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06-04-2021, 02:34 PM
If this guy is to be trusted - just that much more icing on what many of us believed for awhile now.


Chinese Defector Confirms COVID-19 Was Manmade in a Laboratory – This Is Why the Obama-Biden Gang Has Changed Its Narrative Surrounding the Origins of COVID-19

Over the past half month, there was a sudden change in the reporting related to the China coronavirus. Dr. Fauci’s emails were released and the Biden Admin and the medical leadership in the government suddenly were willing to explore the narrative that the coronavirus was made in a lab.

We now know why.

Adam Housley tweeted that he is being told the increased pressure on the scientific community to be open to and to review the theory that the China coronavirus was made in a laboratory in recent days is due to a defector with intimate knowledge bringing intel to the US that the coronavirus was leaked from a lab in Wuhan.

Corrupt FBI Director Wray didn’t know right away because lower-level FBI Agents wanted to make sure they got all they needed before telling him. Note those in the FBI do not trust Director Wray so they kept this from him as long as possible.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/breaking-chinese-defector-confirmed-covid-19-manmade-laboratory-biden-admin-changed-narrative-surrounding-origins-covid-19/

06-04-2021, 04:46 PM
If this guy is to be trusted - just that much more icing on what many of us believed for awhile now.


Chinese Defector Confirms COVID-19 Was Manmade in a Laboratory – This Is Why the Obama-Biden Gang Has Changed Its Narrative Surrounding the Origins of COVID-19

Over the past half month, there was a sudden change in the reporting related to the China coronavirus. Dr. Fauci’s emails were released and the Biden Admin and the medical leadership in the government suddenly were willing to explore the narrative that the coronavirus was made in a lab.

We now know why.

Adam Housley tweeted that he is being told the increased pressure on the scientific community to be open to and to review the theory that the China coronavirus was made in a laboratory in recent days is due to a defector with intimate knowledge bringing intel to the US that the coronavirus was leaked from a lab in Wuhan.

Corrupt FBI Director Wray didn’t know right away because lower-level FBI Agents wanted to make sure they got all they needed before telling him. Note those in the FBI do not trust Director Wray so they kept this from him as long as possible.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/breaking-chinese-defector-confirmed-covid-19-manmade-laboratory-biden-admin-changed-narrative-surrounding-origins-covid-19/

Those in the FBI don't trust Wray nor going against the admin's narrative without a smoking gun. No one wants to find themselves suddenly assigned to FBI Hqtrs, Waterloo, IA.

Shall we hold breath waiting on Biden to accuse China?

06-04-2021, 06:40 PM
You know, I lost a ton of respect for Gateway Pundit after the last election.

They were peddling pure garbage nonstop about how the whole thing was just about to be blown wide open - and it never materialized. Not once. Really pissed me off and I quit going there.

06-04-2021, 08:12 PM
You know, I lost a ton of respect for Gateway Pundit after the last election.

They were peddling pure garbage nonstop about how the whole thing was just about to be blown wide open - and it never materialized. Not once. Really pissed me off and I quit going there.

Question is, why? Everyone with a brain cell knows where it came from. Regardless the excuses/denials from China and unwillingness by the West led by the US to point a finger, we KNOW China is screwing around with bio weapons. There's nothing else anyone can say given the powers that can call China on the carpet are too chickenshit to do so.

06-05-2021, 01:48 PM
You know, I lost a ton of respect for Gateway Pundit after the last election.

They were peddling pure garbage nonstop about how the whole thing was just about to be blown wide open - and it never materialized. Not once. Really pissed me off and I quit going there.

It's still one of my go to sites - but what I post here I try to always verify first. And why? Because of exactly what you say! I was baited in with all kinds of apparent "proof", and generally it was all soon "forthcoming" - and it just never came. Which is why I was still all in for Trump after the election but then backed off like 2-3 weeks into that. They ran with all kinds of tabloid BS that they never verified. -- Which is why I now only "like" the stuff they post that is basically taken from elsewhere and quoted, and they only offer their opinions on it. But no linky and if it's solely a writers opinion as fact, I won't help further it.

And while seemingly every outlet lies now - what happened after the election was egregious of them. WAY too many articles that were BS. But while acknowledging that, I also still think they are better to visit than left leaning sites. But of course tons of better on the right than them. They're one of a bunch to get a piece of the entire picture at least. Hell, I go to al jazeera for more truth than CNN and msnbc.

06-05-2021, 01:49 PM
What I find really outrageous, is how the CNN-type media for a long time tried to discredit and villify anyone that suggested the virus came from a Wuhan lab. It was always a plausible and even very probably theory, but the CNN-type media tried to attack anyone who talked about it.

We all deserve a 6-month-long apology from all the media outlets and from Fauci. In fact, forget the 6 months. They should just start apologizing continually, and I'll tell them when to stop. (if I ever get around to it :cool:)

06-05-2021, 01:56 PM
Those in the FBI don't trust Wray nor going against the admin's narrative without a smoking gun. No one wants to find themselves suddenly assigned to FBI Hqtrs, Waterloo, IA.

Shall we hold breath waiting on Biden to accuse China?

Never, and likely we will never know a ton about this so called defector. Stuff like that tends to disappear. Look what's happening to Fauci right now over lies and his wrong leading on other issues. The fallout towards others would be huge as well. And not to mention China would be screwed. Which is why he is likely dead already. :laugh:

I don't know if this is one and the same he speaks of. And coupled with it's not "direct proof" enough. I checked via a Google search prior to posting and saw various published headlines, both from the US and other countries. But admittedly, no smoking gun exists that anyone has stated anyway.

Chinese defector virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan publishes report claiming COVID-19 was made in a lab

A virologist who fled China after studying the early outbreak of COVID-19 has published a new report claiming the coronavirus likely came from a lab.

Doctor Li-Meng Yan, a scientist who studied some of the available data on COVID-19 has published her claims on Zenodo, an open access digital platform. She wrote that she believed COVID-19 could have been “conveniently created” within a lab setting over a period of just six months, and “SARS-CoV-2 shows biological characteristics that are inconsistent with a naturally occurring, zoonotic virus”.

Early reports of the origin of the coronavirus, or “spillover event”, were that the virus jumped from animal to human within a wet market in the Chinese city of Wuhan sometime in late 2019.

“The natural origin theory, although widely accepted, lacks substantial support,” Dr Yan writes in the report.

“The alternative theory that the virus may have come from a research laboratory is, however, strictly censored on peer-reviewed scientific journals. Nonetheless, SARS-CoV-2 shows biological characteristics that are inconsistent with a naturally occurring, zoonotic virus.”

Rest - https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/chinese-defector-virologist-dr-limeng-yan-publishes-report-claiming-covid19-was-made-in-a-lab/news-story/36decb0c2bca253b696dec0cb665c970

06-05-2021, 01:58 PM
What I find really outrageous, is how the CNN-type media for a long time tried to discredit and villify anyone that suggested the virus came from a Wuhan lab. It was always a plausible and even very probably theory, but the CNN-type media tried to attack anyone who talked about it.

We all deserve a 6-month-long apology from all the media outlets and from Fauci. In fact, forget the 6 months. They should just start apologizing continually, and I'll tell them when to stop. (if I ever get around to it :cool:)

I have zero doubt that this virus came from something other than a bowl of soup at a Wuhan wet market. It also wasn't naturally occurring from all that I read. It was enhanced, and possibly in various ways. Proving it is the problem.