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07-06-2021, 04:03 PM
I think schools should update their curriculums & make regulations regarding teaching this bullshit.

And as importantly or more - get rid of activist teachers and it to schools code of conducts to eliminate. Give them an out to ensure this shit stops. And if teachers turn from teaching to activism, that they may get the hook. Stick with the curriculum & subjects. And I know much more is added by great teachers, but none of them should be pushing division and racism and segregation.

The project they speak of states that not teaching CRT is forcing teachers to lie to students. False premise from the get go.


Zinn Education Project Urges Teachers to Defy Laws Banning Critical Race Theory Concepts

A decades-old leftist campaign to indoctrinate America’s students in identity politics and the organization of social justice movements is calling upon all teachers to pledge to instruct students in the concepts associated with Critical Race Theory – even if it is banned.

“Pledge to teach the truth,” says the Zinn Education Project, inspired by Howard Zinn, author of A People’s History of the United States, published in 1980.

The project informs teachers, without use of the words, “Critical Race Theory,” but referencing the concepts of the cultural Marxist ideology:

Lawmakers in at least 21 states are attempting to pass legislation that would require teachers to lie to students about the role of racism, sexism, heterosexism, and oppression throughout U.S. history.

A bill introduced in the Missouri legislature exemplifies a rash of similar bills — in Texas, Idaho, Arkansas, Iowa, Louisiana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, West Virginia, Arizona, North Carolina, and more states — that aim to prohibit teachers from teaching the truth about this country: It was founded on dispossession of Native Americans, slavery, structural racism and oppression; and structural racism is a defining characteristic of our society today.

The Zinn project rips any legislation that bans teaching that Americans are inherently racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.:

Specifically, the Missouri bill bans teaching that: identifies [sic] people or groups of people, entities, or institutions in the United States as inherently, immutably, or systemically sexist, racist, anti-LGBT, bigoted, biased, privileged, or oppressed.

But how can one teach honestly about the nature of our society without examining how today’s racial inequality is a systemic legacy of this country’s history?

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/07/06/zinn-teachers-critical-race-theory/

07-06-2021, 07:24 PM
Commies don't teach the truth. They exploit the ignorant and stupid.

07-06-2021, 10:09 PM
Zinn based teaching has been a problem since late 60s early 70s

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-06-2021, 10:28 PM
Zinn based teaching has been a problem since late 60s early 70s

Teaching went to hell in the 60's and 70's
By the mid to late 80's it started bearing its ill and putrid fruits, imho.
Now perhaps only about 10/15 percent of teachers are even truly worth calling teachers, the rest are dem/lib/socialist/propagandists on payroll.
I was very lucky , as I graduated in 72.
And from a school that was far behind the progressive times- in other words, a school that had the old teachers- the ones that really taught.
By the 90's the school system was steeped in dem propagandist bullshit.
I should know, I had to re-teach my daughter all through her school years.
Only way she came out of it ok...
Teachers I was blessed to have had would spit on most of the indoctrinated scum they have destroying our children today, imho.
And yes, I tell it like it is- without fear or favor.
As I am kinda built just that way, that God , my father and my teachers. -Tyr

07-08-2021, 11:08 PM
Another parent confronting school board about how CRT is teaching his kids to hate their mother who is white.

https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames/status/1411882228423041024?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1411882228423041024%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com%2F2 021%2F07%2Fwatch-black-father-blasts-crt-school-board-meeting-crt-teaches-daughter-mother-evil%2F

07-11-2021, 10:25 AM
Intellectually honest critical thinking is the antithesis of CRT; which, is an edict viewed through a coffee stir. The first step to stopping it, if that is even possible at this stage, is calling it what it is: racism. It's more than that. It's justifying any and everything that goes against the status quo. Apparently, crying about coveting your neighbors goods pays better than getting a job:rolleyes:

Rooting for the underdog fits into the American psyche so what better idea if you want to dispossess the majority than claim to be victim to it?

Be all that as it may, it is manifesting itself as racism. I've spent my entire life being intolerant of racism and racists, and I'm not about to change my ways just because these assclowns want to point the finger at me. If you accept it you're part of the problem as far as I'm concerned.