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View Full Version : Cotton: Fauci, Others ‘Have Been Moving the Goalposts’ — ‘Not a Change in the Science

08-09-2021, 01:56 PM
More so like lying about the goalposts. And of course all of the others whenever they can too, but Fauci as a leading doctor shouldn't be tossing out lies to all the citizens. The fact that he's been nailed on so many lies alone already should have him removed. And while we all know damn well he lied about the gain of function, they are going to use yet more lame lies to keep him out of trouble.


Cotton: Fauci, Others ‘Have Been Moving the Goalposts’ — ‘Not a Change in the Science’

During an appearance on FNC’s “Sunday Night in America,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) criticized public health officials, including National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci, for the shifting narrative of COVID-19.

Cotton urged Fauci and others to have more faith in the American people than they appear to have.

“[S]o many times people like Tony Fauci have been moving the goalpost,” he said. “They’ve been misleading the American people saying that they know better. They said early on, ‘Don’t use masks.’ A month later said, ‘Use masks.” That was not a change in the science. That was a change in what he thought was mask availability. Well, just say that, or he said that herd immunity would be 70% — ‘No, it’s 75%, no, it’s 80%, no, it’s 85%.”

“Again, that was not a change in the science,” Cotton continued. “He explicitly said that was because of what he thought the American people were ready to hear. Well, medical bureaucrats in Washington D.C. have no clue of what the American people are ready to hear. They should tell the people the facts and let the people make up their own minds. I have a lot of faith in them to do that, but bureaucrats like Tony Fauci don’t.”


08-09-2021, 02:02 PM
And more from this idiot.

"we didn't get what we want, so now we will just force our way through" :rolleyes:

Even though I chose to get my vaccine, I hope someone would sue immediately on this one. All of our other vaccines are "recommended". And I do believe for good reason, but also believe it should be a choice.


Anthony Fauci: FDA Vaccine Approval Will Encourage Private Entities to Mandate Shots

Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) potential coronavirus vaccine approval will push private entities to mandate shots.

“I hope — I don’t predict — I hope that it will be within the next few weeks. I hope it’s within the month of August,” Fauci said about the FDA’s outstanding approval of the vaccine. “If that’s the case, you’re going to see the empowerment of local enterprises, giving mandates that could be colleges, universities, places of business, a whole variety and I strongly support that.”

“Mandates at the local level need to be done,” Fauci added. “The time has come. … We’ve got to go the extra step to get people vaccinated.”

Fauci also told CNN’s Jake Tapper on July 11 that vaccine mandates should be implemented at a local level, as a federal vaccine mandate for American citizens is still being reviewed, President Joe Biden has stated.

“I have been of this opinion, and I remain of that opinion, that I do believe at the local level, Jake, there should be more mandates. There really should be. We’re talking about life and death situations, Fauci said before suggesting FDA approval would bolster local communities to mandate vaccines.

“But they are waiting now until you get an official approval before. And I think when you do see the official approval, you’ll see a lot more mandates,” he said.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/09/anthony-fauci-fda-vaccine-approval-encourage-private-entities-mandate-shots/