View Full Version : Murkowski Challenger Kelly Tshibaka Releases First TV Ad for 2022

06-14-2021, 10:57 AM
NightTrain NT'sGirl

So you guys out there helping her campaign? You better be! Get rid of Murkowski please!!

Nothing great about her commercial other than basically introducing herself.


Murkowski Challenger Kelly Tshibaka Releases First TV Ad for 2022 Election

Kelly Tshibaka, the conservative Republican Senate candidate challenging establishment incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) in Alaska, released her first television ad of the 2022 election on Monday, over a year ahead of the primary matchup.

The ad features the conservative candidate detailing her own Alaska story, highlighting her conservative values and her roots as her parents rose from homelessness to the middle class after moving to the Last Frontier State in the 1970s.

“Growing up wasn’t always easy. My mom and dad were homeless, surviving in a canvas tent. But tough times made me who I am today. I’m a conservative. Pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, and America First. Always. We’re raising our five kids with those same Alaska values.”

“The insiders don’t like me because I spent my career exposing taxpayer fraud and abuse,” Tshibaka continues in the ad. “That’s okay. I’m not running for them. I’m running for you.”

A Tshibaka campaign official confirmed to Breitbart News that the ad will air on broadcast and cable TV in Alaska and described it as a “healthy buy,” although the official would not specify exactly how much.


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/06/14/kelly-tshibaka-releases-tv-ad-2022-election/