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View Full Version : Texas Sanctuary State and Open Carry Laws

07-31-2021, 07:57 PM
I don't have much issue with the "sanctuary state" thing. It basically says Texas will not enforce any Federal laws the Dems can dream up. I get that. Makes sense.

Now let's do "open carry". I can't fathom who thinks this is a good idea. I definitely can't see a way to squeeze open carry out of the 2nd Amendment. Well, not without going outside the bounds of reason. What I can see is a whole bunch of crap going wrong.

Open carry is of course for only law-abiding, lawful gun owners. Did anyone take a look out the window before they came up with that? People do what they want and gamble against getting caught. Half the people out there vote Democrat.

Mostly, you just gave criminals a green light to open carry their weapons they carry anyway and are already chancing getting busted, to drape the shit over their arm. Criminals also have shitty guns. Law-abiding citizens usually have at least serviceable and better quality weapons. So criminal who is willing to use his gun sees Bob Nerd with a $1500 Colt and wants it.

This would be great if it was 1880 when men were men, mostly self-sufficient and still had the concept of survival/self-preservation in their heads. Nonsense with firearms wasn't tolerated. Despite Hollywood.

Plain and simple: Right or left, I don't trust members of our current society with this responsibility.