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06-17-2021, 05:14 PM
Just make believe the name Obama is not there if that bothers you. Him or his personal story shouldn't take away from the point of fatherlessness and what happens to kids that don't have a Dad?

I think it's one of the biggest problems as well.

I always say that things start at home and at the dinner table. But things at home are the most important to a child's life, the most impressionable. Parents lay down the law, teach right from wrong and instill things in their child. And it's very important IMO that a child learns from Dad how to be a man. And same thing goes for a little girl and learning from Mom. And then overall as a family.

But we have an epidemic of missing fathers. Male people that aren't men and don't stand up and do the right thing when it's most important. Bailing out somehow and leaving Mom to raise the child on her own.

I do believe that children that grow up as such very often have issues. Very complex issue.

So like it says - fathers matter!

I think Mom is the greatest person on this planet. No debate. But Dad is pretty important too! :)


Father's Day: Fatherlessness Is America's Top Domestic Problem

A powerful new documentary called “The Streets Were My Father” features three Chicago men, two Hispanics and one Black, who grew up without fathers. All three did hard time for serious offenses, including murder.

The film, with no narrator, just lets the men talk. None blames “systemic racism.” All concede they made bad choices, but choices nonetheless. All talked about the pain they felt growing up without a father figure to instruct, scold, guide, motivate and instill confidence and direction. I highly recommend it.

In Barack Obama’s first book, “Dreams From My Father,” he talked about the hole in his soul, having last seen his father, briefly, when Obama was 10: “There was only one problem: my father was missing. He had left paradise (Hawaii), and nothing that my mother or grandparents told me could obviate that single, unassailable fact. Their stories didn’t tell me why he had left. They couldn’t describe what it might have been like had he stayed.”

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/columns/larry-elder/2021/06/17/fathers-day-fatherlessness-is-americas-top-domestic-problem-n1455184

06-19-2021, 05:58 PM
Yes, I could not agree more. I was a single dad, and did everything I could to be in my son’s life.

My experience has been that the one group who is to blame for this situation, aside from the multi billion dollar divorce industry that is of the lawyers, for the lawyers, and by the lawyers, is feminists.

Feminism is nothing more than Marxism with a dress. I know there are women who consider themselves feminists but are not. A woman that calls herself a feminist but has respect for men is like a Nazi who likes Jews.

Top problem in the black community is fatherlessness. Over 85% of black births in this country are out of wedlock, meaning no father currently, or soon to be, in the picture. Kids from two parent families are less likely to wind up in jail, drop out of school (another problem that blacks face), do drugs, you get the picture.

So the next time you see a feminist, just think of Marx in makeup, and you need not know more.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-20-2021, 07:18 PM
Just make believe the name Obama is not there if that bothers you. Him or his personal story shouldn't take away from the point of fatherlessness and what happens to kids that don't have a Dad?

I think it's one of the biggest problems as well.

I always say that things start at home and at the dinner table. But things at home are the most important to a child's life, the most impressionable. Parents lay down the law, teach right from wrong and instill things in their child. And it's very important IMO that a child learns from Dad how to be a man. And same thing goes for a little girl and learning from Mom. And then overall as a family.

But we have an epidemic of missing fathers. Male people that aren't men and don't stand up and do the right thing when it's most important. Bailing out somehow and leaving Mom to raise the child on her own.

I do believe that children that grow up as such very often have issues. Very complex issue.

So like it says - fathers matter!

I think Mom is the greatest person on this planet. No debate. But Dad is pretty important too! :)


Father's Day: Fatherlessness Is America's Top Domestic Problem

A powerful new documentary called “The Streets Were My Father” features three Chicago men, two Hispanics and one Black, who grew up without fathers. All three did hard time for serious offenses, including murder.

The film, with no narrator, just lets the men talk. None blames “systemic racism.” All concede they made bad choices, but choices nonetheless. All talked about the pain they felt growing up without a father figure to instruct, scold, guide, motivate and instill confidence and direction. I highly recommend it.

In Barack Obama’s first book, “Dreams From My Father,” he talked about the hole in his soul, having last seen his father, briefly, when Obama was 10: “There was only one problem: my father was missing. He had left paradise (Hawaii), and nothing that my mother or grandparents told me could obviate that single, unassailable fact. Their stories didn’t tell me why he had left. They couldn’t describe what it might have been like had he stayed.”

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/columns/larry-elder/2021/06/17/fathers-day-fatherlessness-is-americas-top-domestic-problem-n1455184

Lots of men don't have a choice. Over 75% of divorces are initiated by women and over 80% of custody disputes are awarded to the mother. Overall, men are not the ones to blame.

06-21-2021, 02:02 PM
Lots of men don't have a choice. Over 75% of divorces are initiated by women and over 80% of custody disputes are awarded to the mother. Overall, men are not the ones to blame.

Not sure I agree with that. I think the majority of the problem is unwed mothers not divorced mothers.

06-22-2021, 02:10 AM
As long as government makes having babies profitable it will continue. Government won't pay if father living in house.

06-22-2021, 09:09 AM
As long as government makes having babies profitable it will continue. Government won't pay if father living in house.

That makes me wonder if judges think of that. By awarding custody to a father, a judge is leaving "free government money" on the table, hence leaving less overall income to the child's family.

Abbey Marie
06-22-2021, 10:06 AM
Imagine being the child of a woman who didn’t worry much about your having a father around. And multiply the problem when that woman has multiple children by different men. It’s an example of serious irresponsibility from the one person you are looking to for life lessons. It stacks the deck against you, and it’s the rare child who can rise above it and instead of continuing the cycle, breaks it and makes something of themselves.

