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View Full Version : Ted Cruz and Kevin Cramer Introduce Bills Banning Mask and Vaccine Mandates

08-11-2021, 11:43 AM
Good for all of them! It's more than about time that people started pushing back. Amazing what happens when more and more truth comes out, as well as the lies.

And I don't really care where everyone lies in the whole vaccine debate - but I do know folks should have the choice to decide.


Ted Cruz and Kevin Cramer Introduce Bills Banning Mask and Vaccine Mandates

Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Kevin Cramer (R-ND) introduced bills on Tuesday banning mask and vaccine mandates.

“To protect the rights and privacy of Americans,” Sen. Cruz wrote in a press release, “I’ve introduced legislation that would prohibit federal COVID mandates. This means no mask mandates, no vaccine mandates, and no vaccine passports.”

“My legislation also provides civil rights protections for employees from their employers, to stop discrimination based on vaccination status,” Cruz continued. “The American people must have the freedom to exercise personal choice when it comes to protecting their health and the health of their families.”

Cramer also issued a statement:

When it comes to handling COVID-19, Americans are self-governed people who have more than enough information available to them on how to talk to their doctor and figure out what is best for themselves and their families. Efforts by the Biden Administration and its allies to bully or force people to comply with mask and vaccine mandates – even though their guidance has been inconsistent and haphazard throughout the pandemic – will only succeed at infringing upon the rights of the American people. Our legislation would protect Americans by preventing the federal government from allowing itself to make these important decisions on their behalf.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/11/ted-cruz-kevin-cramer-mask-vaccine-mandates/

Protests Erupt in Tennessee and Kentucky over Mask Mandates and Forced Vaccinations

Protests erupted in Tennessee and Kentucky on Tuesday over school mask mandates and forced vaccinations.

“We want to have our own right and have our own decision to decide to wear a mask or not. That’s why I’m here today and that’s the right that I have to make that for my child as a recommendation,” said parent Keri Blare from Collierville School District in Tennessee, according to WREG Memphis.

“We want the freedom to raise our kids the way we see fit and we’re not going to allow the government to come along to tell us how to do it,” another parent said.


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/education/2021/08/11/protests-erupt-tennessee-kentucky-over-mask-mandates-forced-vaccinations/

08-11-2021, 01:52 PM
Good for all of them! It's more than about time that people started pushing back. Amazing what happens when more and more truth comes out, as well as the lies.

And I don't really care where everyone lies in the whole vaccine debate - but I do know folks should have the choice to decide.


Absolutement .

Pedantically , no Vaccine . Just an experimental inoculation involving gene therapy treatment which is wickedly dangerous .