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View Full Version : House Democrats Block Defense Assistance for Israel

06-17-2021, 06:34 PM
Places like Iran, who openly declare Israel to not exist, to be the devil, and how they need to be wiped from the face of the planet - they must love to hear things like this. Probably start drawing up a lot of plan B's.

And in the midst of ongoing issues between Israel and Hamas as we speak.


House Democrats Block Defense Assistance for Israel

A Motion to Recommit (MTR) that would have affirmed the U.S. policy of providing defense articles including munitions, aircraft, and technology to Israel was voted down by 217 House Democrats Thursday afternoon.

The measure would have required President Biden and his administration to develop "contingency plans to provide Israel with necessary defense articles and services" and allowed Biden to "direct the immediate transfer to Israel of such defense articles or defense services... necessary to assist Israel in its defense" when Israel is under military threat.

In a floor speech supporting the motion, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX)—who serves as the Republican Leader on the House Foreign Affairs Committee—noted last month's rocket attacks by Hamas terrorists were "a stark reminder of the dangerous threats that Israel faces."


The Motion to Recommit on H.R. 256 would make sure "that the United States can quickly react to Israel's security needs in the event of future attacks," he added.

"I fear that the 2002 AUMF repeal we are considering today, without a replacement, may embolden our adversaries, especially Iran, the largest state sponsor of terror in the world, and its proxies, by signaling that we are retreating from the Middle East. Our MTR is intended to send a strong message that this is absolutely false and it will also send a message that passage will demonstrate our ironclad support for Israel and all our allies in the region."

Rest - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2021/06/17/house-dems-vote-against-defense-assistance-to-israel-n2591141

Israel bombs Gaza City in 2nd day of strikes since breaking cease-fire

Israel bombed Gaza for the second straight day Thursday as a cease-fire signed last month appeared to be falling apart between the two sides.

The Israeli government said it targeted Hamas sites in Gaza City and Khan Younis late Thursday. Explosions could be seen in the night sky from the jet strikes.

"Over the past day, arson balloons were launched from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory," the IDF said in a statement. "In response, a short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck military compounds and a rocket launch site belonging to the Hamas terror organization in Gaza city and Khan Yunis."

The IDF went on to say it was ready for a "resumption of hostilities" if the attacks from Gaza continued.

"Earlier this evening, the IDF Chief of the General Staff held a situational assessment in which he instructed to increase the IDF's readiness and preparedness for a variety of scenarios including a resumption of hostilities, in the face of continuing terror activities from the Gaza Strip," the IDF said in the statement.

Sirens were also reported to have sounded in Kfar Aza, a kibbutz in southern Israel, just 3 miles from the Gaza border. The IDF said the sirens were triggered by "incoming fire, not rockets, from the Gaza Strip towards Israeli territory."

Israel said it struck Hamas sites in Khan Younis and the Gaza Brigades on Wednesday.

Open hostilities boiled over into airstrikes and rocket attacks between Israel and Hamas last month, killing at least 232 people -- including 65 children -- in the Gaza Strip, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. Ten people, including one soldier and a 6-year-old child, were killed in Israel by Hamas rockets, according to Magen David Adom, Israel's national emergency service.

After nearly two weeks of fighting, Israel’s security cabinet approved a cease-fire with Hamas on May 20 without any conditions.

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/gma/israel-bombs-gaza-city-2nd-213900603.html

Which brings me back to these thoughts: which may be more directly about the iron dome, but shows the flop flopism from the democrats with their support for one of our allies.

House Democrats Scramble To Restore Pro-Israel Bona Fides After Voting Against Iron Dome

Vulnerable House Democrats are scrambling to restore their pro-Israel bona fides days after voting against a provision to fund the Iron Dome, which is not the only controversial vote those Democrats made.

On Wednesday, more than 30 Democrats, led by New Jersey congressman Josh Gottheimer, signed a bipartisan letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, expressing their support for Israel's missile defense system. "Israel must always have the resources it needs to defend itself from incoming rockets when it is targeted again," the letter says. The move came weeks after those same Democrats voted against a Republican measure providing $500 million to fund the Iron Dome and other missile defense cooperation programs.

Rep. Tony Gonzales (R., Texas), who authored the Iron Dome measure, called the Democrats' letter writing campaign "a Hail Mary, half-hearted attempt by Democrats to support Israel." He said it is the duty of Congress, rather than the Pentagon, to set spending priorities.

"If Democrats really cared about the Israeli people and the Iron Dome, they would have supported my efforts to provide Israel with emergency funding several weeks ago. This move by Democrats is an attempt to backtrack from their previously anti-Israel actions," Gonzales said.

