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View Full Version : 2022 and then 2024

08-13-2021, 03:33 PM
So I was hearing folks talk about how 2022 should be a romp for the republicans in the house. I really hope this happens and reel in these dummies some more.

More importantly, is 2024 and beyond. If he had not come back and taken the air out of things by then, I am really liking Desantis a lot. But it's only 2021.

And yeps, Biden has done this much in so little of time that I am actually missing Trump and his simply at least getting shit done.

But damn, should he come back and even attempt anything, let alone win - he has got to have either social media taken away from him - or an editor that gets last say and editing before it goes out.

Imagine if Trump were in charge of violence in the streets? Whether or not antifa and others would simply be let go? Where would gas prices be? Would the pipelines have been axed? Would other crime levels be the same? And what would be the status of Trump's wall? And even if not something completed, would the numbers of incoming illegals be the same as now with Biden?

Would Hunter Biden still be being ignored? :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Trump: 'Do You Miss Me Yet?'

Former President Donald Trump asked a question Friday as the country faces a list of growing problems.

"Tragic mess in Afghanistan, a completely open and broken Border, Crime at record levels, oil prices through the roof, inflation rising, and taken advantage of by the entire world–DO YOU MISS ME YET?" Trump said in a statement that was tweeted by his director of communications, Margo Martin.

Challenging issues facing President Joe Biden are escalating.

The president has been criticized for his plan to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan, though he has said his hands were tied due to the peace deal negotiated between the Trump administration and the Taliban.

However, as the Taliban sweeps across Afghanistan, even The New York Times said (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/12/opinion/biden-afghanistan-taliban.html) "there was still a way to pull out American troops while giving our Afghan partners a better chance to hold the gains we made with them over the last two decades."

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reminded Fox News viewers Thursday that Trump had vowed the Taliban would not regain control of the embattled country while he was president.

"We had a conditions-based plan for how we would get our young men and women back home," Pompeo said. "We were going to get our soldiers back, and we were going to make sure that this kind of thing you are seeing happened today could not happen, which is a breeding ground for what could potentially be terror attacks coming from this very place."

As for the migrant surge at the U.S.-Mexico border, U.S. Customs and Border Protection carried out 212,672 apprehensions in July, a 21-year high, according to data released Thursday. That, as COVID-19 cases rise due largely to the delta variant.

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/politics/trump-biden-miss-me-afghanistan/2021/08/13/id/1032290/