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View Full Version : U.S. Tech Companies Disappointed With DACA Ruling, Urge Congress To Act

07-18-2021, 08:48 AM
July 17, 2021
By Kanishka Singh
(Reuters) -Some U.S. tech companies expressed disappointment with a ruling by a federal judge that blocked new applications to a program that protects immigrants who were brought to the United States as children from deportation.
U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen on Friday sided with a group of states suing to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, arguing that it was illegally created by former President Barack Obama in 2012.
“We have long argued in support of this program, filing an amicus brief in this case, and we are very disappointed by the decision (from the judge)”, Google spokesperson Jose Castaneda said.
“Dreamers and immigrants make the United States — and Twitter — better”, a spokesperson from social media platform Twitter said in an emailed statement.
Twitter, Google, Microsoft and Photoshop maker Adobe urged the U.S. Congress to come together to protect Dreamers, with Google saying they wanted DACA to be “cemented” into law.
Microsoft President Brad Smith said that the “disappointing” ruling created “uncertainty yet again for Dreamers.”
The judge ruled on Friday that the program violated the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) when it was created but said that since there were so many people currently enrolled in the program – nearly 650,000 – his ruling would be temporarily stayed for their cases and their renewal applications.
Biden, who was vice president when Obama created the program, has said he wants to create a permanent pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients, known as “Dreamers.”
On Saturday, Biden vowed to preserve the program that protects from deportation hundreds of thousands of immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, promising to appeal the judge’s ruling invalidating it and urging Congress to provide a path to citizenship.
(Reporting by Kanishka Singh in Bengaluru, Editing by Nick Zieminski)

So who asked Big Tech and who gives a rat's ass whether or not they're disappointed? Just another organization with unequal media access sticking its nose into a political/legal debate.

like anyone else, I enjoy the convenience Big Tech offers (at an price), but I was fine without it and consider it not worth the problems it has caused. I can read a compass and a map without googling it :rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-18-2021, 10:34 AM

So who asked Big Tech and who gives a rat's ass whether or not they're disappointed? Just another organization with unequal media access sticking its nose into a political/legal debate.

like anyone else, I enjoy the convenience Big Tech offers (at an price), but I was fine without it and consider it not worth the problems it has caused. I can read a compass and a map without googling it :rolleyes:

As I screamed back when the POS obama circumvented Congress and thus "wrote law", he had no such authority and his --pen-- was no more than a dictator's convenient weapon. Yet the scum did it and got by with it....
And there is not a word in the English language that can adequately express just how ffing mad that made me....
That that ffing piece of shit was installed and given power and permission to act against the nation and his sworn oath of office-- while being cheered by the ffing usual -- gullible uneducated and dem liberal engineered public education created IDIOTS...

And obama seizing that power to do that was in fact an act of treason but hey nobody cared then- nobody cares now.
That is how the cookie crumbles-- the cookie in that case being -- "the nation".
Truth is-- mainstream media engages in treason daily and has done such faithfully ever since the traitor obama was installed, imho.--Tyr

07-18-2021, 10:50 AM
I said it was unconstitutional then. Until I got tired of saying it and nobody listening. Way it goes.

This judge will be overruled. His ruling is merely a stay until the Dems can get it into the right judge's lap. Not to mention the Supreme Court.

I'll also say this again for the umpteenth time. No yes or no decision is going to address the problem. I'm not talking about straight-up illegals, illegals on the border, nor anchor babies. Nor am I talking about about enforcing the border; which, would preclude this being a topic of discussion.

However, for those brought here as children and have grown up as Americans because of the sins of the fathers, have no real place to go. They don't belong in Mexico and/or South America any more than you or I. The right thing to do is establish and confirm a cut-off date with a dire warning for those that come after, and suck up the "dreamers".

I also mentioned more than twice that Republicans should be the ones to do it. They're going to get it anyway. Why let the Dems have political credit for doing what actually needs to be done and is going to be done sooner or later? Those are votes Republicans could have capitalized on and keep from the Dems. Had Trump rolled it out as a plan last year, pre-election, as I suggested, we might not be looking at this socialist puppet we are now.

But no. The right has to keep a closed mind on the topic and stick to "the law says ...". Law's already been circumvented. Time to improvise, adapt and overcome instead of standing behind a line in the sand no one's even acknowledging.

Aside from all that, I'd rather have some grateful immigrants who know how to work in this country than any of these leftwingtard moonbats that appear dead set on trying to do nothing the rest of their lives.

07-18-2021, 11:52 AM
I think I heard that the decision would have to be appealed to the 5th Circuit, which is right-leaning, and then the Supreme Court? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-18-2021, 12:26 PM
I think I heard that the decision would have to be appealed to the 5th Circuit, which is right-leaning, and then the Supreme Court? Correct me if I'm wrong.

I think gunny is absolutely correct . They will find a judge that will overturn that lower court's decision.
They have such as that covered by decades of their agenda- placing slavish judges in place.-Tyr