The Democrats' pro-Iron Dome flip-flop comes after an outside group aligned with House Republicans launched ads targeting them over the May votes. The conservative American Action Network, which called the letter a "shallow sham," attacked Gottheimer and 13 other Democrats with targeted phone calls. It also launched digital ads targeting Democrats Mikie Sherrill (N.J.), Carolyn Bourdeaux (Ga.), Susan Wild (Pa.), and Elaine Luria (Va.).

The Democrats "shamefully voted no, even as terrorists' rockets rained down on Israeli cities," the ads say. "America supports a safe and secure Israel."

Eight of the 14 Democrats targeted by the American Action Network campaign reversed their positions, signaling support for replenishing the Iron Dome's funding in the bipartisan letter to Austin. In addition to Gottheimer, Luria, and Wild, Democratic representatives Colin Allred (Texas), Lizzie Fletcher (Texas), Vicente Gonzalez (Texas), Chris Pappas (N.H.), and Tom Suozzi (N.Y.) signed the letter to Austin. All are top Republican targets in November's elections.

Rest - https://freebeacon.com/national-security/house-democrats-scramble-to-restore-pro-israel-bona-fides-after-voting-against-iron-dome/

06-17-2021, 06:53 PM
PROBABLY relish having so much power over all of the other Dems, including Pelosi because all they have to do is Start A CANCEL CULTURE...RACIST accusation IF....IF...Nancy doesn't DO what THEY DEMAND...Nancy's Speakership will be over faster than she can spell the word "LIAR".

In othe words. THE AOC SQUAD is blackmailing an entire LIBERAL bunch of Hypocrites JUST TO MAINTAIN THEIR POLITICAL JOBS...

06-18-2021, 12:45 PM
Please tell me me why this country needs to support Israel. Or any country in the Middle East. All of them are terrorist states.

06-18-2021, 12:53 PM
Please tell me me why this country needs to support Israel. Or any country in the Middle East. All of them are terrorist states.

Israel is not nearly a terrorist state. Defending ones self is not a terrorist act, and they sure aren't out there committing any terror attacks.

And we support them due to previous agreements with them and they are a staunch ally of ours. Giving your word and supporting one another is supposed to mean something.

06-18-2021, 03:27 PM
Please tell me me why this country needs to support Israel. Or any country in the Middle East. All of them are terrorist states.

Keep rooting for Biden and Harris....and probably your long, lost, mentally ill sister, Nancy Pelosi. All of you deserve each other.

06-18-2021, 05:47 PM
Israel is not nearly a terrorist state. Defending ones self is not a terrorist act, and they sure aren't out there committing any terror attacks. And we support them due to previous agreements with them and they are a staunch ally of ours. Giving your word and supporting one another is supposed to mean something. I have to disagree with you. It takes two sides to create a conflict. Both Israel and Hamas have committed horrifying and egregious acts against each other. And both sides have hardliners who refuse to negotiate. I don't believe we should help or defend either side.

06-18-2021, 06:05 PM
I have to disagree with you. It takes two sides to create a conflict. Both Israel and Hamas have committed horrifying and egregious acts against each other. And both sides have hardliners who refuse to negotiate. I don't believe we should help or defend either side.

Because you are an American Citizen. You have every right to disagree, and have your own opinion about whatever you want. That's the power of our 1ST Amendment, and Constitution. But, not helping our allies because you don't think they deserve it...is UnAmerican. And I can say that because I am An American too!

06-18-2021, 07:25 PM
I have to disagree with you. It takes two sides to create a conflict. Both Israel and Hamas have committed horrifying and egregious acts against each other. And both sides have hardliners who refuse to negotiate. I don't believe we should help or defend either side.BS. Like I said, intellectually dishonest.

Israel is a democratic Nation. Hamas is a terrorist organization.

Hamas hides behind, and targets civilians/noncombatants. Israel targets Hamas. A legitimate government targets terrorists. End of story. End of excuses.

The US Democratic party is political posturing using real lives as what they believe is leverage. We have an agreement with Israel -- meaning we gave our word. Look the meaning up. If the Government of the US didn't like the deal, they could have discussed that at a more appropriate time and/or ended it.

To abandon an ally in the field under fire is nothing more nor less than a cowardly, pussy move. And not just Israel is watching. The whole World is and they know a cowardly, pussy move this obvious when they see it.

06-19-2021, 12:33 PM
I have to disagree with you. It takes two sides to create a conflict. Both Israel and Hamas have committed horrifying and egregious acts against each other. And both sides have hardliners who refuse to negotiate. I don't believe we should help or defend either side.

Conflicts perhaps, but I'm speaking of actions that are acts of war or acts of terrorism. Israel protects their nation against Hamas, a declared terror group. They have the iron dome to protect their nation from incoming missiles and they do their best to try to target Hamas and not the public. The same simply cannot be said about Hamas. Recently, like 30% of their missiles landed in their own territory and own people. They target nothing and aim towards Israel in general hoping to kill or damage.

Israel has also negotiated endlessly and also declared endless cease fires - only to have Hamas break that cease fire.

