View Full Version : Sport? Or not a sport?

07-04-2021, 03:31 PM
That is "professional eating"

And some claim they are athletes in what they do.

And I'm sorry, I call them greedy slobs. All they want is the money at the end. And perhaps they eat and train their bodies how to best swallow their food and expand their stomachs. An athlete that does not make, not even close.

Yes, he won today's "Nathan's Hot Dog eating contest" in Coney Island - barely chewing and swallowing 76 hot dogs. Bleck.

The article is below, but first, fast forward your way through some of this amazing video of this athlete. Just watch how disgusting it is after awhile of shoving hot dogs and buns down his fat face. This video is a few years old:


And then today:

Joey Chestnut wins 14th Nathan's Famous Fourth of July Hot Dog Eating Contest with record 76 franks

Joey Chestnut won his 14th Nathan's Famous Fourth of July Hot Dog Eating Contest in dominant fashion on Sunday, devouring a new record 76 franks in 10 minutes to keep his mantle atop the sport.

“It just felt good,” Chestnut, of Westfield, Indiana, said in an ESPN interview after his win Sunday. “Even if I was uncomfortable, having everybody cheer me and push me, it made me feel good.”

Chestnut, who goes by "Jaws," put on another eating clinic to claim the Mustard Belt, out-eating second-place finisher Geoffrey Esper (50). Chesnut has now won 14 of the last 15 hot dog eating contests since taking down six-time defending champion Takeru Kobayashi in 2007, with his only loss in 2015 to Matt Stonie.

In his storied career at the annual Independence Day event, Chestnut has now eaten a record 1,089 hot dogs. On Sunday, Chestnut came out ready and was on record pace, downing 30 hot dogs in three minutes.

The annual Fourth of July frankfurter fest normally happens outside Nathan’s flagship shop in Brooklyn’s Coney Island neighborhood. But this year’s planning took place amid shifting coronavirus restrictions, and the event was held in a nearby minor league baseball stadium, Maimonides Park, with 5,000 spectators.

Rest - https://sports.yahoo.com/joey-chestnut-wins-14th-nathans-170918576.html

07-04-2021, 03:43 PM
Will they record the next time he wins from eating so many hotdogs and then....CROAK from a heart attack, or BLOCKED artery leading to his brain...caused by that last SWALLOW that gave him his FINAL record????
https://www.gannett-cdn.com/presto/2020/07/04/USAT/4fde0405-f97e-4e95-ade7-2efcd2e56534-001_AP_Hot_Dog_Eating_Contest_3.jpg?crop=4810,2706 ,x0,y0&width=660&height=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp

Anyone remember "LARD ASS" from "Stand by me?"

https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-idT-rFnFGwY/VkQ-oRaC0rI/AAAAAAAA1io/hggWTZXJfRc/s400/Stand%2BBy%2Bme%252C%2Blard%2Bass%252C%2Bbarf%2Bo% 2Brama.gif

07-04-2021, 05:17 PM
Not a sport. Mental disorder.

07-12-2021, 06:16 PM
Not a sport. Party trick.

07-12-2021, 07:16 PM
Not a Sport...just another form of stupidity (watching people gorge themselves) and actually participating in the endeavor.

07-12-2021, 09:29 PM
It is a great, annual, advertising trick by NATHANS. Their sport is COUNTING PROFITS while idiots make themselves sick...eating the product NATHAN's profits from. DUH!

https://imagesvc.meredithcorp.io/v3/mm/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.onecms.io%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fsites%2F20%2F2021%2F06%2F04%2F nathans-famous.jpg&q=85

So...for over 100 years....who's really thinking it's a Sport???