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View Full Version : Biden’s illegal-immigration welcome mat caused disaster at the border

06-14-2021, 03:18 PM
During the campaigns, and when Biden became the democrat nominee - it was beyond clear at that point that if he won the election, that it would be a nightmare at the border. 4 years of the left and the MSM screaming about Trump and how he was locking up children, concentration camps... and how they/he would put a halt to that, Biden was promising to take the wall down, welcome people with open arms. And how it was anti-American to do what Trump was doing, and enforcing our laws and building up security. Nope, the democrats were going to put a halt to all of that.

At the time, caravan after caravan had already arrived at out border. If they even remotely were to put their plans into actions, we would have an immigration overflow & that they were also looking for amnesty for how many of them?

And how much of it was put into action and how many reached our borders and how many made it into our country? And how many now sit in those concentration camps? :rolleyes:

Giva ya an idea on the change. First the same from those 6 months the year before, compared with Biden entering the picture:

December - 40,564
January - 36,585
February - 36,687
March - 34,460
April - 17,106
May - 23,237

Those 6 months from the prior year was a total of 188,639.

Then Biden:

December - 74,109
January - 78,442
February - 101,117
March - 173,337
April - 178,854
May - 180,034

The same 6 months this time around but under Biden's term is a total of 785,893


Biden’s illegal-immigration welcome mat caused disaster at the border

or the last few months, the United States has confronted an unsustainable rush of people attempting to illegally cross our southern border.

In March, President Biden put Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of dealing with the crisis. But Harris is in over her head. Even with an extremely friendly media, the veep often gets flustered and angry when pressed on the details — and the number of newcomers has only grown since Harris was tasked with stanching the flow.

Finally, last week, Harris went to Guatemala and pleaded: “Do not come. The United States will continue to enforce our laws and *secure our border.”

But the message was too little, too late. For months, Team Biden had telegraphed that it wouldn’t, in fact, enforce our laws or secure our border. Migrants came en masse, because they believed Team Biden had invited them.

This isn’t some right-wing talking point.

In March, El Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele said that when candidates Biden and Harris vowed in the Democratic primary to give illegal immigrants free health care, it was an “incentive” for people to attempt the perilous journey to the United States. And last week, ahead of Harris’ visit, Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei blamed Team Biden’s wink-wink pro-illegal-migration rhetoric for the surge.

Giammattei said, “The message changed, to: ‘We’re going to *reunite families, we’re going to *reunite children.’ The very next day, the coyotes were here organizing groups of children to take them to the United States.”

Yet the media, largely invested in covering for the president, seem uninterested in analyzing these comments. The prestige press is more interested in how the crisis might play politically for Biden than in whether the administration is to blame for the influx.

Rest - https://nypost.com/2021/06/13/bidens-illegal-immigration-welcome-mat-caused-border-crisis/

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-14-2021, 05:12 PM
The dem party and its third arm ( bought out and faithful ally)- the mainstream media will one day be the cause of the fall of this nation.
Decay- decay from within was what destroyed the mighty Roman Empire.
Great folly to think that --somehow-- we are immunized from that tragic reality..-Tyr