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View Full Version : WOKE Ad Agencies and Corporations Hard at Work

07-09-2021, 11:40 AM
Nothing more to say about this than do you think you are getting played. The following was received from a friend:

I did a spreadsheet of TV commercials I saw over a 4 month period. The results are stunning. White men have all but disappeared. When they are in commercials they are either old, ugly and sick or they are the partner of a black woman and have no speaking part. In 3 of the commercials the white men are doing laundry and always paired with a little girl to whom they are delivering the clean clothes. There are zero commercials of white fathers and sons. None!

Equally disturbing , young white boys and teens have also disappeared. My study found a majority of the children white girls with a black "brother". Amazingly, in the month of December ther was an uptick in good looking white male models. Research determined that in each and every case it was a cologne commercial and every one of those commercials were made in Europe where they still use muscular, masculine white men. One insurance commercial featured a good looking white guy in his 20s. He was so mind-numbingly stupid that he was incapable of delivering his lines and couldn't even say "Liberty Mutual", the insurance company featured in the commercial.

Over a period of 4 months I concluded that while the African American population in America is only 12%; they were in 94.3% of the commercials. Black males are only 5% of our population yet were in 89.7% of the ads. White males make up the largest segment of our population, yet were only in 4% of the TV commercials. In most of those cases they are in ttheir 60s to 80s and were pushing medication for debilitating diseases, reverse mortgages or Medicare plans.

While my study had many more alarming facts, one that really stands out is that each and every ad for new cars featured a woman driver except for Lincoln. Only one ad included a white male passenger and he is not behind the wheel, a black woman is. In the commercials for automobiles ther were more black women drivers than white women. Again, Europe was the exception here. Mercedes abd BMW had no visible drivers. They showed the cars cruising the highways with license plates that were obviously European but never allowed a view where the driver was visible.

Finally, Hispanic, Asian and Middle Eastern men outnumbered white men 4 to 1, but still were nowhere near the number of black men in TV commercials.

If I include my final conclusion in this post I will surely be removed from this platform again.

This was forwarded from my father. Unlike the author, I haven't done a 4 months study. I've noticed the trend for a few years and periodically bitched about it. The media is wiping whites out of existence when we are are still 70+ percent of the majority. We're being disenfranchised without a single fight. Yet.