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View Full Version : Republicans Introduce Bill to Fire Fauci, Face of US COVID Response

06-15-2021, 05:32 PM
Eager to blame someone my ass. So eager it took them, what, 1 1/2 years? And how much misleading? And just how many lies? And how many to congress? How many people relied upon any of his lies?

And me, personally, I'm not even saying harm him finanically or whatever - I just think that Fauci the doctor needs to be separated from Fauci the new politician.


Republicans Introduce Bill to Fire Fauci, Face of US COVID Response

Several Republican lawmakers, eager to blame a U.S. government official for the response to the coronavirus pandemic, introduced a bill Tuesday to fire Anthony Fauci, the face of American efforts to combat COVID-19.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene led a handful of colleagues in announcing the so-called Fire Fauci Act, which would reduce the famed infectious disease expert's government salary to zero and require the Senate to confirm someone to fill his position.

Fauci, who has advised seven U.S. presidents, had become a trusted figure in the government's pandemic response, beginning with his work during Donald Trump's administration.

But conservatives have taken aim at his performance, accusing him of misleading Americans and providing contradictory advice on masks and social distancing. He has also been accused of obscuring China's role in the rise of the coronavirus, and particularly theories that it arose from a lab in Wuhan province.

"Dr. Fauci was not elected by the American people. He was not chosen to guide our economy. He was not chosen to rule over parents and their children's education," Greene told reporters.

"But yet Dr Fauci very much controlled our lives for the past year."

The bill is not expected to receive a floor vote in the Democrat-controlled House. Still, the introduction of the fire-Fauci legislation represents the latest effort in an escalating push to fault the noted scientist for worsening the impacts of COVID through faulty advice and deceptions.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/politics/fauci/2021/06/15/id/1025226/

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-15-2021, 05:51 PM
Eager to blame someone my ass. So eager it took them, what, 1 1/2 years? And how much misleading? And just how many lies? And how many to congress? How many people relied upon any of his lies?

And me, personally, I'm not even saying harm him finanically or whatever - I just think that Fauci the doctor needs to be separated from Fauci the new politician.


Republicans Introduce Bill to Fire Fauci, Face of US COVID Response

Several Republican lawmakers, eager to blame a U.S. government official for the response to the coronavirus pandemic, introduced a bill Tuesday to fire Anthony Fauci, the face of American efforts to combat COVID-19.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene led a handful of colleagues in announcing the so-called Fire Fauci Act, which would reduce the famed infectious disease expert's government salary to zero and require the Senate to confirm someone to fill his position.

Fauci, who has advised seven U.S. presidents, had become a trusted figure in the government's pandemic response, beginning with his work during Donald Trump's administration.

But conservatives have taken aim at his performance, accusing him of misleading Americans and providing contradictory advice on masks and social distancing. He has also been accused of obscuring China's role in the rise of the coronavirus, and particularly theories that it arose from a lab in Wuhan province.

"Dr. Fauci was not elected by the American people. He was not chosen to guide our economy. He was not chosen to rule over parents and their children's education," Greene told reporters.

"But yet Dr Fauci very much controlled our lives for the past year."

The bill is not expected to receive a floor vote in the Democrat-controlled House. Still, the introduction of the fire-Fauci legislation represents the latest effort in an escalating push to fault the noted scientist for worsening the impacts of COVID through faulty advice and deceptions.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/politics/fauci/2021/06/15/id/1025226/

Fire the worm hell!!
They need to be prosecuting the corrupt SOB....-Tyr

06-16-2021, 11:12 AM
So trump had about a year to do something about him???

06-16-2021, 11:33 AM
Again with the politics. He should have been fired at least the 3rd or 4th time he flip-flopped by whoever was President at the time. Fauci may or may not have politicized the pandemic himself, but he sure as hell spent his time trying to cater to politics rather than focus solely on addressing a solution to the problem.

06-16-2021, 12:58 PM
So trump had about a year to do something about him???

Absolutely. And fell for all he stated, or believed in him or whatever. Took all he said as gospel and made a lot of major decisions for the entire country based on that. Trump undoubtedly should have 86'd him and didn't. I don't know if there was any competing arguments or information coming in from anyone else in order to counter what he said. So I could understand a few times but after the pattern emerged he should have been gone. Now, I am NOT going to make excuses for him. I do think even the thought of firing him would have been outrageous to the democrats. But that wasn't their decision to make. And when making presidential decisions to close down the country or portions of it, whether from info received from Fauci or whomever, doesn't matter - it's his ultimate decision to make. I think looking back that he should have been canned.

Then the next thought would be - when? Some lies and other things came out later. In the emails for example, known now but wasn't known then. When Trump brought forth hydroxychloroquine, Fauci kinda interrupted and overruled. And then again, to the media, and then it was game on and the hydroxy was canceled. That was in I believe March.

In April of last year, Fauci did an interview and stated he warned Trump in late January that we were in real trouble from covid-19 & that Trump was too late on introducing travel bans. And yet, in February, Fauci himself was out there on the media telling Americans that they didn't need to change anything about their lives. And on February 29 stated you don't need to change anything you're doing at all. So which was it?

On March 26th - again on the media - he stated that the virus was more like a bad flu.

Fauci stated fairly early on that you CANNOT rely on models - after he got predictions wrong by MILLIONS due to following incorrect models.

Way too many "misleadings" in the first 6 months that should have gotten him dismissed, IMO.

06-21-2021, 02:00 PM
Yup, how I feel right here.


Cotton: Fauci ‘Acting as a Democratic Party Activist in a White Lab Coat’

Monday on FNC’s “Fox & Friends,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) criticized National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci for inconsistencies in his guidance on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cotton concluded Fauci was not guided by science, noting his own admissions.

“Yes, Tony Fauci is not acting as a scientist or a doctor anymore,” he said. “He’s acting as a Democratic Party activist in a white lab coat. Why doesn’t he tell us what science — what data backs up the Biden administration’s stupid mask mandate for airports and airplanes? I mean, are you more likely to get the coronavirus at an airport than you are a shopping mall or an airplane with its massive filtration systems?”

“It is really necessary to kick off a family with an autistic child who can’t wear a mask peacefully for an entire airplane?” Cotton continued. “Does Dr. Fauci have evidence to support that from the data and the science? I mean, we shouldn’t allow Tony Fauci and Facebook to determine what we can and cannot say about this virus because from the beginning, he’s been giving politicized advice. He’s admitted that he’s changed his advice based on — or — what would be herd immunity levels. Not based on what he thinks he sees in the data but what he thinks the American people are ready to hear. Why doesn’t he just tell us what the facts are?”
