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View Full Version : Victoria's Secret Angels!! Somewhat *NSFW*

06-17-2021, 02:22 PM
So is this really what America wants now? Is this who companies now want to promote and lay their bottom dollar on?

No more Angels, replaced with purple hair, transgender folks and plus size women?


Ellen Page now Elliot Page


Chaz Bono will grace the cover eventually, nice boobies and all. :rolleyes:


The newest health and beauty


And since they are going with famous with Rapinoe, maybe they will also go poolside with model Lizzo



Victoria’s Secret Does Away with ‘Angels’ – Will Replace Models with Purple-Haired SJW Soccer Star Megan Rapinoe, Transgenders, Plus Size Women

This should help the ailing lingerie retailer.

Victoria’s Secret was once known for their beautiful models strutting down the catwalk in angel wings and lingerie.

It’s 2021 so the company is going in a new direction by getting rid of the ‘angels’ and bringing in America-hating, purple-haired SJW Megan Rapinoe, transgender models and plus size (obese) women.

“When the world was changing, we were too slow to respond,” Martin Waters, the chief executive of Victoria’s Secret told The New York Times. “We needed to stop being about what men want and to be about what women want.”

“For decades, Victoria’s Secret’s scantily-clad supermodels epitomized the height of femininity for millions. Now, the lingerie giant is not just trying to redefine itself — but also the very idea of what “sexy” is” the New York Times said.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/victorias-secret-away-angels-will-replace-models-purple-haired-sjw-soccer-star-megan-rapinoe-transgenders-plus-size-women/

06-17-2021, 02:25 PM
Retarded is the new norm.

06-17-2021, 05:14 PM
My prediction is that most chicks still want to be girly.

My prediction is that most women will still want to celebrate their feminine side.

06-17-2021, 05:46 PM
Seeing this LITERAL CRAP almost every day makes me SOOOOOOO Glad I won't be around to see how they DESTROY EACH OTHER and look for someone else to BLAME for their IGNORANCE, SELFISHNESS, HATRED and STUPIDITY