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View Full Version : am i the only one sick of commericals for body functions, body parts, and stds

09-23-2007, 12:12 AM
You see them every day: Commericals for tampons, diarhea, genital warts, stomach problems, erectile dysfuction, over the counter tablets for women with sexual dysfunction, cold sores, genital herpes, jock itch, athletes foot, head lice, hemmeroids, adult diapers, toe nail fungus, warts (planters, on the hand, not std)., condoms, pregnancy tests, feminine dryness, yeast infections, male enhancement (making your man friend bigger)

It makes me wanna vomit, all the non-sense I see, am i the only one that feels this way?

09-23-2007, 06:25 AM
No. Not at all.

09-23-2007, 06:45 AM
thank god my friend, I wanna throw the tv out the window every time i see that crap, dont you?

Then football makes me happy again :dance:

No. Not at all.

09-23-2007, 08:20 AM
You see them every day: Commericals for tampons, diarhea, genital warts, stomach problems, erectile dysfuction, over the counter tablets for women with sexual dysfunction, cold sores, genital herpes, jock itch, athletes foot, head lice, hemmeroids, adult diapers, toe nail fungus, warts (planters, on the hand, not std)., condoms, pregnancy tests, feminine dryness, yeast infections, male enhancement (making your man friend bigger)

It makes me wanna vomit, all the non-sense I see, am i the only one that feels this way?

Then stop watching so much 2am TV. Companies pay for advertising.. Why does that bother you?

09-23-2007, 09:52 AM
Here's what I don't get...

Janet Jackson shows most of a tit for 2 seconds and people go crazy - yet in the SAME Superbowl I've got commercials talking about erectile dysfunction. Now - Lemme ask you...which 'should' be more offensive to those with 'kids watching the game', a 2-second barely noticeable titty shot...or a 30-second spot talking about erections, penises, and sexual activity?

09-23-2007, 09:54 AM
Here's what I don't get...

Janet Jackson shows most of a tit for 2 seconds and people go crazy - yet in the SAME Superbowl I've got commercials talking about erectile dysfunction. Now - Lemme ask you...which 'should' be more offensive to those with 'kids watching the game', a 2-second barely noticeable titty shot...or a 30-second spot talking about erections, penises, and sexual activity?

Good Point!

Mr. P
09-23-2007, 10:40 AM
Here's what I don't get...

Janet Jackson shows most of a tit for 2 seconds and people go crazy - yet in the SAME Superbowl I've got commercials talking about erectile dysfunction. Now - Lemme ask you...which 'should' be more offensive to those with 'kids watching the game', a 2-second barely noticeable titty shot...or a 30-second spot talking about erections, penises, and sexual activity?

How do you feel about the violence during prime time vs a titty shot?

09-23-2007, 10:45 AM
ads get airtime because they work. the pharmacutical industy could give a shit if their ads disgust some people... clearly, those ads positively impact buying behavior for enough people to make them a good investment.

09-23-2007, 10:46 AM
Neither are harmful. Violence as shown on network TV? No problem. Booby shot? less of a problem. IF my kids had been watching, there's the BIGGEST chance they wouldn't have even noticed.

Now - in Germany, I'd see titty shots on commercials. Just don't get too worked up over that sorta thing

09-23-2007, 10:53 AM
Television sucks. Period. And the gov't is using it to secretly brainwash us by emmitting invisible, mind-altering waves into our living rooms.:smoke:

09-23-2007, 11:02 AM
RWA hacked gunny's account!

Mr. P
09-23-2007, 11:43 AM
Neither are harmful. Violence as shown on network TV? No problem. Booby shot? less of a problem. ....

I disagree and so do many professionals.

Hundreds of studies of the effects of TV violence on children and teenagers have found that children may:

* become "immune" or numb to the horror of violence
* gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems
* imitate the violence they observe on television; and
* identify with certain characters, victims and/or victimizers


Question....what group protested the titty shot the loudest?

HINT: Yer stepping on the religious rights' foreskin. Violence is accepted, a titty shot or even a love scene are not.

09-23-2007, 11:48 AM
I disagree and so do many professionals.


Then you and 'professionals' are wrong. Network TV 'violence' is a non-issue. It's ppl blowing up bombs, fighting, etc. Some "professionals" believe boys shouldn't play with toy guns, or wrestle. I'm a "professional" in my line of work - does that mean my opinion on strategic planning should be heeded by every level of government?

Question....what group protested the titty shot the loudest?

Hrm...the FCC?

HINT: Yer stepping on the religious rights' foreskin. Violence is accepted, a titty shot or even a love scene are not.

I'm not going to take your red herring and turn this into yet ANOTHER opportunity for you to proclaim your hatred of Christians, P.

If you'd like to start a new thread about acceptability standards in terms of what is shown on TV from a Christian perspective, feel free to do so.

09-23-2007, 11:52 AM
Here's what I don't get...

Janet Jackson shows most of a tit for 2 seconds and people go crazy - yet in the SAME Superbowl I've got commercials talking about erectile dysfunction. Now - Lemme ask you...which 'should' be more offensive to those with 'kids watching the game', a 2-second barely noticeable titty shot...or a 30-second spot talking about erections, penises, and sexual activity?

I agree 100% Darin. I would have repped ya if I could!

