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View Full Version : one man's opinion

09-23-2007, 01:22 AM
I am ashamed of the democratic presidential hopefuls for boycotting fox.

I believe, even if a station is perceived slanted left or right, the candidates from both parties should go on there.

why?. say you have a channel with 70% liberal viewership. should conservatives boycott that, or try to get their message out and hope to convert liberals to their side.

It has happened before: reagan democrats.

And i dont believe, just because its a primary is a good excuse to boycott any channel. Let all news stations, liberal, centrist, communist, whatever, let them have a shot.

if you dont like how youre treated, do a press conference.

But let the liberals go on a predominantly evangelical channel, and let the conservatives go on a anarchist channel.

If americans are so narrow minded, that they cant even have the decency to listen and then decide why they dont agree instead of stupid 5 year old slogans, like bush lied thousand died, or liberals are baby killers.

Then america will dumb down even more, to where barney (the purple dinosaur) wont be able to reach us