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06-30-2021, 02:00 PM
Wow .. what a surprise. Did anyone see this coming?
Served 3 years. Heard SC of Pennsylvania over ruled the conviction.
Lisa Bloom indicated money got him out of jail and the SC was bought off.

06-30-2021, 02:13 PM
Does this mean the #BlackLivesMatter trumps #BelieveWomen and #MeToo ?

Feminists try to be the King, but the Ace (of Spades) is back. It's not that either one is worth much.

06-30-2021, 02:45 PM
No way pay off. Sounds like over confident second prosecutor. I feel sad for the victims.

06-30-2021, 06:55 PM
This doesn't surprise me one bit. Most of Eastern Pa. is being destroyed, and run by Democrats who fully support EMPTYING Jails, No Bail, and DEFUND the Police.

There are nearly as many crooked politicians in PA. as in Ill. and Chicago..LIGHTFOOT LGBTQRSTUV.

07-01-2021, 04:07 PM
Wow .. what a surprise. Did anyone see this coming?
Served 3 years. Heard SC of Pennsylvania over ruled the conviction.
Lisa Bloom indicated money got him out of jail and the SC was bought off.

Sorry Sassy but I did see it coming only because I was a lawyer. The damn problem was the Prosecutor made a deal NOT to prosecute him and they then went back on that agreement.You just can not do that. If prosecutors could do that plea bargaining would mean nothing and in criminal law without plea bargaining the entire system would collapse so as much as I find Crosby a repulsive toad me and a lot of lawyers knew it would come.

Actually what we knew was that the powers that be figured it would take about 2-3 years to appeal and he would die in jail waiting for his appeal. They knew he would eventally get his appeal and get released. So they were actually lucky they could prevent him from getting released pending the appeal. Technically he sould have been released pending the appeal but he was not.

Look I appreciate he is a scrum and probably guilty as sin but the Prosecutor by making the deal he did made it impossible for the State Supreme Court to be able to ignore that agreement. While it gets this scum out, the precedent it would have set for prosecutors to be able to renage on plea bargaining would have created too much confusion in the criminal legal system.

All I can say is I think the time served was better than nothing and he's done reputation wise. You know in jail he bought whatever he needed to make his stay comfortable. People like him could pay for anything they wanted in jail.

His just deserts would have been someone raping him in prison repeatedly but I guess not at his age.

What can I say other than he is a repulsive pathetic excuse of a human and he is out. I also don't know who is more repulsive, himself or his wife making excuses for him. They both are disgusting. Him worse of course but she has no dignity. She should have spoken out years ago.

Also please do not tell me his Hollywood buddies did not know for years what he was doing and bragging about. They all are loathsome. That entire Hollywood entertainment world is just one rape and child molestation after another.

I like to think of myself as pretty moderate but on this one I loath the man. He's a coward.

07-01-2021, 04:20 PM
This doesn't surprise me one bit. Most of Eastern Pa. is being destroyed, and run by Democrats who fully support EMPTYING Jails, No Bail, and DEFUND the Police.

There are nearly as many crooked politicians in PA. as in Ill. and Chicago..LIGHTFOOT LGBTQRSTUV.

With due respect it has nothing to do with politics. It has to do with the fact that the Prosecutor entered into a plea agreement and the law is based on good faith bargaining. If the prosecutor could get away with renaging on his agreement not to try Crosby the entire plea bargaining system would mean nothing and create chaos in the criminal courts. Plea bargaining resolves 90% of all criminal cases otherwise the criminal court system would collapse.

This aint politics its a matter of a Prosecutor making a plea agreement that was breached. Its a legal precedent issue and nothing to do with ideology. By the way the prosecutor who made the deal did so thinking it was more important they get him to make incriminating statements during his civil trial so that the victims could prove on a balance of probabilities in civil court he molested them so they could get money. In criminal court had they had a trial, they need to show beyond reasonable doubt and at the time of the plea, the prosecutor was worried the drugs impact on victim's memory may have been enough to sufficiently raise doubt in the victim's testimony.

Been there done that. I have tried to prosecute perverts but they drugged their victims and so we could not get clear evidence as to what happened. There is a lot of crap out there that people get away with. It does enable very bad people to get off, but its a balancing act because the same technical rules that get Crosby off protect innocent people.

I know its not a satisfactory explanation, but its the best I got. Please do not think he got off because of politics. He got off because of a genuine legal technicality. Now can tell you something. I personally was surpised he was not allowed out on bail pending his appeal. That was wierd. Usually you can get released as long as you are not a flight risk and you put up a certain amount of bond. Someone like him in his 80's would not be going anywhere given his medical conditions. In effect he would have been under house arrest at his age before and after Covid 19 so if anything he was not treated the normal way on bail during appeal.

I loath what he did but I am trying to level with you as plan as can be on it. I am what you would call a Romney Republican in the states not a Democrat but you can't pin this on them to be fair.

07-01-2021, 06:52 PM
With due respect it has nothing to do with politics. It has to do with the fact that the Prosecutor entered into a plea agreement and the law is based on good faith bargaining. If the prosecutor could get away with renaging on his agreement not to try Crosby the entire plea bargaining system would mean nothing and create chaos in the criminal courts. Plea bargaining resolves 90% of all criminal cases otherwise the criminal court system would collapse.

