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View Full Version : Capitol Police are ordered to arrest those not comply with mask mandate

07-31-2021, 10:45 AM

Rep. Thomas Massie, a Kentucky Republican, said Thursday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi might as well come to his office and arrest his entire staff for not wearing masks (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/house-republicans-mask-physician-political).
U.S. Capitol Police officers were directed to arrest staff members or visitors who refuse either to comply or leave the premises after being asked, according to a bulletin from Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger.

Luke Gentile
Thu, July 29, 2021, 4:05 PM

https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/T5.FFrqwwaL1jpyJAlgLIA--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTU4NS45NzQwMjU5Nz QwMjY-/https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/u8xWUP9tr_wPvbF0efB1eA--~B/aD05NDA7dz0xNTQwO2FwcGlkPXl0YWNoeW9u/https://media.zenfs.com/en/washington_examiner_articles_265/19d20597e8ebc1a86ccc3823f9bfb8e4

Rep. Thomas Massie, a Kentucky Republican, said Thursday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi might as well come to his office and arrest his entire staff for not wearing masks (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/house-republicans-mask-physician-political).
U.S. Capitol Police officers were directed to arrest staff members or visitors who refuse either to comply or leave the premises after being asked, according to a bulletin from Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger.
HOUSE REPUBLICANS RAGE AND DISOBEY RETURN OF MASK MANDATE: 'ABSOLUTELY ABSURD' (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/republican-return-mask-mandate-protest)
"This is INSANE," Massie tweeted (https://twitter.com/RepThomasMassie/status/1420731883562967041). "I support the Capitol Hill Police, but the Chief of Police made a mistake here. The physician and chief of police don't have this authority."

Luke Gentile
Thu, July 29, 2021, 4:05 PM

Follow the link. SOmething didn't work on the copy-paste side. There are more comments from other members.

Pelosi needs to be gone. Long ago. She is exactly what Rep Williams states. This crap with the masks is beyond ridiculous.