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View Full Version : Rand Paul to Introduce Legislation to Repeal Mask Mandates on Planes

07-09-2021, 01:48 PM
Also, read the bottom article I am posting. This is about airplane air circulation and how long this takes. And is the air stagnant and just recirculating virus infected air? What are the worries and how much will we benefit from wearing masks for this bogus air?

Fact is, the air you breath in an airplane is likely better than most places you will visit. The air is constantly being recirculated with new air and through HEPA filters.

Honey Badger Fauci doesn't give a f**k though. Honey Badger Fauci does as he pleases.


Rand Paul to Introduce Legislation to Repeal Mask Mandates on Planes

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) will introduce legislation to repeal the mask mandate on planes when the Senate session returns.

“When the Senate returns to session, I will be introducing an immediate repeal of the mask mandate on planes. Enough! Time to stop this farce and let people travel in peace!” Paul tweeted Thursday.


Paul, who has been a strong proponent of individual responsibility during the pandemic, said in January that “if you’ve had the disease or you’ve been vaccinated and you’re several weeks out from the second dose, throw your mask away.”

In March, Paul pushed back at Dr. Anthony Fauci over whether people should wear masks if they have recovered from coronavirus or been vaccinated against it.

“You’re telling everybody to wear a mask, whether they’ve had an infection or a vaccine,” Paul said to Fauci in a congressional hearing. “If people that have had the vaccine or have had the infection … if we’re not spreading the infection, isn’t it just theater?” Paul asked.

“Here we go again with the theater. Let’s get down to the facts,” Fauci replied. “Let me just state for the record that masks are not theater. Masks are protective.”

Paul has also expressed his concerns over Fauci’s potential involvement with gain of function research in the Wuhan lab.

“Absolutely, he lied to the America people. There was gain of function research going on with Dr. Shi Zhengli at the Wuhan Institute,” Paul explained.

“In her paper, she actually thanked Dr. Fauci and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which is a part of National Institutes of Health (NIH) that Dr. Fauci runs,” Paul stated.

“It’s listed at the end of the paper. This paper was fined by NIAID research and it lists a ten digit number that identifies the research money she got from from the United States. Was it gain of function?” Paul asked.

“Well it took a SARS virus, which is a coronavirus, that’s 15 times more deadly than COVID, and it added to it S protein, which is something in the surface of it, to make it more easily infectious to epithelial cells for the respiratory tract. That to me is gain of function,” he concluded.


All aircrafts operated by ANA will have clean air replaced in approximately three minutes:

Clean air through adequate ventilation

The aircraft absorbs a large amount of clean air from the sky, which allows the cabin's entire air supply to be replaced in approximately three minutes.

All aircraft equipped with a high-performance filter*

The cabin air is filtered and circulated through a high-performance filter, ensuring high-quality, clean air.
The HEPA filters are commonly used in the air conditioning system of the operating rooms at hospitals.

Constant air circulation

The cabin air is constantly flowing, from the ceiling to the floor. The air in the aircraft does not stay stagnant.

These measures help keep the air in the cabin clean. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has stated that the risk of Coronavirus transmission is very low while passengers are in the cabin of an aircraft.

The Truth About Recirculated Air on Airplanes

There are lots of factors to consider and questions to ask if you're planning on getting on a plane during the COVID-19 pandemic. How safe will you be at the airport and on the plane? What new rules will you have to follow? Will the place you're planning on going even let you in? But there's one common concern that you don't need to worry about—one that's been making fliers nervous since long before the coronavirus pandemic. It involves the air inside the planes. Specifically, that that air is crawling with germs, making you very susceptible to getting sick during your flight—especially now, with a deadly airborne virus running rampant.

Things Your Airplane Pilot Won't Tell YouIf you knew everything your airplane pilot knows, would you still fly? Find out!

What's the fear here?

This is one of the most popular myths about airplanes because, when you think about it, it's logical. Airplanes are pressurized, completely enclosed vessels flying through the sky, often for many hours. So the air inside them must be recycled, right? And if the same air is floating around you and your fellow passengers for hours on end, it must be loaded with germs, right?