This aint politics its a matter of a Prosecutor making a plea agreement that was breached. Its a legal precedent issue and nothing to do with ideology. By the way the prosecutor who made the deal did so thinking it was more important they get him to make incriminating statements during his civil trial so that the victims could prove on a balance of probabilities in civil court he molested them so they could get money. In criminal court had they had a trial, they need to show beyond reasonable doubt and at the time of the plea, the prosecutor was worried the drugs impact on victim's memory may have been enough to sufficiently raise doubt in the victim's testimony.

Been there done that. I have tried to prosecute perverts but they drugged their victims and so we could not get clear evidence as to what happened. There is a lot of crap out there that people get away with. It does enable very bad people to get off, but its a balancing act because the same technical rules that get Crosby off protect innocent people.

I know its not a satisfactory explanation, but its the best I got. Please do not think he got off because of politics. He got off because of a genuine legal technicality. Now can tell you something. I personally was surpised he was not allowed out on bail pending his appeal. That was wierd. Usually you can get released as long as you are not a flight risk and you put up a certain amount of bond. Someone like him in his 80's would not be going anywhere given his medical conditions. In effect he would have been under house arrest at his age before and after Covid 19 so if anything he was not treated the normal way on bail during appeal.

I loath what he did but I am trying to level with you as plan as can be on it. I am what you would call a Romney Republican in the states not a Democrat but you can't pin this on them to be fair.

In all due respect, whether from a Lawyer or not is...COSBY PUBLICLY CONFESSED and in COURT.
So now...if I was in the same position, and was admittedly guilty of something. Does that mean I can do the same as Cosby???
Having been born THERE...in Montgomery County, namely Norristown, Pa. I had to live under the OBVIOUS Democrat controlled to this day...FIASCO called COURT HOUSE CONTROL that also included the Norristown City Hall, and then NORRISTOWN COUNCIL.
Everything has been controlled politically in that part of Pennsylvania for decades, and still is.

07-02-2021, 10:04 AM
In all due respect, whether from a Lawyer or not is...COSBY PUBLICLY CONFESSED and in COURT.
So now...if I was in the same position, and was admittedly guilty of something. Does that mean I can do the same as Cosby???
Having been born THERE...in Montgomery County, namely Norristown, Pa. I had to live under the OBVIOUS Democrat controlled to this day...FIASCO called COURT HOUSE CONTROL that also included the Norristown City Hall, and then NORRISTOWN COUNCIL.
Everything has been controlled politically in that part of Pennsylvania for decades, and still is.

In regards to his confession yes unfortunately anyone else just like him who confessed to guilt could not be held on it because of that agreement. I am sure you have heard of absolutely guilty people getting off because the evidence used to convict them was obtained illegally. Unfortunately this can happen and guilty people walk so the entire big picture/integrity of the legal system is not damaged by a legal precedent that could convict someone innocent in the future.

That said in the real world guilty people who get off on technicalities well let's just say next time they get caught they might very well have evidence planted on them so they can not get off again. Shit happens as they say and a lot of things in the legal system are not what they look like which I am sure you aleady know.

In regards to your second statement I defer because now you are talking about your district's politics and you know far better than I what you are dealing with and the local politics. I am Canadian I do not mean to presume to tell you about politics in your district I just meant on this one its a legal technicality.

That said you know in Canada we do not elect Judges or DA's. Your legal system does that so of course I have to acknowledge that difference and why people like you will tell me there is a lot of politics that can be involved. So I defer to you on that thanks. I mean you and I both would hope the legal system is not corrupted by politics but of course it is in both our countries.

Our Prime Minister in the middle of a criminal proceeding tried to pass a law to get a corporation called Lavalin off. It was blatant political interference and the people voted him back in. So what the hell do I know.:beer:

07-02-2021, 10:43 AM
In regards to his confession yes unfortunately anyone else just like him who confessed to guilt could not be held on it because of that agreement. I am sure you have heard of absolutely guilty people getting off because the evidence used to convict them was obtained illegally. Unfortunately this can happen and guilty people walk so the entire big picture/integrity of the legal system is not damaged by a legal precedent that could convict someone innocent in the future.

That said in the real world guilty people who get off on technicalities well let's just say next time they get caught they might very well have evidence planted on them so they can not get off again. Shit happens as they say and a lot of things in the legal system are not what they look like which I am sure you aleady know.

In regards to your second statement I defer because now you are talking about your district's politics and you know far better than I what you are dealing with and the local politics. I am Canadian I do not mean to presume to tell you about politics in your district I just meant on this one its a legal technicality.

That said you know in Canada we do not elect Judges or DA's. Your legal system does that so of course I have to acknowledge that difference and why people like you will tell me there is a lot of politics that can be involved. So I defer to you on that thanks. I mean you and I both would hope the legal system is not corrupted by politics but of course it is in both our countries.

Our Prime Minister in the middle of a criminal proceeding tried to pass a law to get a corporation called Lavalin off. It was blatant political interference and the people voted him back in. So what the hell do I know.:beer:The bolded pretty much wraps up the OJ Simpson trial. The prosecution and police botched that one all to Hell.

07-02-2021, 02:10 PM
Sorry Sassy but I did see it coming only because I was a lawyer. The damn problem was the Prosecutor made a deal NOT to prosecute him and they then went back on that agreement.

Yep, the unfortunate facts. They made a deal, then controversy came about, and more reports, so they went back on that deal. In the court of law that doesn't fly. Semantics have gotten many people out of prison or kept them out entirely.

Why prosecutors need to be beyond careful in how they handle a case, and give defendants no room for appeals or overturns. I lay this 100% on them.