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06-23-2021, 01:46 PM
back on my main hobby horse... one more time..
which is , the gov't will use "war terror tools and laws created for 'enemy combatants' on U.S. citizens."

FACT SHEET: National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism


Says they'll fight Domestic Terrorism with all intelligence community, and "civil" partners.
Root out the violence and the SOURCES of violence.
"Militias" been after them for decades
"guns" guns are obviously the "source" of violence right?
"racist" talk however that's defined,
"conspiracy theories" any news not gov't approved
"anti-authoritarians" those that promote freedom?
"those that want to make "change in gov't" or change laws .... isn't that what people do every time they vote?

and OH Yeah and they have to promote "EQUITY" as well. to make "domestic terrorism" go away.

But hey I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist.
I've been telling people for years that "terrorist" and "Militias" and "keeping people safe" has primarily been an excuse to take away freedoms and to spy on U.S. citizens.
More of the same here. so maybe I'm a domestic terrorist?

you all take care.

06-23-2021, 01:48 PM
back on my main hobby horse... one more time..
the gov't will use "war terror tools and laws created for 'enemy combatants' on U.S. citizens."

FACT SHEET: National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism


Says they'll fight Domestic Terrorism with all intelligence community, and partners.
Root out the violence and the SOURCES of violence.
"Militias" been after them for decades
"guns" guns are obviously the "source" of violence right?
"racist" talk however that's defined,
"conspiracy theories" any news not gov't approved
"anti-authoritarians" those that promote freedom?
"those that want to make "change in gov't".... isn't that what people do every time they vote?

and OH Yeah and they have to promote "EQUITY" as well. to make domestic terrorism go away.

But hey I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist.
I've been telling people for years that "terrorist" and "Militias" and "keeping people safe" has primarily been an excuse to take away freedoms and to spy on U.S. citizens.

More of the same here.

you all take care.

You have.

06-24-2021, 11:59 AM
back on my main hobby horse... one more time..
which is , the gov't will use "war terror tools and laws created for 'enemy combatants' on U.S. citizens."

FACT SHEET: National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism


Says they'll fight Domestic Terrorism with all intelligence community, and "civil" partners.
Root out the violence and the SOURCES of violence.
"Militias" been after them for decades
"guns" guns are obviously the "source" of violence right?
"racist" talk however that's defined,
"conspiracy theories" any news not gov't approved
"anti-authoritarians" those that promote freedom?
"those that want to make "change in gov't" or change laws .... isn't that what people do every time they vote?

and OH Yeah and they have to promote "EQUITY" as well. to make "domestic terrorism" go away.

But hey I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist.
I've been telling people for years that "terrorist" and "Militias" and "keeping people safe" has primarily been an excuse to take away freedoms and to spy on U.S. citizens.
More of the same here. so maybe I'm a domestic terrorist?

you all take care.

I admittedly looked past many a things in support of the so called greater good, and if you have nothing to hide then no issue. I'm learning that they don't care much about the truth. I mean, I knew much of this already, but I guess naive about how often or how high the issues went. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but now I don't believe much at first glance without support and evidence. The media is complicit with all the bad eggs in government.

06-24-2021, 01:18 PM
back on my main hobby horse... one more time..
which is , the gov't will use "war terror tools and laws created for 'enemy combatants' on U.S. citizens."

FACT SHEET: National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism


Says they'll fight Domestic Terrorism with all intelligence community, and "civil" partners.
Root out the violence and the SOURCES of violence.
"Militias" been after them for decades
"guns" guns are obviously the "source" of violence right?
"racist" talk however that's defined,
"conspiracy theories" any news not gov't approved
"anti-authoritarians" those that promote freedom?
"those that want to make "change in gov't" or change laws .... isn't that what people do every time they vote?

and OH Yeah and they have to promote "EQUITY" as well. to make "domestic terrorism" go away.

But hey I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist.
I've been telling people for years that "terrorist" and "Militias" and "keeping people safe" has primarily been an excuse to take away freedoms and to spy on U.S. citizens.
More of the same here. so maybe I'm a domestic terrorist?

you all take care.I'm learning to live with it. If I'm the conspiracy theorist for pointing out the obvious, so be it.

06-28-2021, 04:38 PM
I think we're running out of conspiracies because they're all starting to be proven as fact.

06-28-2021, 09:50 PM
Someone needs to explain to me what a conspiracy theory is. Actually not. I know what one is. Let's look at how the term is put to practice.

If you question the left, it's a conspiracy theory. Can anyone name a leftwingnut conspiracy theory? I mean that the MSM and left call "conspiracy theories?" I can. I can start with "we're going to peak then run out of fossil fuels before the end of the decade" (1970s start-up of the oil shortage/crisis).

The left's crap though is more "Chicken Little" crap. Fearmongering. Man-made global warming. If you pay your carbon credits though, it'll stop a cyclical temperature/climate change on one of an infinite number of planets in the Universe :rolleyes:

I digress. If you are labeled a "righty", any questioning of the the Constitutionality of the Government as run by the Dem/MSM mafia is a conspiracy theory. You're a right wing extremist and subject to labeling by law enforcement as a threat. Hell, just calling the Dems/MSM a mafia is grounds. I DO recall a time when questioning government was considered patriotic. Oops. Patriotic. Another red flag.

Right wing idiots storm the Capitol trying to stop the certification of the 2020 election (uber-dumb, but another story); yet, when leftwingnuts do it to stop Kavanaugh's hearings it's the left's version of "patriotic duty".

It's all about the use and misuse of words.