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View Full Version : Hey lady is that your d?ck hanging out?

06-29-2021, 10:58 AM
Social media had an outpouring of support for a woman who raised hell with the staff of a Los Angeles spa after she said a transgender person entered the women’s section and exposed his penis while there were little girls present.

The incident occurred (https://www.dailywire.com/news/viral-video-irate-woman-blasts-spa-letting-nude-man-enter-womens-section) at Wi Spa in Los Angeles. The woman filmed her interaction with staff members, who referred to the “sexual orientation” of the individual in question, who identifies as transgender.

“What sexual orientation? I see a d***. It lets me know he’s a man. He’s a man. He is a man. He is not no female. He is not a female. He is not a female. He is not a female, sweetie,” the woman retorted.

“So it’s okay — I just want to be clear with you — it’s okay, it’s okay for a man to go into the women’s section, show his penis around the other women, young little girls under age? Your spa, Wi Spa, condoned that. Is that what you’re saying?”
“Girls down there, other women who are highly offended for what they just saw,” the woman continued. “And you did nothing, absolutely nothing. In fact, you sided with him. So Wi Spa is in agreement with men that just say they are a woman and they can go down there with their penis and get into the women’s section, is that what you’re saying?”
The employee appears to refer to the applicable legal requirements for such a situation.
“Really? What law? So women can go into the men’s with their breasts? Okay,” the woman responds.
Another woman says that she will not be returning to Wi Spa, to which the woman filming says, “You got a man with his penis, talkin’ about he’s a woman … Give her her money back.”
Later in the video, a man approaches the woman filming to lecture her on the individual’s transgender status.
“You’re talking about that transgender person?” the man asks.
“He has a d***, okay? He has a penis. His penis is hanging out,” the woman answers him.
“You’re being a d***,” the man responds.
“No, I’m not one,” the woman claps back. “Actually I’m a woman who knows how to stand up and speak up for my rights. As a woman, I have a right to feel comfortable without a man exposing himself.”
“I’m sorry you saw this,” the man eventually says after the woman says that it is “traumatizing, to see that.”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re sorry. You should be, sweetie,” she says. “You’re out of alignment. And this is not right. I can tell you that much. It must be hard. It must be hard not being a real man, huh? Try it.


Some dude at a Los Angeles spa with his junk hanging out and some people think it is ok and try to justify those actions. Wow!

06-29-2021, 11:37 AM
SC refused to hear another case, so now kids in schools can do the same at anytime they feel like they are suddenly one of another 2,979 genders. It's disgusting.

06-29-2021, 11:44 AM

Some dude at a Los Angeles spa with his junk hanging out and some people think it is ok and try to justify those actions. Wow! Who knew it was so easy? I can just imagine being allowed to get away with that crap when I was about 13? Free pass into the girls locker room? Oh Hell yeah!:rolleyes:

This one big f-ing scam that is onmy last nerve.

Abbey Marie
06-29-2021, 12:50 PM
I’ve come to an understanding of the current Dem culture: think of anything logical, sensible, reasonable and decent; then they do the exact opposite ​of that.

It doesn’t make it any more palatable, but at least I’ve managed my expectations of what will happen. They simply couldn’t be any lower.

06-29-2021, 01:10 PM
I’ve come to an understanding of the current Dem culture: think of anything logical, sensible, reasonable and decent; then they do the exact opposite ​of that.

It doesn’t make it any more palatable, but at least I’ve managed my expectations of what will happen. They simply couldn’t be any lower.In all honesty, if my daughter was in the facilities with my granddaughter and came out telling me that, I would have a SERIOUS urge to drag the fag out by his collar.

That's the "stuff" that's going to get ME in trouble. I've had to work a bit of OT on controlling my temper this past year. Just too much dumb BS constantly, from every direction.

06-29-2021, 06:00 PM
I'm officially old fashioned and a bigot because I find this whole thing of sharing bathrooms ridiculous. Why not have a 3rd bathroom for crimminy sakes. Have a Female, Male and Tranny bathroom for those that can't make up their mind.

I had a guy flash me once way back in the 70s.

He pulled up alongside my car on the freeway and indicated my tire was going flat. This is broad daylight but I still pulled into a public parking lot. He followed me to parking lot. I got out to check my tire and he walked around to show me. When I looked up he had his dick hanging out.

What he didn't know was that my window was down and my guardian was in the front seat. Part pit bull and Queensland heeler. She got quarantined a few times for attacking people that put their hands on me. Anyway, I sicced her on him and he made a beeline to his car while she's ripping on his leg.

We got in the car and followed him to get his license number. Called police (from public phone because no cell phones way back then). They eventually tracked him down and were thankful because he had been flashing kids at local schools.

I'm sorry ... but the only penis I ever want to see is the one sleeping with me. I don't care if you imagine you don't have one anymore .. if I see it you'll have to deal with the consequences.

Mr. P
06-29-2021, 08:18 PM
SC refused to hear another case, so now kids in schools can do the same at anytime they feel like they are suddenly one of another 2,979 genders. It's disgusting.

IMO there are only TWO genders, Male an Female. Then there are 2,979 MENTAL DISORDERS.

Just sayin