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View Full Version : School tells teachers to hide students' 'gender dysphoria' from parents

08-13-2021, 02:31 PM
I was just pointing out yesterday how places are now getting legalities or fighting for them in order to give kids surgeries. And when barely even mentioning things, others then seek them out in order to help get them medications to help with their issue.

So all kinds of outwardly help towards CHILDREN who are feeling things out and not even sure about a damned thing.

But keep it from the most important people of all, their parents? :rolleyes:


School tells teachers to hide students' 'gender dysphoria' from parents

A major school district in Colorado encompassing a large portion of the Denver suburbs has told its teachers that they should hide from parents if a student is persistently exhibiting gender dysphoria.

If the student is in elementary school, teachers should consult parents. But not if the student is older, according to a report in Daily Wire.

The report explains the Jefferson County Public School district has dispatched to teachers a "Toolkit for Supporting Transgender & Gender Expansive/Nonconforming Students" that claims that gender identity, gender expression and sex assigned at birth are all different.

There's also a procedure for classifying people based on who they are physically and emotionally attracted to, the report said.

The Wire said it heard from one parent with concerns the school would not inform parents of such behavior at schools.

And according to the school guidance, parents whose child in secondary school who uses a different name, gender, or pronouns at school should not be contacted.

That's the opposite of instructions for elementary students.

The Wire quoted the actual instructions delivered: "If school staff believe that a gender identity or expression issue is presenting itself and creating difficulty for the child at school, approaching parents/guardians about the issue is appropriate at the elementary level. Together the family and school can then identify appropriate steps to support the student.”"

Rest - https://www.wnd.com/2021/08/teachers-instructed-avoid-informing-parents-child-shows-persistent-gender-confusion/

08-13-2021, 11:38 PM
My daughter took my grandson, almost 12, out of public school and put him in private school because of all the crap the schools are teaching these days. Found him one that teaches the basics.

08-14-2021, 06:57 AM
Coming soon to a place near you .

I understand that Project Devolution tells us not to literally fight back because sanity and good will prevail. And that it will be managed from behind the scenes .

But there will be at least 100 000 that will require punishment for the worst ghouls and / or major retraining/ rehabilitation for the Compliance Gullibles ------------

---- ze vuns ou vere just oh bay ing orders .