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View Full Version : Sen. Paul: YouTube Acts Like A Branch Of Biden Admin.

08-04-2021, 01:14 PM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 4:25 PM PT – Tuesday, August 3, 2021Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has slammed YouTube for political censorship and urged users to switch to other platforms. The Kentucky senator said on Tuesday, YouTube has been acting like a branch of the Biden administration, despite being a private company.
Paul stressed Biden’s officials denied “actual science” and YouTube has censored anyone who dared to challenge them. He went on to say YouTube was spreading misinformation by telling people face masks protected people from COVID-19, which he argued didn’t significantly reduce the risk of infection.
The senator added YouTube stifled debate and anyone who challenged the establishment.
“People like Dr. Fauci, who have lied to the American people time and again about masks. What I said in the interview that YouTube censored is the truth, it’s fact,” he stated. “…Here’s some of the science for the YouTube science deniers: a DANA study of 6,000 participants found that wearing a surgical mask did not significantly reduce a person’s risk of COVID-19 infection.”
Paul went on to point out Rumble was a good alternative to YouTube because it carried real and unfiltered news.

I agree with Paul. It would be nice to have alternatives. I haven't been on Rumble so I can't verify Paul's statement about it. My problem is "unfiltered news" is great when I want news. Not somuch when I want to be entertained. Unfortunately, youtube got in on the ground floor entertainment-wise.

08-04-2021, 10:31 PM

I agree with Paul. It would be nice to have alternatives. I haven't been on Rumble so I can't verify Paul's statement about it. My problem is "unfiltered news" is great when I want news. Not somuch when I want to be entertained. Unfortunately, youtube got in on the ground floor entertainment-wise.

Not as user friendly as YouTube but good alternative.

08-05-2021, 09:52 AM
Not as user friendly as YouTube but good alternative.I'll have to check it out. "User friendly" is a factor, but not a deal breaker with me. Content would be.

I watch a lot of old stuff. As far as television entertainment is concerned, I dropped out a long time ago. I find especially network TV redundant, mindless and boring. That was before they started using it as a leftwingnut social agenda platform. The latter being the nail in the coffin.

08-06-2021, 08:53 PM
I'll have to check it out. "User friendly" is a factor, but not a deal breaker with me. Content would be.

I watch a lot of old stuff. As far as television entertainment is concerned, I dropped out a long time ago. I find especially network TV redundant, mindless and boring. That was before they started using it as a leftwingnut social agenda platform. The latter being the nail in the coffin.

Agree myself also...and many movies old and new...to get away from politics...

08-07-2021, 11:01 AM
I had stated a LONG time back that many of the stations on the MSM were acting like a branch of the democrat party. Then FB, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and others all followed suit. And then from little sites to major MSM they openly decided to censor and delete and step on freedoms.