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07-09-2021, 12:45 PM
Brian Kolfage - Al Sharpton

One has been protesting, not paying taxes, crying racism (even if fake and on purpose) & getting himself in front of TV as an attention whore and does little more than stir up problems for years and years now.

Brian Kolfage - Volunteered and joined the US Air Force. Was deployed to Kuwait in 2003 and 2004. Volunteered to go to Iraq as well. In 2004 a rocket landed nearly right on him, lost both of his legs! Also his right hand and his right forearm. Received a purple heart in exchange for all of his body parts.

So what happened? Well, he decided to get involved in the building the wall efforts. Since the politicians wouldn't properly fund the wall, he then decided to run how own fundraiser.

But over the years he was also very critical of Obama. He dared to be friends with Steve Bannon.

Then began the harassment of censoring and deleting his social media posts and then banned him as well. And then along with Bannon and 2 others, he was arrested and dragged by his ONE LIMB and charged. And at the same time - Sharpton goes to the White House. :rolleyes:


“This Is Not What I Gave Three Limbs For, This Is Not the Country I Swore to Defend” – Feds Attack Veteran Brian Kolfage Again – Charging Him for Making Error In His Amended Tax Return

Once the Department of Justice goes after a target who’s pro-God, pro-family, and pro-American they never stop. The attack again and again. If the person is an American war hero, they attack them as if they’re working for communist China.

Never in our county’s storied history have we seen so much corruption in our government. No case exemplifies this like the Fed’s attack on war hero Brian Kolfage.

The 2020 Arrest

The media reported during the unimpressive DNC production in 2020 and only a few days before the RNC, that New York agents had arrested Steve Bannon, Brian Kolfage, and two others for charges related to them building a segment of the wall on the Southern border. The news media was primed with fantastical stories of crimes in the court of public opinion.

What Big Media didn’t report on was Kolfage’s past. Senior Airman Brian Kolfage (https://briankolfage.com/about/)while on his second deployment for Operation Iraqi Freedom on September 11, 2004, was severely injured by a bomb in Iraq. Somehow Brian survived but he lost both his legs and an arm, one of the most severely injured soldiers in US history to make it.

This hero went on to get married and start a family and then he joined forces with Steve Bannon and others to “Build a Wall” on the Southern border. And they did, they built a wall with donations from people across the USA.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/07/not-gave-three-limbs-not-country-swore-defend-feds-attack-brian-kolfage-charging-making-error-amended-tax-return/

ETHICS OF PRIVILEGE – Tax Cheat Al Sharpton Invited in White House – American Hero and Build the Wall Leader Brian Kolfage Arrested for Bogus Tax Crimes

If you are a loudmouth black ‘preacher’ pushing race division then you can walk freely in this White House.

However, if you are an American patriot who built a wall on the Southern Border (because the Democrat Congress is blocking every avenue for the federal government to so) you get indicted on phony tax charges.

In 2015, the New York Times reported that Al Sharpton had millions in unpaid taxes.

“According to a New York Times’ review of government records last fall, the MSNBC host and civil rights activist personally faces federal tax liens for more than $3 million in back taxes owed, and state tax liens of $777,657. So in total, Sharpton reportedly owes more than $3.7 million in back taxes.

Sharpton walked freely with his taxes unpaid and even was awarded a show on a major cable network. Yesterday tax cheat Al Sharpton was invited into the White House to discuss the horrible bill HR1 which will eliminate free and fair elections in the US forever if passed:

Civil rights leaders said they informed President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris activists would be ‘getting back into the streets’ as voting rights legislation has stalled on Capitol Hill.

‘This will be a summer of activism. A summer of getting back into the streets. A summer of saying to the Senate and the Congress you may be going home, but it’s going to be warmer politically than you think on the ground. We want that to be made clear,’ the Rev. Al Sharpton told reporters after a White House meeting with Biden and Harris Thursday that lasted about an hour and 40 minutes.

When the Senate returns next week, civil rights leaders said lawmakers should be prepared to face down activists, after all 50 Senate Republicans voted last month against opening debate on the For the People Act.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/07/ethics-privilege-tax-cheat-al-sharpton-invited-white-house-american-hero-build-wall-leader-brian-kolfage-arrested-bogus-tax-crimes/