Things can go wrong in a marriage, but to get pregnant with no plan to marry the father of that child is just plain wrong. I guess that opinion makes me a dinosaur, but I couldn’t care less.

But these “men” who screw around and then walk are even worse. It’s really shameful.

Abbey Marie
06-22-2021, 10:13 AM
Not sure I agree with that. I think the majority of the problem is unwed mothers not divorced mothers.

Yup. Separate issues. The OP is about the former.

Abbey Marie
06-22-2021, 12:16 PM

06-22-2021, 05:36 PM
The breakdown of the nukyular family for whatever reason and loss of any se.nse of loyalty to community is the US's biggest domestic problem.

Not the only reasons, but removing the stigma from divorce and abortion are two very big reasons for that. Can blame the internet too if you want. We used to belong to our family and neighborhood. Now it's whoever's on the other side of a keyboard.

Progress and the abuse of it have a price.

06-22-2021, 05:50 PM

06-23-2021, 08:36 PM

Okay. I'm LMAO cuz that's just out of nowhere. :laugh:

06-23-2021, 09:27 PM
Okay. I'm LMAO cuz that's just out of nowhere. :laugh:

I remember GUNNY in "FULL METAL JACKET" asking one of the boots...
"If his parents ever had any kids that lived?"

It was a good question to ask HARRIS too!

06-24-2021, 08:56 AM
Imagine being the child of a woman who didn’t worry much about your having a father around. And multiply the problem when that woman has multiple children by different men. It’s an example of serious irresponsibility from the one person you are looking to for life lessons. It stacks the deck against you, and it’s the rare child who can rise above it and instead of continuing the cycle, breaks it and makes something of themselves.

Things can go wrong in a marriage, but to get pregnant with no plan to marry the father of that child is just plain wrong. I guess that opinion makes me a dinosaur, but I couldn’t care less.

But these “men” who screw around and then walk are even worse. It’s really shameful.

Anitta sings about that in her new English language release:


06-24-2021, 01:53 PM
I remember GUNNY in "FULL METAL JACKET" asking one of the boots...
"If his parents ever had any kids that lived?"

It was a good question to ask HARRIS too!Yeah. Gunny Hartman (R.Lee Ermey) didn't invent that one, nor was he the last to use it. I still use it on occasion :)

06-24-2021, 01:57 PM
Imagine being the child of a woman who didn’t worry much about your having a father around. And multiply the problem when that woman has multiple children by different men. It’s an example of serious irresponsibility from the one person you are looking to for life lessons. It stacks the deck against you, and it’s the rare child who can rise above it and instead of continuing the cycle, breaks it and makes something of themselves.

Things can go wrong in a marriage, but to get pregnant with no plan to marry the father of that child is just plain wrong. I guess that opinion makes me a dinosaur, but I couldn’t care less.

But these “men” who screw around and then walk are even worse. It’s really shameful.I don't disagree with your comment, nor that it is part of the problem.

Then again, you could ask my daughter who was raised by a single father with no mother around. It works the same in both directions. Well, not really. I didn't get the breaks, perks and/or sympathy women get.

Abbey Marie
06-25-2021, 10:43 AM
I don't disagree with your comment, nor that it is part of the problem.

Then again, you could ask my daughter who was raised by a single father with no mother around. It works the same in both directions. Well, not really. I didn't get the breaks, perks and/or sympathy women get.

Also, you didn’t plan it to be that way. Stuff happens, and from what I’ve seen, you’ve worked hard to make the best of it for her.

06-26-2021, 09:51 PM
Also, you didn’t plan it to be that way. Stuff happens, and from what I’ve seen, you’ve worked hard to make the best of it for her.Anyone that plans to be a single parent doesn't need to be a parent at all, IMO. I don't care what anyone says about it. There's no balance. I know I certainly felt like an inadequate mom. I'm not programmed for that.

On the other hand, I also have quite the opinion on biological sperm donors that don't pull their share of the load.

06-27-2021, 01:50 PM
I don't disagree with your comment, nor that it is part of the problem.

Then again, you could ask my daughter who was raised by a single father with no mother around. It works the same in both directions. Well, not really. I didn't get the breaks, perks and/or sympathy women get.

Another glaring difference is that you didn't need any of those things and still got the job done.

06-28-2021, 01:05 PM
On-topic discussion on the role or importance of fathers.


06-28-2021, 10:09 PM
On-topic discussion on the role or importance of fathers.

https://www.prageru.com/video/are-fathers-necessary/That's what I meant about "balance". Our society has no balance. My remark about removing the stigma from divorce was aimed at that. Of course there are plenty of other variables, but I see that one as key. It's an easy out. People get divorced over arguments that used to be simple disagreements when I was a kid.

Even if the father pays up on time like a champ, he's still not there. Likewise the mother.

06-28-2021, 11:59 PM
Does anyone alive happen to know any FEMALE, WOMAN, GIRL, LADY, or any other Noun they might be using who has EVER had a PREGNANCY, GOTTEN PREGNANT, CREATED ANOTHER HUMAN INSIDE THEIR BODY WHO....

DIDN'T NEED A SPERM....FROM....GOD FORBID.....A MALE, MAN, BOY, and had a Pregnancy?

As the old saying STILL GOES. "IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO" and whether it's done IN PERSON, or through "INVITRO FERTILIZATION"....another GENDER of the OPPOSITE sex is always REQUIRED. Unless you know someone who is really strange, and sleeps with other Animals?????