View Full Version : Covid over 80 times less dangerous than thought

08-12-2021, 06:13 PM
People Think COVID is 81x More Dangerous Than it Actually Is

Gullible people without science = FEAR
You cannot even catch it if you prepare properly -- simple cheap anti virals and antioxidants .

THURSDAY, AUG 12, 2021 - 12:27
by Joe Jarvis via The Daily Bell (https://www.thedailybell.com/all-articles/news-analysis/people-think-covid-is-81x-more-dangerous-than-it-actually-is/)

In this video, I use official data from the CDC, FactCheck.org, and the Brookings Institute to explain why it doesn’t make sense to panic over COVID-19.


Most people’s perceived risk of death is wildly inaccurate, and the attempts to bully young healthy people into taking a COVID jab do not hold up to logic.
Links to data sources:
How misinformation is distorting COVID policies and behaviors (https://www.brookings.edu/research/how-misinformation-is-distorting-covid-policies-and-behaviors/)
As Virus Cases Rise, Another Contagion Spreads Among the Vaccinated: Anger (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/27/health/coronavirus-vaccination-hesitancy-delta.html)
Open Secrets, Sen. Charles E Schumer – New York (https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/charles-e-schumer/industries?cid=N00001093&cycle=2020&type=C)
UPDATE 1-Pfizer and Moderna raise prices for COVID-19 vaccines in EU- FT (https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/1-pfizer-moderna-raise-prices-121400124.html)
Pharmaceutical firms rake in billions with Covid jabs (https://today.rtl.lu/news/business-and-tech/a/1768290.html)
SciCheck and Our Commitment to Transparency (https://www.factcheck.org/2021/04/scicheck-and-our-committment-to-transparency/)
Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Including COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections, Associated with Large Public Gatherings — Barnstable County, Massachusetts, July 2021 (https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7031e2.htm?s_cid=mm7031e2_w)

08-12-2021, 09:13 PM
Thanks for the share there Juicy...video (a little long) but I watched it..it was fair & square and made a lot of sense....

..I had covid back when it first started affecting people..with me it lasted 2 days..bad cough some trouble breathing...sinus problems...did a home self treatment..Hot tea..sinus medicine..Ibuprofen and chicken soup (lots of it) for those two days..and I got better.
I am in my late 50`s...so I went to my personal Doctor (checked me out) and he told me thats what I had..

...It appears Im one of those with Natural immunity even to this day..I work around many people (The Public) daily and no issues for over a year...I have an older Mother with Alzheimers...and I see her Daily..feed her exercise her and hug and kiss her...Her husband is my step father he is older also..nethier of the two had it or got sick to this day!!!..He also goes out daily around the public shopping etc...Natural Immunity is a strong thing...

Thanks for reading...

08-13-2021, 04:26 AM
My feeling is that you have hit a key point, LTG .And why I think it is such a disaster that our lovely Sheeple do not know and understand this ---- to then take the appropriate action .
I have given up gently explaining to people that Vitamin C is ascorbic acid and an anti viral .That we do not make it and that there is no easy test to tell us our body level -- so take a few pills daily in these difficult times .
That's exactly how those effing bats in China cope with carrying the virus all the time but staying alive . They make so much that their droppings are full of it .
No side effects to heavy dosing , apart from increased bathroom time as the body simply excretes surplus .I take 5grm daily with no side effects . Linus Pauling allegedly took 9 grm daily !

I will become permanently red faced if I ever catch it but my natural gene protection is sky high and I am following a sound science based combat Master Plan .Which is so easy , anybody can do it .
Regardless there are plenty of medications which will cure in a few days if used early should some vaccinated dolt act as a spreader . Ivermectin being the most obvious .

And that is the most evil part of this Scamplandemic -- that the ignorant and very gullible masses have never been told basic simple truths .

For 50%+, imo , it is too late . Fully conditioned and too angry to listen and think . All imho .