17 PM
Just shaking my head.

What I did too. I don't care what culture or country, how can you not grieve for the dead properly and with time and care? How do you not take care of that persons remains or at least have them removed from the area prior to any other events? And how in the world do you so quickly forget about one woman and move on to the next? And to do so with her sister? :rolleyes:

And the family and Mom should be embarrassed. To approve and push this so quickly.... and over money somehow?

It IS the culture and you are right that you don't get. Can't say I relate either, but I do understand it is what it is. Marriage is part of survival and or politics in many cultures and has been since forever. Compatibility is more important to survival than the notion of love. Warm n fuzzy feelings don't put food on the table.

06-04-2021, 02:47 PM
It IS the culture and you are right that you don't get. Can't say I relate either, but I do understand it is what it is. Marriage is part of survival and or politics in many cultures and has been since forever. Compatibility is more important to survival than the notion of love. Warm n fuzzy feelings don't put food on the table.

I remember back in college when one of my professors who happened to be from India noticed that I was distressed from having zero success with women. He told me that such distress was hindering achieving my desires. He told me if a finish a Ph.D., that I could go to India and have top quality women auditioning for my hand. He even offered to facilitate it if I requested it after getting a Ph.D. When I asked if any where Christian, he replied "well, you can't have everything".

Mr. P
06-05-2021, 01:21 AM
And some people eat bugs an junk on a regular basis. :laugh:

06-05-2021, 08:54 AM
And some people eat bugs an junk on a regular basis. :laugh:

Getting a steady supply of poon is generally more desirable than eating bugs, that is unless she pulls the pin on the fat grenade a few years down the road. Often from her perspective, being provided for is less effort than studying and seeking employment.