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View Full Version : Kamala Harris Spent More Time at the Airport Than at the Border

06-26-2021, 02:33 PM
Kamala says they inherited the border problem from Trump? And they have made progress?

How do you blame Trump when you defend against his plans for all border security, you and Joe reverse everything and campaigned for a year on the issue and changing everything. And boy you did. And now? The usual lack of accountability.


Kamala Harris Spent More Time at the Airport Than at the Border — Biden Administration ‘Invited People to Rush the Border’

During Saturday’s broadcast of FNC’s “Fox & Friends,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) panned Vice President Kamala Harris’ trip to the U.S.-Mexico border, which he said was a trip where the vice president spent more time at the El Paso, TX airport than at the physical U.S.-Mexico border.

According to McCarthy, Harris was wrong to blame the previous Trump administration for the current border problems.

“Well, it seems like she spent more time at the airport than she spent at the border. But to literally say that they inherited a problem and they’ve made progress? None of those facts play out. You have a border that was secure. You had a new administration that changed executive orders and invited people to rush the border illegally. Now in May, we had 180,000 encounters. That was a 21-year record of illegal crossings. For the last three months, it has increased.”

“The time that the president asked the vice president to take on this job, half a million illegal individuals came across this border when counted,” McCarthy continued. “Those are the people we were able to encounter. I think there’s going to be more than a million individuals that get through here that we don’t encounter from more than 160 countries. And what’s worse, Pete, you would understand this — we are catching people who are on the terrorist watch list from Yemen.”


06-26-2021, 09:59 PM
All this time dodging the Border, and THAT is the best she can come up with? Inherited? :rolleyes:

That's why Gov Abbott declared the Border counties disasters and charged all State and County law enforcement to enforce the border laws "in the absence of the Biden Administration".

Abbott is also recruiting former corrections officers to staff jails. If anyone wants a job :)