It's not! You don't have to worry about the safety or cleanliness of the air around you while you're flying. Perhaps surprisingly, there is fresh air coming into the planes, according to Scott Keyes, Founder and Chief Flight Expert at Scott's Cheap Flights. "Airplanes aren’t hermetically sealed environments," he explains. "During a flight, fresh air from outside the plane is being continuously circulated into the cabin through complex vents in the engines."

But the air isn't all fresh—yes, some of it is recycled. As Condé Nast Traveler explains, it's "some fresh air with up to 50 percent [recycled] cabin air." But that doesn't mean it's unclean. The majority of airlines equip their planes with hospital-grade filters specifically for the purpose of keeping the air clean. "These High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters cycle the air every few minutes, capturing 99.97 percent of airborne particles," Keyes says.

But most of the time, your airplane is equipped with germ-trapping filters that keep the air as clean as possible—and that's pretty clean. "Because of these onboard filters, researchers have found that airplane air is as clean or cleaner than the air in offices, schools, and other indoor settings," Keyes says. That's good news—especially now.

Rest - https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/the-truth-about-recirculated-air-on-airplanes/ar-BB170PyB

How ‘stale’ is the recycled air in a plane?

The air in the cabin isn’t sealed in. Fresh air is continuously introduced during the flight. A plane’s jets are already sucking in and compressing huge volumes of air to burn with the aviation fuel. Some of this is diverted for the passengers to breathe. Because the compression heats up the air, it must first be ducted around the wings to be cooled down. The air already in the cabin is passed through high-efficiency particulate (HEPA) filters to remove bacteria and viruses and then mixed 50:50 with the fresh air from outside. The excess cabin air is vented through valves to the rear of the plane to keep the cabin pressure constant.

This system means that the air in the plane’s cabin is completely replaced around 15 times an hour, but this is mainly about controlling the temperature and removing contaminants. The oxygen that all the passengers breathe is less than one per cent of the fresh oxygen entering the cabin.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-09-2021, 01:57 PM
Also, read the bottom article I am posting. This is about airplane air circulation and how long this takes. And is the air stagnant and just recirculating virus infected air? What are the worries and how much will we benefit from wearing masks for this bogus air?

Fact is, the air you breath in an airplane is likely better than most places you will visit. The air is constantly being recirculated with new air and through HEPA filters.

Honey Badger Fauci doesn't give a f**k though. Honey Badger Fauci does as he pleases.


Rand Paul to Introduce Legislation to Repeal Mask Mandates on Planes

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) will introduce legislation to repeal the mask mandate on planes when the Senate session returns.

“When the Senate returns to session, I will be introducing an immediate repeal of the mask mandate on planes. Enough! Time to stop this farce and let people travel in peace!” Paul tweeted Thursday.


Paul, who has been a strong proponent of individual responsibility during the pandemic, said in January that “if you’ve had the disease or you’ve been vaccinated and you’re several weeks out from the second dose, throw your mask away.”

In March, Paul pushed back at Dr. Anthony Fauci over whether people should wear masks if they have recovered from coronavirus or been vaccinated against it.

“You’re telling everybody to wear a mask, whether they’ve had an infection or a vaccine,” Paul said to Fauci in a congressional hearing. “If people that have had the vaccine or have had the infection … if we’re not spreading the infection, isn’t it just theater?” Paul asked.

“Here we go again with the theater. Let’s get down to the facts,” Fauci replied. “Let me just state for the record that masks are not theater. Masks are protective.”

Paul has also expressed his concerns over Fauci’s potential involvement with gain of function research in the Wuhan lab.

“Absolutely, he lied to the America people. There was gain of function research going on with Dr. Shi Zhengli at the Wuhan Institute,” Paul explained.

“In her paper, she actually thanked Dr. Fauci and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which is a part of National Institutes of Health (NIH) that Dr. Fauci runs,” Paul stated.

“It’s listed at the end of the paper. This paper was fined by NIAID research and it lists a ten digit number that identifies the research money she got from from the United States. Was it gain of function?” Paul asked.

“Well it took a SARS virus, which is a coronavirus, that’s 15 times more deadly than COVID, and it added to it S protein, which is something in the surface of it, to make it more easily infectious to epithelial cells for the respiratory tract. That to me is gain of function,” he concluded.


