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View Full Version : Michael Brown Father Presses Black Lives Matter

06-13-2021, 05:14 PM
I knew a long time ago that this group was being used for various purposes, and definitely a major one was raising money so that many in charge can live new lifestyles.


Michael Brown Father Presses Black Lives Matter, Wants To Know Where $90 Million In Funds Went: Report

The father of Michael Brown, who was fatally shot by police in 2014, has signed on to a group demanding accountability and transparency from Black Lives Matter.

Michael Brown Sr. has signed his name to a new group called BLM 10 Plus, which seeks financial transparency from BLM Global Network Foundation, as controversy surrounding BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullor and her lavish lifestyle continues to bubble.

“Referring to initial calls for more transparency and accountability from the ‘BLM 10,’ the name for the ten original BLM chapters, a new group, deemed the ‘BLM 10 Plus’ is now speaking out,” Fox News reported Friday.

“The number of chapters that have aligned in support of our statement has nearly doubled,” said a statement from BLM 10 Plus, issued Friday. “Some of these chapters have made their own statements echoing not only our call to accountability but also our experiences as we sought transparency, democracy, and internal transformation for years.”

“The BLM 10 Plus continues the call for transparency and most importantly, for principled accountability in movement infrastructures,” the group added. “The issues we’ve highlighted within the Black Lives Matter movement are not unique to this group or to people of color. Grassroots movements have been co-opted across the globe and it is our intention to be a part of the collective creating processes based on integrity so that we, nor any other activist or advocate, encounters these avoidable issues in the future.”

According to DailyMail.com (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9678767/Father-Michael-Brown-joins-anti-BLM-leadership-movement.html), the group is demanding to see how the $90 million raised by the organization has been spent:

Black Lives Matter took in $90 million in 2020, and was left with a balance sheet of $60 million by January 2021. Around $8 million was spent on expenses, including staffing costs with the other $20 million donated to local chapters and nonprofits.

Those numbers – and news of Cullors’ property portfolio – has led to questions about how BLM is spending its money, and complaints over a lack of transparency from bereaved families previously supported by the group.

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/michael-brown-father-presses-black-lives-matter-wants-to-know-where-90-million-in-funds-went-report