If you can find just one incident of Israel bombing indiscriminately into citizens, or not in retaliation or not to protect their country, I would be surprised. Any more than that and I would be shocked. All incidents, every single one I look at, has Hamas being the offensive group. And not based on an opinion, these are simply the facts. If you would like to debate any specific action from the past, I'd be happy to take a peek.

As far as helping or defending - like I said - we have agreements with our allies in both directions. You don't simply drop your friends because you disagree with them. We may discuss things and make requests back and forth and all that crap, but in general, we have signed agreements and treaties with them. Their very defense of their country against terrorist nations that want them removed from the planet - relies heavily upon our support. And so long as they are only protecting their country, I have no issue with that. We cannot turn away our allies.

I looked up a list of them:


September 14, 2016 10-year security assistance Memorandum of Understanding
November 24, 2010 Memorandum of cooperation relating to technical assistance in developing and modernizing Israel's civil aviation security infrastructure
September 10, 2009 Agreement amending the agreement of March 31, 2001 for the arrow system improvement program (ASIP)
January 16, 2009 Memorandum of Understanding Between The United States and Israel Regarding Prevention of the Supply of Arms and Related Materiel to Terrorist Groups
May 29, 2008 Agreement on cooperation in science and technology for homeland security matters, with annex
August 2007 10-year security assistance Memorandum of Understanding to increase aid to Israel
February 8, 2007 Memorandum of Mutual Understanding on Homeland Security
July 16 and September 13, 2006
Agreement for research, development, test and evaluation projects, with annex

September 6 and 7, 2005

Memorandum of agreement regarding the assignment of individuals at government facilities to serve as liaison officers

June 27, 2005 Memorandum Agreement on Arms Sales to Third Parties
February 7 and March 24, 2005
Amendment: September 16 and 17, 2014

Memorandum of agreement concerning combating terrorism research and development, with annex

December 19, 2000

Agreement for promotion of aviation safety

October 31, 1998 Memorandum of Agreement on Security Cooperation
February 10, 1998 Acquisition and cross-servicing agreement with annexes.
January 28, 1998 Treaty on mutual assistance in criminal matters.
September 3, 1996 Agreement for technology research and development projects.
April 30, 1996 Counterterrorism cooperation accord
July 18, 1996 Memorandum of Agreement concerning the tactical high energy laser (THEL) advanced concept technology demonstration (ACTD).
April 30, 1996 Counterterrorism cooperation accord to enhance capabilities to deter, prevent, respond to and investigate international terrorist acts or threats of international terrorist acts against Israel or the United States.
November 28, 1991 Agreement on cooperation to combat illicit narcotics trafficking and abuse
October 18, 1991 Memorandum of Understanding for a loan of a multi-sensor integrate system for the purpose of test and evaluation
June 1991 Agreement pertaining to Arrow Continuation Experiments (ACES) the second stage of the joint U.S.-Israel Arrow missile program
January 22, 1991 Agreement on the status of United States personnel
November 14 and December 27, 1990

Memorandum of cooperation concerning civil aviation

July 6 and September 30, 1990

Memorandum of cooperation concerning technical cooperation in civil aviation security with annex

September 8, 1989 MOU regarding transfers of materials, supplies and equipment for cooperative research and development programs
April 1989 Memorandum of Agreement between the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization and Israel’s Defense Ministry to develop a $35 million computer facility as part of the Arrow missile program
May 24, 1988 Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Development of Systems for Remotely Piloted Vehicles
May 24, 1988
Amendment: June 22, 1990 and October 9, 1991

Mutual logistics support agreement, with annexes.

April 21 and 28, 1988

Memorandum of agreement regarding joint political, security and economic cooperation

December 14, 1987 Agreement concerning construction of air base facilities
December 14, 1987
Amendment: December 19, 1997 and January 8, 1998

Memorandum of Agreement concerning the principles governing mutual cooperation in research and development, scientist and engineer exchange, and procurement and logistic support of defense equipment, with annexes and attachment

August 4, 1987 Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Development of Night Targeting System for Cobras
August 12, 1985 Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Production of Tactical Air-Launched Decoy
November 29, 1983 Agreement concerning funding of air base facilities
December 10, 1982 General security of information agreement
April 6, 1979 Agreement creating the Joint Political Military Group and Joint Security Assistance Program
October 23, 1975 Memorandum of Agreement regarding joint political, security and economic cooperation.
July 23, 1952 Mutual logistic support agreement

06-19-2021, 12:35 PM
We have an agreement with Israel -- meaning we gave our word. Look the meaning up. If the Government of the US didn't like the deal, they could have discussed that at a more appropriate time and/or ended it.

To abandon an ally in the field under fire is nothing more nor less than a cowardly, pussy move. And not just Israel is watching. The whole World is and they know a cowardly, pussy move this obvious when they see it.

^ this too of course, and better stated!