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View Full Version : Vax wiill soon be mandatory for all members of U.S. military

08-04-2021, 04:26 PM
I knew this was coming. -----------------------------> https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/delta-surges-us-military-braces-mandatory-covid-19-vaccines-2021-08-03/

08-04-2021, 08:35 PM
Only surprise here is I would have assumed they already had.

You'll have a few people in the military refuse to take it. Always is. They'll get busted under the UCMJ for "failure to obey a lawful order," and go from there. In the Marines, each time you refuse it's a stripe. Officers and Senior NCO's that refuse (never heard nor seen that one) can forget any kind of a career on top of the whatever punitive actions are taken.

The USAF started shooting me up when I was 2. They didn't have age limits then, I guess. More shots than most any of us can spell. Same when I went to Greece. THEN I joined the Marine Corps. If there's a shot for something, the freakin' US Navy's got it and those Corpsmen are quite diligent keeping records up to date. ANd they even follow you on the ship. You're getting your shot.

So, what's another shot? By juicer's estimation I have enough poison in me that I should have died before I was born :)