Mr. P
09-23-2007, 12:05 PM
Then you and 'professionals' are wrong. Network TV 'violence' is a non-issue. It's ppl blowing up bombs, fighting, etc. Some "professionals" believe boys shouldn't play with toy guns, or wrestle. I'm a "professional" in my line of work - does that mean my opinion on strategic planning should be heeded by every level of government?

Hrm...the FCC?

I'm not going to take your red herring and turn this into yet ANOTHER opportunity for you to proclaim your hatred of Christians, P.

If you'd like to start a new thread about acceptability standards in terms of what is shown on TV from a Christian perspective, feel free to do so.

Why do you ALWAYS claim hate when backed to the wall?
Your claim is baseless, I don't hate Christians and that's all you really need know.

09-23-2007, 12:08 PM
Why do you ALWAYS claim hate when backed to the wall?
Your claim is baseless, I don't hate Christians and that's all you really need know.

so.....you're saying it's unreasonable for me to assume you hate Christianity when i've seen you (for years) berate, insult, poke-fun, and otherwise show disdain for the faith?

Okay. My bad.

Mr. P
09-23-2007, 12:17 PM
so.....you're saying it's unreasonable for me to assume you hate Christianity when i've seen you (for years) berate, insult, poke-fun, and otherwise show disdain for the faith?

Okay. My bad.

Boy, if you assumed you really fucked up! Geeeezzzz

09-23-2007, 12:30 PM
Here's what I don't get...

Janet Jackson shows most of a tit for 2 seconds and people go crazy - yet in the SAME Superbowl I've got commercials talking about erectile dysfunction. Now - Lemme ask you...which 'should' be more offensive to those with 'kids watching the game', a 2-second barely noticeable titty shot...or a 30-second spot talking about erections, penises, and sexual activity?

explain valtrex and genital herpes to a 9 year old.....

09-23-2007, 01:06 PM
You see them every day: Commericals for tampons, diarhea, genital warts, stomach problems, erectile dysfuction, over the counter tablets for women with sexual dysfunction, cold sores, genital herpes, jock itch, athletes foot, head lice, hemmeroids, adult diapers, toe nail fungus, warts (planters, on the hand, not std)., condoms, pregnancy tests, feminine dryness, yeast infections, male enhancement (making your man friend bigger)

It makes me wanna vomit, all the non-sense I see, am i the only one that feels this way?
Wait til you get this SPAM in your emails. I have a couple business accounts and I'm here to say, that if I ever get a penis & want it enlarged, need windows, a loan, or some prescription, I will find a place. I don't need your solicitation!

09-23-2007, 05:22 PM
ads get airtime because they work. the pharmacutical industy could give a shit if their ads disgust some people... clearly, those ads positively impact buying behavior for enough people to make them a good investment.

Which begs the following questions:

Who the hell is stupid enough to go to a doctor and demand a drug because they saw an ad?

And who the hell are these doctors giving people drugs they dont need?

Abbey Marie
09-23-2007, 05:29 PM
I understand how you feel, Martin. But on the bright side, it can make you feel lucky to know all the gross and unfortunate things you don't have!

09-23-2007, 09:15 PM
I fell victim to those ads.

Last year during the winter I found that every night I was having more and more trouble falling asleep. This was when they were running adds for Ambien CR and Lunesta every 30 seconds (they still are it seems for Lunesta). I convinced myself that the only way I could get a good night sleep was through getting some fucking pills. The Lunesta commercial was particularly good at convincing me. That little butterfly with the pretty wings would just touch those people and BAM they fall asleep. I kept thinking "that’s what I need!" My parents didn't think it was a good idea but I still went anyway.

The doctor gave me 2 weeks of Ambien CR. As weird as this may sound, the local pharmacy (it's a CVS) screwed up the prescription and gave me like close to a months worth I believe. My mom was gonna take it back so they could fix it but I convinced her that it wasn't necessary, that I would just take 2 weeks worth and then throw away the rest or something.

Needless to say, those pills need to be on the controlled substance list. The first week I would go to bed within half an hour of taking them so I wouldn't feel their affects. But then I started taking them, and not going to bed for 3-4 hours after I took them because those little shits make you high!!! It feels like your drunk only you’re completely out of it. I would do insane things that I didn't remember the next day. Like I honestly could not remember what I did. And the only way I could tell was because of forums like this one. I would wake up the next day and before I went to school log on real quick and see all these things writter under my username and I'd think to myself "I didn't write that shit! WTF?!".

I would take them on Friday nights when I went out, and when I was offered drinks I'd just say "No I'm fine I took an Ambien". The next day my friends would tell me all these funny things I was doing and I wouldn't remember. What I thought was most weird, is that unlike Beynadrel or any other OTC sleep aids, Ambien wont make you fall asleep unless you lay down in bed. I could stay up the whole night after taking one feeling like I was drunk out of my mind and happy about everything.

It was some weird shit. When I ran out of that months supply I was so pissed. I even considered going back and saying "uh yeah I'm still having sleeping problems" just to get more of them.

But I realized that it was wrong for me to be abusing them like that and through self control I decided not to go back.

Thats my insane story of how TV ads almost sent me to rehab! :laugh2:

Has anyone else had similar issues with Ambien?