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View Full Version : House Democrats Block Vote On Rep. Owens’ ‘Say No To Indoctrination Act’

07-28-2021, 12:18 PM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:36 AM PT – Wednesday, July 28, 2021House Democrats blocked consideration for a bill aimed at preventing federal funds to advance discriminatory concepts like critical race theory. This came after Rep. Burgess Owens (R-Utah) pushed for a vote on Tuesday on his ‘Say No to Indoctrination Act’, (https://utahpolicy.com/news-release/60419-rep-owens-introduces-the-say-no-to-indoctrination-act) which would prevent federal dollars from funding such trainings.
The Utah Republican spoke on the House floor while reflecting on his own experiences with racism during the times of Jim Crow and segregation. He went on to say people still act unfairly toward others due to their skin color when individuals choose to hate.
“More could be done to create a world that teaches greater tolerance and respects the dignity of every individual regardless of race, color or creed,” Owens stated. “CRT is not the solution. It is absolutely wrong and un-American to indoctrinate our children in believing because of their skin color they are forever part of oppressed or oppressive class. Hate has no place in our schools and CRT has no place in our classes.”

Despite strong support from the Republican Party, Democrats were quick to shoot down consideration while claiming they are not going to debate whether racism still exists in America.

Not a surprise where the Dems stand; rather, a confirmation.

Note the bolded portion that is the Dem response to absolutely nothing Rep Owens addressed. Republicans need to get over themselves and their petty squabbles and put these racists out of business before it's too late. If it isn't already.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-28-2021, 04:19 PM

Not a surprise where the Dems stand; rather, a confirmation.

Note the bolded portion that is the Dem response to absolutely nothing Rep Owens addressed. Republicans need to get over themselves and their petty squabbles and put these racists out of business before it's too late. If it isn't already.

Deceit, distortion, lies and mind games is all the lousy dems got..
Yet thank to the fact the mainstream media is owned by them -they stay in power.
Existing as well thanks to the totally destroyed education system. The --one that they deliberately destroyed.
As they desperately needed a dumbed down public to stay viable. And they got it-- and in spades, imho.-Tyr