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08-12-2021, 11:56 AM
With Cuomo history, and Newsom knocking on the door - Whitmer needs to go as well, not to mention a few more.


Cuomo’s Downfall Foreshadows Potential Looming Problems for Democrat Governors Nationwide

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D) resignation might not stop the bleeding for Democrats in governors’ mansions nationwide facing problems of their own.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) is on the ballot for a recall in five weeks in the Golden State, with polls signaling a potentially close race, while Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) faces corruption problems of her own in the upper Midwest.

If it succeeds, the second-ever recall election of a California governor — the first was Gray Davis, another Democrat, who lost and was replaced by Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger a couple of decades ago — would likely set off an avalanche of national problems for Democrats with governors’ races later this year in Virginia and New Jersey representing pickup opportunities for Republicans. The last time a Republican won the governorship in either state was immediately after the last Democrat president, former President Barack Obama, was sworn in — meaning with Democrat President Joe Biden in the White House right now, history is on the GOP’s side in both states.

Next year’s midterm elections also present a bevy of pickup opportunities for Republicans at the governor level, with Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf (D) term-limited out of running for reelection. Republicans, meanwhile, are targeting Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D), Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly (D), New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D), and others nationwide.

When Evers announced his reelection campaign in June, for instance, the Republican Governors Association (RGA) highlighted in a press release how Evers “had a tough run out of the gate” as indicated “when members of his own party struggled to muster up excitement and support for his reelection.”

But it is the Newsom recall possibility and a shot at Whitmer in Michigan that have Republicans most excited, especially in the wake of the Cuomo crash in New York. All three Democrat governors — Cuomo, Newsom, and Whitmer — each took on outsized, almost celebrity roles in the last year and a half in battling the pandemic with their various restrictions. They pushed masks and lockdowns and championed an until-recently bulletproof leftist narrative that the Democrats have been much more responsible and caring in responding to the pandemic than former President Donald Trump or governors like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) or Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R).

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/12/cuomos-downfall-foreshadows-potential-looming-problems-democrat-governors-nationwide/