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06-17-2021, 03:08 PM
How anyone could have thought he would be a foreign policy full success is beyond me. Prior decades of performance speak to the issue.

Hell, his own administration doesn't want him talking much, they have him avoid the press at all costs as well. So of course other countries are going to take note and/or take advantage.


Biden’s Follies Abroad

His European trip adds to his long record of foreign policy failure.

As Joe Biden stumbled on the world stage, spouting utter nonsense, a remark of Robert Gates, the former defense secretary under Obama, came to mind: “I think he [Biden] has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

Biden’s losing streak continues as president. If anything, his judgment is getting worse. To American troops stationed in the United Kingdom, he babbled about “global warming” as the greatest threat facing the United States. “This is not a joke,” he told the troops. But it is. Indeed, much of his trip seemed like a joke. His “rallying of democracies abroad” consisted of encouraging them to adopt his flaky ideas.

Biden went abroad not to vindicate America’s national interest but to promote an empty and deluded internationalism. Out of his talks with G7 leaders came a “build back better world” partnership, which will “demonstrate our shared values.” Those, of course, include spreading abortion and transgenderism under the guise of “gender equity and equality.”

It is hard to see how anything Biden discussed with these leaders could possibly strengthen democracies, let alone serve the interests of the United States. Capturing the frivolous character of the discussions, Boris Johnson, Britain’s prime minister, spoke of the importance of a “gender-neutral” post-pandemic world.

It is comic that global leaders who indulge in these nihilistic fads would set themselves up as great experts on what constitutes a civilized democracy. Far from safeguarding democracy, they are destroying its moral and religious underpinnings, abandoning the Judeo-Christian culture from which Europe and America came in favor of a relativistic one that holds nothing sacred save the cult of climate change, socialism, and sexual revolution.

Biden says that Western democracies are in a “contest with autocrats.” This ignores that the liberals in those democracies are increasingly autocratic themselves. They, too, prefer a one-party state and endeavor to eliminate their political opponents undemocratically. Biden should save his lectures on democracy for his own side, which now celebrates suppressions of free speech and the persecution of dissidents.

Rest - https://spectator.org/biden-europe-trip-foreign-policy/