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07-07-2021, 02:03 PM
We've already seen tons and tons of different strains of this covid virus. You will see them listed as covid variants, mutations or strains. And depending on the grouping that you look at, there are literally thousands identified. They have them identified as variants of concern, variants of interest & more. So you can see, they are seemingly forever mutating slightly.

But then it seems like some different strains emanate from different countries and then get shared with everyone. And I have to wonder if the countries with shitty healthcare and perhaps more illnesses and disease, maybe develop worse mutations. Just a guess. Either way, the strains will get passed around no matter where they start at.

They come from airplanes, probably a ton from other Americans traveling and bringing it back & I'm sure that more than enough are simply coming across the border. And it only makes sense to secure the avenues where it's coming from. And also a lot of crime. So a 2 birder!


If New COVID-19 Variants Need to Be Taken Very Seriously, Why Isn't Biden Closing the Border?

Last week, it was all about the Delta variant of COVID-19. Health experts tell us this variant is more transmissible than other variants, but vaccines still appear to prevent severe disease and death effectively. It also does not appear to be causing severe illness in children any more than the other variants have, which is excellent news. Researchers earlier in the pandemic felt exposure to COVID-19 in childhood could help build long-term immune responses, making the virus far less virulent over time.

Currently, the Delta variant is raging in the UK. Yet Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced that all COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted in the country on July 19, including masks, social distancing, and smartphone apps. The government will make the final decision on July 12, but Johnson said the country needs to move to a philosophy of personal responsibility and learn to live with the virus. It seems even he is not held captive by rising case numbers anymore in the absence of significant severe illness.

New information from Israel could be why. Israel, which has been dealing with the Delta variant for a while, indicates that the new COVID-19 variant is not making people seriously ill as often as previous waves. Eran Segal, a computational biologist at the Weizmann Institute, analyzed the data and reported:

Numbers show that 2.5% of all people confirmed with COVID-19 became seriously sick during previous waves (20-30 people per 1,000 cases). In this wave, no more than 0.5% (3-5 per 1,000) have fallen seriously ill.

The network is also reporting that some 90% of current infections in Israel are of the Delta variant.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/columns/stacey-lennox/2021/07/06/a-latin-american-covid-19-variant-in-the-news-does-the-biden-administration-care-or-nah-n1459720