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View Full Version : Most Americans Back Requiring Government-Issued Photo ID to Vote

07-03-2021, 03:41 PM
It's kinda common sense to the majority of the nation. Mostly everyone want free and fair elections and to be free of all fraud. That's why the majority see no issue with the photo ID.

But democrats will swear it's a major problem, republicans are trying to ruin our democracy, they're trying to disenfranchise black voters, they are racists.... it's all bullshit.


Most Americans Back Requiring Government-Issued Photo ID to Vote

Most Americans back requiring a government-issued photo identification to vote, an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist survey released Friday found. (http://maristpoll.marist.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/July-2_NPR_PBS-NewsHour_Marist-Poll_USA_Written-Summary-of-Findings_2106301635.pdf#page=1)

The survey found “almost no partisan divide” in regard to requiring voters to present a government-issued ID to vote, with 79 percent supporting that basic election integrity safeguard. An overwhelming majority of Republicans, 94 percent, support that measure, as do 83 percent of independents and 57 percent of Democrats.

The survey also asked respondents about their priority in voting laws, with 56 percent saying “making sure that everyone who wants to vote can do so” is more of a concern, while 41 percent prioritized “making sure that no one votes who are not eligible.

Unlike the majority agreement on voter ID, there is a “notable partisan difference” on this issue:

85% of Democrats and 52% of independents favor the goal of access for all those who want to vote, and 72% of Republicans support the goal of ensuring that no one votes who is not eligible to do so.

The survey, taken June 22-June 29, 2021, among 1,115 adults, has a margin of error of +/- 3.7 percent.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/07/03/survey-most-americans-back-requiring-government-issued-photo-id-to-vote/

07-03-2021, 06:30 PM
It's kinda common sense to the majority of the nation. Mostly everyone want free and fair elections and to be free of all fraud. That's why the majority see no issue with the photo ID.

But democrats will swear it's a major problem, republicans are trying to ruin our democracy, they're trying to disenfranchise black voters, they are racists.... it's all bullshit.


Most Americans Back Requiring Government-Issued Photo ID to Vote

Most Americans back requiring a government-issued photo identification to vote, an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist survey released Friday found. (http://maristpoll.marist.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/July-2_NPR_PBS-NewsHour_Marist-Poll_USA_Written-Summary-of-Findings_2106301635.pdf#page=1)

The survey found “almost no partisan divide” in regard to requiring voters to present a government-issued ID to vote, with 79 percent supporting that basic election integrity safeguard. An overwhelming majority of Republicans, 94 percent, support that measure, as do 83 percent of independents and 57 percent of Democrats.

The survey also asked respondents about their priority in voting laws, with 56 percent saying “making sure that everyone who wants to vote can do so” is more of a concern, while 41 percent prioritized “making sure that no one votes who are not eligible.

Unlike the majority agreement on voter ID, there is a “notable partisan difference” on this issue:

The survey, taken June 22-June 29, 2021, among 1,115 adults, has a margin of error of +/- 3.7 percent.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/07/03/survey-most-americans-back-requiring-government-issued-photo-id-to-vote/
These results have been around for quite awhile. It's the reason that Watters and others suddenly declared they didn't have a problem with it in New voting bill proposals. Indeed they claimed they never did and BTW, it was the GOP that were about defundind the police.

07-04-2021, 01:23 PM
These results have been around for quite awhile. It's the reason that Watters and others suddenly declared they didn't have a problem with it in New voting bill proposals. Indeed they claimed they never did and BTW, it was the GOP that were about defundind the police.

You see that shit with Psaki? Claiming that's what the GOP was running on - defunding the police. And they say this kind of crap with straight faces. Some of them just outright lie, on purpose, and it's no mistake. That's how they avoid responsibility and accountability.

07-04-2021, 08:32 PM
85% of Democrats and 52% of independents favor the goal of access for all those who want to vote, and 72% of Republicans support the goal of ensuring that no one votes who is not eligible to do so.

I'd have like to have been a bird sitting in a window and been able to read the questions asked to come up with this little gem I quoted from the OP.

"access for all those who want to vote"; and/or, "no one votes who is not eligible to".

Seems to me if you put those two together, you have a pretty solid policy.

And again ad nauseum, I've been sitting here trying to think about what-all I could do, right now, without a photo ID. Or, where I could go would be more like it. I can sit here and shop on the computer without a photo ID :).

Nothing I would want to do. Can't drive. Technically cannot use my "plastic" without a photo ID or a store person can confiscate it. Can't vote. Not here (if we were voting today). Have to have a voter's registration card, and now apparently, a photo ID. Can't go in a bar. Can't buy smokes. I guess I can sit here on the bench :)

People need to quit being stupid and that's exactly what I have said and will again if asked.

07-05-2021, 12:22 PM
I'd have like to have been a bird sitting in a window and been able to read the questions asked to come up with this little gem I quoted from the OP.

"access for all those who want to vote"; and/or, "no one votes who is not eligible to".

Seems to me if you put those two together, you have a pretty solid policy.

And again ad nauseum, I've been sitting here trying to think about what-all I could do, right now, without a photo ID. Or, where I could go would be more like it. I can sit here and shop on the computer without a photo ID :).

