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View Full Version : Biofuels spread more "greenhouse" gasses, according to study

09-22-2007, 08:52 PM
Interesting, eh?


Study: Biofuels May Disperse More Greenhouse Gases Than Oil

A renewable energy source designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is contributing more to global warming than fossil fuels, a study suggests.

Measurements of emissions from the burning of biofuels derived from rapeseed and maize have been found to produce more greenhouse gas emissions than they save.

Click here for the story from the Times of London

Other biofuels, especially those likely to see greater use over the next decade, performed better than fossil fuels but the study raises serious questions about some of the most commonly produced varieties.

Rapeseed and maize biodiesels were calculated to produce up to 70 per cent and 50 per cent more greenhouse gases respectively than fossil fuels. The concerns were raised over the levels of emissions of nitrous oxide, which is 296 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Scientists found that the use of biofuels released twice as much as nitrous oxide as previously realised. The research team found that 3 to 5 per cent of the nitrogen in fertiliser was converted and emitted.

More at link, above

Doesn't bother me much, one way or another - as I don't buy into the religion of man-made/caused/whatever Global Warming.

09-22-2007, 09:02 PM
Doesn't matter if you believe the science or not, you'll still be just as badly affected as the rest of us :laugh2:

Interesting article though. I still think it's really stupid, growing food for fuel. We need to start thinking beyond that. But hey, just think, if it really works then the Daytona 500 can be moved to Des Moines :coffee: Or you could have the Muscatine Bandag 500 as a brand new event - held in the Home of the Bandag Process!

Hah, I shoulda been in advertising....:D

09-22-2007, 09:04 PM
Doesn't matter if you believe the science or not, you'll still be just as badly affected as the rest of us :laugh2:

hah! man-made global warming is hyperbole, hysteria, and takes more Faith to buy-into than ANY major official religion. :)

09-22-2007, 09:05 PM
what crop does Brazil use? I bet they would never think about going to war in the middle east.

09-22-2007, 09:16 PM
Doesn't matter if you believe the science or not, you'll still be just as badly affected as the rest of us :laugh2:

Interesting article though. I still think it's really stupid, growing food for fuel. We need to start thinking beyond that. But hey, just think, if it really works then the Daytona 500 can be moved to Des Moines :coffee: Or you could have the Muscatine Bandag 500 as a brand new event - held in the Home of the Bandag Process!

Hah, I shoulda been in advertising....:D

Does the steak from the cow you killed, fart?

How many cows are there?

09-22-2007, 09:18 PM
what crop does Brazil use? I bet they would never think about going to war in the middle east.

Your point? How did "brazil" come to be? They just "happened" upon the country? It just happened to be theirs? Those resources just happened to be "brazil's?"

The oil, it just happened to belong to the current regimes?

Yes or no.

09-22-2007, 09:20 PM
what crop does Brazil use? I bet they would never think about going to war in the middle east.

Brazil uses sugar. Maybe you should move there.

09-23-2007, 06:19 AM
I think this is just another sign of why liberalism doesnt work. They rush in to "fix" a problem before they even figure out if "fixing" the problem will even make things better. Usually it just makes things worse.

But it doesnt matter the outcome. It just matters the intentions right? total nonsense.

Its not what you intend but what you do that defines you.

09-23-2007, 06:21 AM
hah! man-made global warming is hyperbole, hysteria, and takes more Faith to buy-into than ANY major official religion. :)

Just remember your sunscreen :laugh2: