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06-09-2021, 02:00 PM
Gee, 50k+ to have your kids close their minds!


06-09-2021, 04:01 PM
She is 100% correct and they are failing the students.

06-09-2021, 08:38 PM
She is 100% correct and they are failing the students.

My granddaughter is certainly testament to the author's words. 12 years old a serious piece of work.

06-09-2021, 10:44 PM
Good for her!

Unfortunately, my 22 yo granddaughter will gladly step in and teach according to the new CRT rules. We lost her to the liberal left when she decided to be a liberal arts major in high school and become a teacher. She went to UofA in Arizona and now transferring for masters at NYU while teaching at middle school in Bronx. Bastions of liberalism.

So, for every principled teacher willing to resign there are many brainwashed liberal teachers willing to fill their spot.

We need to start at the elementary school level to get back to the basics and get rid of the social justice crap.

06-09-2021, 11:40 PM
Both of our grown son's have given us six grandchildren. So we get to hear the reality of public schools in both Va. and N.C. now.

Our oldest son tells about PTA meetings they have attended where the proof of the problems is highly visible. Visible in that...many of today's Know-it-all Teachers seem to be less educated about life, and reality than most of their students (6th grade through (now) 12th in both states.
Literally (as I have been told). Many of the teachers are only knowledgeable about their specialty in teaching, while nearly totally uninformed, unaware, and more pretending to be so smart because they have earned their Teaching Degree, and joined the School Boards demands, rather than remaining the TEACHER they once hoped, or thought they would be.

This seems to be a Nationwide kind of problem being led by the Kookie Left, Libtards who want to rule everything THEIR WAY.

06-10-2021, 01:35 PM
Just toss it already please and stop with all of this rewriting, canceling and woke bullshit. :rolleyes:

Parents Are Pushing Back Against Critical Race Theory

Critical race theory (CRT)—the idea that systemic racism permeates American life and American institutions despite all our civil-rights advances—has moved from the academic journals where it began life three decades ago into public-school classrooms and business training programs.

Schoolchildren and corporate employees alike sit through sessions in which they learn that racism is America’s defining feature and that our nation’s “true founding” occurred when a slave ship bearing a cargo of black Africans docked at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619.

And while there may be little that employees can do when their bosses sponsor “diversity” consultants who tell them that white people sail through life on a sea of “unearned privilege,” or that white oppression is the source of most social problems, there’s one group that has been resisting vociferously: parents.

Angry at what looks to them like Marxist indoctrination of their children (with racial antagonism standing in for Karl Marx’s class antagonism), parents are the grassroots force behind bills in about 15 states (signed into law in about four of them) that forbid teaching, for example, that any individual can be “inherently” or “unconsciously” racist or sexist just because of that individual’s race or sex, or that it’s racist to value such character traits as self-discipline and hard work.

On May 14, several Republican members of Congress introduced a bill that would ban the teaching of CRT in federal institutions. But the most intense battles against CRT are being fought at the local level, in the races for local school boards that set education policy in public schools. Those battles have been taking place not just in such conservative and Republican-voting strongholds as Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina, but in localities in true-blue New York, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Washington.

The affluent Washington, D.C., suburb of Loudoun County, Virginia, whose voters went 61 percent for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in November 2020, is a paradigm. A parents’ group is working to recall six of the county school board’s nine members for pushing CRT onto Loudoun schools.

Rest - https://www.theepochtimes.com/parents-are-pushing-back-against-critical-race-theory_3850578.html?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=RCP

06-10-2021, 09:02 PM
Good for her!

Unfortunately, my 22 yo granddaughter will gladly step in and teach according to the new CRT rules. We lost her to the liberal left when she decided to be a liberal arts major in high school and become a teacher. She went to UofA in Arizona and now transferring for masters at NYU while teaching at middle school in Bronx. Bastions of liberalism.

So, for every principled teacher willing to resign there are many brainwashed liberal teachers willing to fill their spot.

We need to start at the elementary school level to get back to the basics and get rid of the social justice crap.
To clarify: my granddaughter is a poster child for cancel culture and critical race theory. We communicate only when absolutely necessary.