Nothing I would want to do. Can't drive. Technically cannot use my "plastic" without a photo ID or a store person can confiscate it. Can't vote. Not here (if we were voting today). Have to have a voter's registration card, and now apparently, a photo ID. Can't go in a bar. Can't buy smokes. I guess I can sit here on the bench :)

People need to quit being stupid and that's exactly what I have said and will again if asked.

What I would like to see, are reporters and the MSM and websites and everyone ask the democrats why they are pushing about voter ID being bad - when the majority of their constituents are in favor?

We are all conditioned with having and using our ID's. And we take them for granted. If we didn't have one, as you pointed out, you will have a WHOLE LOT MORE to worry about than being able to vote. You cannot properly live and function in our society without some form of photo ID.

They would have us believe some massive amount of folks would be unable to vote due to such a requirement, which is complete bullshit. From the richest people to the poorest of people, all will almost always have some form of ID. Even poor people need an ID for an endless amount of services.

07-05-2021, 12:33 PM
What I would like to see, are reporters and the MSM and websites and everyone ask the democrats why they are pushing about voter ID being bad - when the majority of their constituents are in favor?

We are all conditioned with having and using our ID's. And we take them for granted. If we didn't have one, as you pointed out, you will have a WHOLE LOT MORE to worry about than being able to vote. You cannot properly live and function in our society without some form of photo ID.

They would have us believe some massive amount of folks would be unable to vote due to such a requirement, which is complete bullshit. From the richest people to the poorest of people, all will almost always have some form of ID. Even poor people need an ID for an endless amount of services.

Polling has shown that the people support viter I'd overwhelming. Same with school vouchers, which I expect we'll soon see democrats clai.ing that it's been the GOP standing in the way. NEA will be interesting to watch on that.

BTW Clyburn is quoted today saying he's always been pro voter id.

07-05-2021, 12:51 PM
Polling has shown that the people support viter I'd overwhelming. Same with school vouchers, which I expect we'll soon see democrats clai.ing that it's been the GOP standing in the way. NEA will be interesting to watch on that.

BTW Clyburn is quoted today saying he's always been pro voter id.

They take polls and find that states/nationally that citizens overwhelmingly support this or that, or that they are vehemently against something. Never matters. The democrats do what THEY want. :( :rolleyes:

07-05-2021, 01:46 PM
They take polls and find that states/nationally that citizens overwhelmingly support this or that, or that they are vehemently against something. Never matters. The democrats do what THEY want. :( :rolleyes:
Not really, especially when people are showing up at school board meetings and suing cities, counties, and states over policies that are aiding and abetting crime.

07-06-2021, 08:16 AM
....and Most americans voted for Trump. (D)'s will never, NEVER let that happen, either.

07-06-2021, 09:53 AM
So how many of the leftist politicians who are against voter ID will support legislation to ban banks from requiring ID to open a bank account? Certainly requiring an ID to open a bank account is a burden and racist. Perhaps a person could find a few financial institutions to open an account without an ID but those could be hard to locate and require a distance to travel or extra time, again racist. So really it’s time for banks to stop acting like colonists and drop the ID requirement.

07-06-2021, 10:31 AM
So how many of the leftist politicians who are against voter ID will support legislation to ban banks from requiring ID to open a bank account? Certainly requiring an ID to open a bank account is a burden and racist. Perhaps a person could find a few financial institutions to open an account without an ID but those could be hard to locate and require a distance to travel or extra time, again racist. So really it’s time for banks to stop acting like colonists and drop the ID requirement.

We should consider Banning ID requirements when operating a car, too.

07-06-2021, 11:25 AM
We should consider Banning ID requirements when operating a car, too.
Yup, I think you are right. The DMV’s policies of racial discrimination with ID requirements needs to be cancelled. Even though there are activities in our society that benefit from safety measures of confirming a person is who that person claims to be, those safety measures should be abandon for the racial over burdensome and Colonist practices.

07-06-2021, 11:33 AM
There is another way to look at this. Perhaps Maxine Waters, Stacy Abrams, AOC, Joe Biden and the woke CEO’s are relying on a segment of the population inability to open a bank account, drive a car, or fly on an airplane, etc.

07-06-2021, 11:48 AM
There is another way to look at this. Perhaps Maxine Waters, Stacy Abrams, AOC, Joe Biden and the woke CEO’s are relying on a segment of the population inability to open a bank account, drive a car, or fly on an airplane, etc.You might be onto something ...

07-06-2021, 04:13 PM
So how many of the leftist politicians who are against voter ID will support legislation to ban banks from requiring ID to open a bank account? Certainly requiring an ID to open a bank account is a burden and racist. Perhaps a person could find a few financial institutions to open an account without an ID but those could be hard to locate and require a distance to travel or extra time, again racist. So really it’s time for banks to stop acting like colonists and drop the ID requirement.

The worst one they ever demand is photo ID to go out and drink alcohol.

07-06-2021, 06:37 PM
The worst one they ever demand is photo ID to go out and drink alcohol.From an old school bouncer back in the day: you don't need ID to drink alcohol. You need ID to be present in a bar, or purchase it.

I mention that because I sh*t you not, we got closed down one night and the owner taken to jail because they found people in the bar without ID and one of those guys then looked older than I do now. We were informed it didn't matter how old he was. It mattered that he was allowed in the bar and served without ID.