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View Full Version : 75% of Americans approve of GW's handling of war on terror

09-24-2007, 01:20 PM
That's correct, I personally asked about 150 people over the past several months and about 75% of those who responded felt GW was going in the right direction in fighting terrorism.

About 80% of those who responded couldn't stand Hillary and said they would never vote for her.

The sampling rate works out to be .00005% of our nation as a whole, not much different in comparison to the sampling rates used in most other polls shown here to bash Bush and his administration.

There ya have it, folks, science doing it's job!

09-24-2007, 01:53 PM
That's correct, I personally asked about 150 people over the past several months and about 75% of those who responded felt GW was going in the right direction in fighting terrorism.

About 80% of those who responded couldn't stand Hillary and said they would never vote for her.

The sampling rate works out to be .00005% of our nation as a whole, not much different in comparison to the sampling rates used in most other polls shown here to bash Bush and his administration.

There ya have it, folks, science doing it's job!

Sounds about right to me....Good job, jimmy...:laugh2:

Abbey Marie
09-24-2007, 03:04 PM
The numbers speak for themselves. :)

09-24-2007, 03:11 PM
Now now you hafta count for the bias of your poll but you already know that. What type of people did you ask, from what demographic and all that and since we're poliing why didn't ya ask me. I'll add a no, do to the fact OBL hasn't been captured/killed, but atleast we haven't had another attack and that is a plus in Bush's favor.

09-24-2007, 03:12 PM
but.....but..... wait you mean a poll can actually say what you wnat it to?? I just don't belive it!!! I mean how could a poll say something like that. It mu be because you only asked republicans wasn't it???

Ohhh sarcasm off now....:laugh2:

Hagbard Celine
09-24-2007, 03:13 PM
Now now you hafta count for the bias of your poll but you already know that. What type of people did you ask, from what demographic and all that and since we're poliing why didn't ya ask me. I'll add a no, do to the fact OBL hasn't been captured/killed, but atleast we haven't had another attack and that is a plus in Bush's favor.

All 150 people he polled were minute men and freedom riders.

09-24-2007, 03:14 PM
they were still ppl Hag...stop degrading them

09-24-2007, 03:15 PM
I know, so sad that's the only people he could find to say it. Prolly still had to pay some of them to.

09-24-2007, 03:15 PM
All 150 people he polled were minute men and freedom riders.
but statistics dont lie, havent you heard!!! I mean just ask manfrommain or truthmatters... They always believe every poll put in front of them that is if it agrees with their stance on things

09-24-2007, 03:23 PM
polls can still go the way that you want them to, so how does that make them trusted?

09-24-2007, 03:33 PM
Now now you hafta count for the bias of your poll but you already know that. What type of people did you ask, from what demographic and all that and since we're poliing why didn't ya ask me. I'll add a no, do to the fact OBL hasn't been captured/killed, but atleast we haven't had another attack and that is a plus in Bush's favor.

All 150 people he polled were minute men and freedom riders.

I know, so sad that's the only people he could find to say it. Prolly still had to pay some of them to.

I frequent various coffee places, and shops to get my smokes. I speak with people I see getting the paper about the headlines, or those I see already blabbing with those I know behind the counter. I've got a big mouth that way and have no problem injecting myself into a conversation! :)

No bias, because I don't think I knew a single person I spoke with, every single one was at random. Men, women, old, young, a few hippie types, nerds, a handful of Muslims, a few veterans...

This is probably more accurate than taking pre-printed reports and calling these schmucks on the telephone with leading questions. I simply blurted out "Do you think GW is going in the right direction in fighting terrorism?" "What do you think of Hillary, does she have your vote?"

My point is, if you think this small sampling is a good representation for the feel of the entire country, then I have a nice bridge that connects lower Manhattan to Brooklyn to sell you!

09-24-2007, 03:43 PM
My point is, if you think this small sampling is a good representation for the feel of the entire country, then I have a nice bridge that connects lower Manhattan to Brooklyn to sell you!
True but we all, already knew that.