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View Full Version : Defunding or getting rid of police - how does that work out?

06-21-2021, 02:19 PM
Well, ask Minnesota. And other Democrat run areas that have done similar. The results are not pretty - as expected. Now, Minny wasn't the worst in defunding, but all of their crap together lead to mass resignations, retirements & more.

And the solutions are so dang elusive. :rolleyes:

Like the border, where they make decisions on day one, place goes nuts on day one, and they don't know why or how to fix. :rolleyes:


Gunshot Victims Up 90% in Democrat-Run Minneapolis

The far-left Star-Tribune (https://www.startribune.com/number-of-gunshot-victims-in-minneapolis-is-up-90-from-last-year-solutions-elusive/600070095/?refresh=true) reports the number of gunshot victims in Democrat-run Minneapolis is up 90 percent over last year. That is not a typo. Ninety percent. Ninety, as in nine-oh.

My favorite part of the Star-Tribune report comes in the form of just two words: “solutions evasive.”

Oh, yeah, this is a really tough nut to crack. Let’s see if we can puzzle this brain-twister out…

ELITE JOURNALIST: Let’s see, let’s see… Okay, so this year, shooting victims are up 90 percent over last year. Which means that last year there were 90 percent fewer shooting victims. *taps chin with index finger* What to do, what to do…? *scratches beard* You know, I’m at a total loss here .

COMMONER: Well, uhm, if there were 90 percent fewer gunshot victims last year, wouldn’t the solution be for the city to return to what it did last year?

ELITE JOURNALIST: It’s all so baffling, the solution is so… so… so… *gazes at navel* …evasive.

COMMONER: But whatever the city did last year worked. It sounds to me like we just need to go back to that.

ELITE JOURNALIST: *takes quiche out of oven* Well, some problems just can’t be solved.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/law-and-order/2021/06/21/nolte-gunshot-victims-up-90-democrat-run-minneapolis/