View Full Version : PolitiFact Isn't Partisan? Pants on Fire!

06-09-2021, 06:31 PM
This is why I laugh whenever someone uses this as a source to support a democrat or one to bash a republican. That's what the site is for.

Here are the few I just looked up, and their "pants on fire" ratings. You tell me if you think any of these names have ever told a little "fib" before.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - 0%
Ilhan Omar - 0%
Rashida Tlaib - 0%
Adam Schiff - 0%
Nancy Pelosi - 7%
Joe Biden - 3%
Hillary Clinton - 3%
Barack Obama - 1%
Chuck Schumer - 4%
Elizabeth Warren - 0%
Kamala Harris - 0%

Should be all you need to know.


Column: PolitiFact Isn't Partisan? Pants on Fire!

At their recent “United Facts of America Festival,” PolitiFact interviewed Sen. Mark Warner (D.-Va). Their executive director Aaron Sharockman began with some light humor, telling Warner he was one of the more accurate members of Congress. Sharockman complimented Warner for having zero "Pants on Fire" rated claims.

Warner joked "That feels like it should be a low bar. Unfortunately, I don’t think it is."

It's not exactly a tough bar. In fact, my review of all PolitiFact pages for current U.S. Senate Democrats finds that almost every Democratic Senator has zero “Pants on Fire" ratings.

Four Democrat senators have one flaming-pants demerit in the PolitiFact archives: Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Majority Whip Dick Durbin, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Sherrod Brown. No Senate Democrat has more than one. That's right: Bernie Sanders has none. Elizabeth Warren has none. Ethically challenged Robert Menendez has none. Even Vice President Kamala Harris has none.

In fact, 16 Democrat senators (plus independents Bernie Sanders and Angus King of Maine, who caucus with the Democrats) have zero ratings on the False side of the meter. Some have zero ratings whatsoever: Tom Carper of Delaware, Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, and Martin Heinrich and Ben Ray Lujan of New Mexico.

Most Democrat Senators don't even have double-digit fact-check totals. By my calculations, 33 of the 50 members of the Democrat caucus have fewer than 10. Dianne Feinstein’s been in the Senate since first being elected in 1992, and she has eight overall. Patty Murray was also elected that year, and she has two -- a “True” and a “Mostly True.” Patrick Leahy came to the Senate in 1975, and he also only has a “True” and a “Mostly True.”

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/tim-graham/2021/06/09/column-politifact-isnt-partisan-pants-fire

06-09-2021, 06:49 PM
Everybody should know. Here in CA Virginia where Warner pretends to be important while helping TERRY MCAWFULL run for Gov. again.
The DNC/DEMOCRAT Training Camp for Professional Political Liars is here in Virginia. In fact. This state has become so BLUE. Almost every city controlled by Democrats...HAS A CAMPUS of the DNC, and they are even teaching SCHOOL TEACHERS in the Teacher's Union to LIE too!https://www.fauquiernow.com/images/imgsizer/images/uploads/news/640--80-Saslaw_Northam_Filler_Corn_2020.jpghttps://www.washingtonian.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Terry-McAuliffe-hillary-clinton_social.jpg

Here at the Beach. McAWFULL extorted the last Repub (Rino) Mayor and convinced him to SELL HIS SOUL....in the following election...which ended up....Losing.