All aircrafts operated by ANA will have clean air replaced in approximately three minutes:

Clean air through adequate ventilation

The aircraft absorbs a large amount of clean air from the sky, which allows the cabin's entire air supply to be replaced in approximately three minutes.

All aircraft equipped with a high-performance filter*

The cabin air is filtered and circulated through a high-performance filter, ensuring high-quality, clean air.
The HEPA filters are commonly used in the air conditioning system of the operating rooms at hospitals.

Constant air circulation

The cabin air is constantly flowing, from the ceiling to the floor. The air in the aircraft does not stay stagnant.

These measures help keep the air in the cabin clean. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has stated that the risk of Coronavirus transmission is very low while passengers are in the cabin of an aircraft.

The Truth About Recirculated Air on Airplanes

There are lots of factors to consider and questions to ask if you're planning on getting on a plane during the COVID-19 pandemic. How safe will you be at the airport and on the plane? What new rules will you have to follow? Will the place you're planning on going even let you in? But there's one common concern that you don't need to worry about—one that's been making fliers nervous since long before the coronavirus pandemic. It involves the air inside the planes. Specifically, that that air is crawling with germs, making you very susceptible to getting sick during your flight—especially now, with a deadly airborne virus running rampant.

Things Your Airplane Pilot Won't Tell YouIf you knew everything your airplane pilot knows, would you still fly? Find out!

What's the fear here?

This is one of the most popular myths about airplanes because, when you think about it, it's logical. Airplanes are pressurized, completely enclosed vessels flying through the sky, often for many hours. So the air inside them must be recycled, right? And if the same air is floating around you and your fellow passengers for hours on end, it must be loaded with germs, right?

It's not! You don't have to worry about the safety or cleanliness of the air around you while you're flying. Perhaps surprisingly, there is fresh air coming into the planes, according to Scott Keyes, Founder and Chief Flight Expert at Scott's Cheap Flights. "Airplanes aren’t hermetically sealed environments," he explains. "During a flight, fresh air from outside the plane is being continuously circulated into the cabin through complex vents in the engines."

But the air isn't all fresh—yes, some of it is recycled. As Condé Nast Traveler explains, it's "some fresh air with up to 50 percent [recycled] cabin air." But that doesn't mean it's unclean. The majority of airlines equip their planes with hospital-grade filters specifically for the purpose of keeping the air clean. "These High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters cycle the air every few minutes, capturing 99.97 percent of airborne particles," Keyes says.

But most of the time, your airplane is equipped with germ-trapping filters that keep the air as clean as possible—and that's pretty clean. "Because of these onboard filters, researchers have found that airplane air is as clean or cleaner than the air in offices, schools, and other indoor settings," Keyes says. That's good news—especially now.

Rest - https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/the-truth-about-recirculated-air-on-airplanes/ar-BB170PyB

How ‘stale’ is the recycled air in a plane?

The air in the cabin isn’t sealed in. Fresh air is continuously introduced during the flight. A plane’s jets are already sucking in and compressing huge volumes of air to burn with the aviation fuel. Some of this is diverted for the passengers to breathe. Because the compression heats up the air, it must first be ducted around the wings to be cooled down. The air already in the cabin is passed through high-efficiency particulate (HEPA) filters to remove bacteria and viruses and then mixed 50:50 with the fresh air from outside. The excess cabin air is vented through valves to the rear of the plane to keep the cabin pressure constant.

This system means that the air in the plane’s cabin is completely replaced around 15 times an hour, but this is mainly about controlling the temperature and removing contaminants. The oxygen that all the passengers breathe is less than one per cent of the fresh oxygen entering the cabin.


imho, Dr.- Falsey is nothing but a damn lying and truly verified POS....
He has sold his soul to the devil and gives no a damn about anybody but himself.
His so-called -advice-- has led to at the very least , tens of thousands needlessly dying and the number is very likely far in excess of that number cited.
He should be in jaiul for his being involved in the gain of function research. imho..

He is being protected because he is a globalist shill and is touting the fear mongering line that helps the ffing Dems, imho..-Tyr