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View Full Version : Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review

07-07-2021, 11:08 AM
Peer reviewed meta analysis in the American Journal of Therapeutics

Bottom line finding,
Ivermectin Probably reduces deaths by 62%
Ivermectin possible reduces transmission by 86%

Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines

watch on youtube while you can


07-08-2021, 03:09 AM
Had discussion today with doctor about traveling. I'm not vaccinated. She said take 2 Ivermectin on first day of travel and then once a week while traveling for preventative measures. She also belonged to that group of Frontline doctors who advocated for ivermectin and hydroxychlorocline last year. Really pissed off at FB for shutting down their forum.

She refused to get the shot because she said she wasn't a guinea pig.

07-08-2021, 03:12 AM

Do you have supply on hand. When I picked up my prescription the pharmacist had to counsel me that it is for pinworms and not covid. I told her I was aware of that.


07-08-2021, 08:39 AM
@revelarts (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1760)

Do you have supply on hand. When I picked up my prescription the pharmacist had to counsel me that it is for pinworms and not covid. I told her I was aware of that.


pharmacist gonna pharma


07-08-2021, 11:12 AM
If Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are truly known, and can ultimately be proven to work, help and/or prevent deaths in America - and it can somehow be proven that someone or more purposely downplayed it for political reasons, then those folks should be charged with crimes. Problem is going to be able to prove they did so knowingly, and with intent. Now Fauci and other leading doctors should be in the know on such things. But again, proving this will be nearly impossible.

07-08-2021, 12:45 PM
Fauci and big pharma don't want you to use over the counter meds to minimize symptoms because we might prove covid pandemic was avoidable. Also, NWO wants to reduce the world population. What better way than a pandemic.

The psychological barriers to accepting FLCCC's analyses are strong because it strains credulity to believe that the public health authorities, Big Pharma, and our political overlords are so divorced from reality and morality as to reject a well known and quite safe life-saving drug. But a great deal of current public policy, ranging from climate change to gender identity to election integrity to foreign policy, bears little connection to reality, and the powers that be are under heavy financial and reputational pressure to deny ivermectin.
So one should read the papers and decide for oneself.

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/05/dont_tell_fauci_more_evidence_for_ivermectin.html# ixzz7034iFQMZ
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07-08-2021, 08:26 PM
Doctors with an open mind and courage of their compassion have been using various treatments all along.
Not playing the wait for the gov't and big pharma to save us game.

Here in Virginia at one of major medical schools, Eastern Virginia Medical School, one the lead docs and his compatriots created a recommended treatment protocol that includes ivermectin. they've revised it several times apparently in conjunction with other docs elsewhere.
They've used it at the hospital to good results despite the non approval of Dr Falsy & the NIH

this version of the protocol was issued December 2020.

07-08-2021, 08:51 PM
Reporter Reveals How She Was Forced to Censor Dr. Joseph Varon
Censored by FOX news no less.
Dr. Joseph Varon also worked on peer review mentioned in 1st post



07-08-2021, 10:01 PM
Reporter Reveals How She Was Forced to Censor Dr. Joseph Varon
Censored by FOX news no less.
Dr. Joseph Varon also worked on peer review mentioned in 1st post



Hey, when my own doctor tells me her FB group was shut down I knew the censorship was going to be bad. She was furious.

07-10-2021, 12:15 PM

After experimental Covid-19 treatment, 80-year-old woman thankful to be home
As Judith Smentkiewicz fought for her life in a local hospital last month, she had no idea that her struggle with Covid-19 was the subject of a heated court battle and stories in the news media.

Until a few days ago, the 80-year-old woman was unaware that her family’s lawyers had obtained a court order enabling her to receive doses of Ivermectin, a drug that has not yet been approved by the federal government as a Covid-19 treatment.
Now that she’s back at her Cheektowaga home and well on the road to recovery, Smentkiewicz is amazed at everything that happened to her.
“I had no idea that any of this was going on,” Smentkiewicz told The Buffalo News in an interview. “My son and daughter didn’t tell me the whole story until I got home.
"They just wanted me to take care of myself and get better.”
Smentkiewicz said she has “absolutely no memory” of a five-day period when she was on a ventilator at Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital. According to family members, doctors there told them that her chances of survival were about 20%.
“I remember being taken to the hospital in an ambulance on Dec. 31, and being put on a stretcher in a hallway,” Smentkiewicz said. “I know they put me on the ventilator that day, but I don’t remember a single thing that happened until Jan. 4, when I was taken off the ventilator and able to sit up in my bed. I’m kind of glad I don’t remember those days.”

She now knows that her son, Michael, and daughter, Michelle Kulbacki, insisted that doctors give Smentkiewicz Ivermectin, a drug that has helped Covid-19 patients in other countries but has not yet been approved as a Covid-19 treatment in the U.S.
She also realizes that, when doctors were reluctant to give her more than one dose of the drug, her son and daughter hired attorneys Ralph C. Lorigo and Jon F. Minear to get a court order that enabled her to get more doses.

On Jan. 8, State Supreme Court Justice Henry J. Nowak ordered the hospital to resume treatment with Ivermectin. After that, Smentkiewicz made a strong recovery. She was able to leave the hospital in mid-January.
She then spent a month in the Harris Hill Nursing Facility in Amherst, and on Tuesday, she returned home.
“I am so appreciative of my family, the lawyers, the judge, the doctors, and all these people who were praying for me and fighting for me,” said Smentkiewicz, speaking to a reporter in a strong, clear voice. “I know I had a lot of prayer warriors on my side.”
“While she was on the ventilator, we prayed for Mom. We prayed to God, and the answer that came back to us was Ivermectin,” Kulbacki said. “My brother was doing some research on his own and came up with the information about Ivermectin. Nothing else was helping our mother. We read that Ivermectin was helping other people and had no dangerous side effects. We decided we had to try it.”

Unapproved by FDA, Ivermectin useful as Covid-19 treatment, local doctors say (https://buffalonews.com/news/local/unapproved-by-fda-ivermectin-useful-as-covid-19-treatment-local-doctors-say/article_8ee56f1a-625d-11eb-b771-b76fa82cbedb.html#tracking-source=in-article)

2nd WNY hospital ordered to treat Covid-19 patient with experimental drug (https://buffalonews.com/news/local/2nd-wny-hospital-ordered-to-treat-covid-19-patient-with-experimental-drug/article_f32339f0-5d01-11eb-b752-4f8966804581.html#tracking-source=in-article)

07-11-2021, 01:08 AM
I'm telling you .. everyone should have a supply of ivermectin on hand. So what if the pharmacist tells you it's a wormer. They have to say that because CDC hasn't approved it yet for covid.